Academic Visitors
The Dyson School of Design Engineering's currently visiting academics, researchers, and PhD students can be found below.
Academic Visitors
Agnese Piselli
Project Title:
Materials selection in the professional appliances industryInterests:
- Materials Selection
- Materials Experience
- Sensory analysis test
- University–industry collaboration -
Soheil Sarabandi
Personal details
Soheil Sarabandi PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of CataloniaResearch
Project Title:
Study and development of novel soft robots for dexterous manipulation and graspingInterests:
- Kinematics and Robot Design
- Manipulation
- Geometric Registration
Ali Shiva
Project Title:
Towards Soft Interaction: Active Haptic Perception in Soft Continuum RobotsInterests:
- Robotics
- Dynamics
- Control Engineering
- Morphological Computation