Výsledky hledání
  1. 16. 4.

    “People don’t fake depression…they fake being okay.” - Robin Williams

  2. 16. 4.
  3. 17. 4.
  4. 18. 4.

    Please re-Tweet to raise awareness about attacks. (image via )

  5. 20. 4.
  6. před 15 hodinami

    Maybe it’s a good day to learn a new idiomatic expression related to , yes? “In a good place” may mean that someone is emotionally in a good state, or mentally healthy. 💚🤗 Read some of Google search results on the meaning of this idiom:

  7. Addiction is living in a body that fights to survive with a mind that tries to die. 💚

  8. před 8 hodinami

    Me once again trying to explain to my Amma and her telling me that I’m not praying enough.😑

  9. před 23 hodinami
  10. před 23 hodinami

    2 years ago this week, I tried 2 kill myself. 14 zopiclone, 8 diazepam, 24 codeine couldn’t finish me off. Still here, fucking grateful, inspired and motivated to live the best fucking life I can. Cheers Twitter cunts 🥳

  11. před 23 hodinami

    How does service work in a functional system? Because overwhelmed therapists who don’t want the liability of clients who are suicidal makes it pretty hard to function in the USA. not here

  12. před 23 hodinami
  13. před 23 hodinami

    My CHILL arrived today. Had my first but, felt immediate effects. Shoulders less tense, mind calmer, anxiety reduced. Totally worth it.

  14. před 23 hodinami
  15. před 23 hodinami

    Decent run today. Pods in, head down and just run. I've got such a busy head and a long(ish) run let's me switch off, even just for a bit. Gym and swim tomorrow morning; relax and recharge 🏊‍♂️ 🏋🏻‍♀️

  16. 20. 4.

    THIS 👇🙁👇 (thread) The removal of mask mandates AND needing to be around / who often attend super spreader events has wreaked HAVOC on my 🙁

  17. před 23 hodinami

    As Teen Mental Health Worsens, Schools Learn How to Help - via

  18. před 23 hodinami
  19. před 23 hodinami
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