Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. mai. 9

    Mental health awareness week🫶🏼it’s ok not to be ok💛

  2. mai. 11

    Unfortunately, “mental health” is “seen” to late. I am on the verge of losing my employment from a relapse of debilitating panic attacks. I did not ask for this condition nor would I wish it upon anyone. AT&T, listen to your employees and their doctors.  

  3. mai. 11

    There's a difference between being tolerated and celebrated.being tolerated makes you feel alone while being celebrated makes you accepted despite your flaws. Dear hun,if you feel tolerated instead of celebrated, move on cause you deserve better! #

  4. mai. 6
  5. mai. 8

    It’s Mental Health Awareness Week. Let’s do all we can to spread the word and support others - especially those who are lonely or struggling 💕

  6. Duela 22 ordu
  7. mai. 7
  8. Pertsonak Guztiak ikusi

  9. mai. 11

    Never be ashamed if you're struggling with your Little steps can help you see a better tomorrow

  10. mai. 13

    Here’s your friendly reminder that you are not alone. Share this with someone that needs to hear this 😊

  11. mai. 13

    Two years ago I tore up my suicide note after months of depression I finally wanted to live again. I went out for a walk earlier reflecting on all that’s happened I couldn’t help but smile. It hasn’t been easy but I’m glad I stayed!

  12. Duela 9 ordu

    If you are going to share posts saying matters and be a true mental health advocate, please be supportive when people show undesirable symptoms. Being a mental health advocate is being supportive of individuals suffering from . We can't cherry pick!

  13. mai. 12

    Afew year's I didn't want to keep on living, but I'm glad I keep on and happy birthday to me today. You're stronger than you think you are

  14. Duela 18 ordu

    and well-being are important at all ages of life.

  15. Duela 9 ordu

    Digital healthcare platform has received a $2M grant from US-based National Institute of Mental Health to study the efficacy of digital mental health programmes. via

  16. Erakutsi hari hau

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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