2022 Q1

Lessons from the Big Quit

Nearly one-third of employees plan to look for a new job within the year, and 26% have already made phone calls or sent out their resumes to prospective employers.

Employees are departing for a variety of reasons: to sit on the sidelines of the labor market, to earn more money elsewhere or to switch fields altogether. With an increasingly competitive landscape for recruiting and retaining talented employees, executive leaders must find solutions to grow and keep operating.

The Q1 2022 edition focuses on lessons from the “Big Quit” and provides guidance on how to get work done  while short-staffed, recruit faster and better, protect institutional knowledge and bolster retention.

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    About Gartner Business Quarterly

    Gartner Business Quarterly provides business executives with insights from best practices research and the real-world experience of practitioners. The journal’s insights especially equip executives to tackle challenges that cut across the C-suite and affect multiple executive teams. Writers, contributors and data analysts are members of Gartner Research & Advisory, whose teams are led by Executive VP Mike Harris. The Gartner Business Quarterly publication is led by Editor-in-Chief Judy Pasternak, with executive sponsorship by Group VP Scott Christofferson.