Click on the tab below that reflects the year that your Local Education Agency (LEA) was identified as significantly disproportionate.  This will provide you with access to relevant documents and important dates.

Select Identification Year

Welcome! This page provides information on documents and resources, as well as required events, for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) identified as Significantly Disproportionate in January 2021 by the California Department of Education (CDE).

Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Guidance, Forms, and Tools Padlet

All of the CCEIS guidance documents, required forms, required tools, and additional tools will be housed on the new CCEIS Padlet. Documents will be added to the padlet over time. Please contact Susan Stewart if you have questions.

2021 Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Reports

The 2021 Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Report and the 2021 CCEIS Plan Amendment forms are available for downloading from the 2021 CCEIS Padlet.

Community of Practice Information Session Recording

This session was recorded on January 6, 2022. Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance Consultants (California Department of Education), Kishaun Thorntona and Josh Rucker, walked through the 2021 Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Report and the 2021 CCEIS Plan Amendment form. You can view the recording on YouTube.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Document

Several questions arose during the Community of Practice information session about the 2021 Quarterly Progress and Expenditures Reports. Those questions were collected and answered in the form of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document (opens in a new tab). If there is a contradiction between the recording and the FAQs, use the information in the FAQs for guidance.

Due Dates

CCEIS Plan Due Date:

September 30, 2021

Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Report Due Dates:

  • January 10, 2022 (optional)
  • April 10, 2022 (covers initial nine-month period)
  • July 10, 2022
  • October 10, 2022
  • January 10, 2023
  • April 10, 2023
  • July 10, 2023
  • October 10, 2023 (final report)

Scheduled Events for ALL 2021 Identified LEAs

Special CCEIS Community of Practice (CoP) – Submitting 2021 Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Reports

CDE staff will walk 2021 LEAs through the Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Report, highlighting key information while providing guidance and tips on how to complete the report properly to help ensure your Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Report is accepted.

ALERT: The American Recovery Plan (APR) includes additional Special Education funds. These additional funds will require amendments to the 2021 Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Plans. CDE will also discuss the process for submitting your 2021 CCEIS Plan amendments.

Scheduled Events for Newly Identified LEAs

There are no currently scheduled events for Newly Identified LEAs.

Previous Events


Individuals from LEAs joined their colleagues for an informal question and answer event. State Performance Plan Technical Assistant Project (SPP-TAP) staff, TA Facilitators, and staff from the California Department of Education were available to answer questions about the development of 2021 CCEIS Plans. The office hours were held on June 15, 17, 22, and 24. Topics included:

  • Root Cause Analysis
  • English Learners
  • Fiscal Issues
  • Qualitative Data
  • Family Engagement
  • Culturally Sensitive Social Emotional Learning
  • Equitable Systemic Change
  • Policies, Practices, & Procedures
  • Target Populations

Workshop B

Workshop B, held on June 9, was the second of a two-workshop series designed to provide supports to LEAs identified in January 2021 as significantly disproportionate as they develop their CCEIS action plan. This is an interactive workshop where participants will put their knowledge to use through learning exercises and a working session for teams.

View recording in a new tab.

Workshop A

This virtual workshop was provided to LEAs which have been newly identified as significantly disproportionate in January 2021.

Sig Dis LEAs were given instruction and guidance regarding Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) plan development including: root cause analysis, appropriate activities, allowable expenditures, student population to receive services, and tips from the Focused Monitoring Technical Assistance (FMTA) Consultants.

View recording in a new tab.

Introduction to Significant Disproportionality Webinar Series

Three one-hour mandatory webinars for LEAs which have been newly identified as significantly disproportionate in January 2021 were presented in February. Content on the following CCEIS topics was shared:

  • Federal Requirements, California Implementation and Methodology | View recording in a new tab.
  • Understanding and Setting the Foundation | View recording in a new tab.
  • Developing a Plan for Systemic Change | View recording in a new tab.

Scheduled Events for Continuing LEAs (those identified in 2020 and 2021)

Previous Events

There are no currently scheduled events for Continuing LEAs.


Individuals from LEAs joined their colleagues for an informal question and answer event. State Performance Plan Technical Assistant Project (SPP-TAP) staff, TA Facilitators, and staff from the California Department of Education were available to answer questions about the development of 2021 CCEIS Plans. The office hours were held on June 15, 17, 22, and 24. Topics included:

  • Root Cause Analysis
  • English Learners
  • Fiscal Issues
  • Qualitative Data
  • Family Engagement
  • Culturally Sensitive Social Emotional Learning
  • Equitable Systemic Change
  • Policies, Practices, & Procedures
  • Target Populations

Brown Bag Q&A

LEAs who are significantly disproportionate for both 2020 and 2021 were able to ask questions of SPP-TAP and CDE staff about their 2021 plan development and their 2020 plan implementation.

Significant Disproportionality for Continuing Local Educational Agencies Webinar

This two-hour webinar was designed for LEAs who were identified in 2020 and 2021 as significantly disproportionate (“continuing LEAs”). The webinar provided information on what is unique for continuing LEAs as well as updates on changes to CDE forms will be provided.

View recording in a new tab.


Use this form if you are wanting to change activities and/or budget allocations.

Submit this form after receiving 2020 Grant Award Notifications (GANS).

These materials are for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) identified as significantly disproportionate in 2020.  All of the CDE required forms can also be found on CDE’s padlet.

This document outlines the steps LEAs will need to follow to get started on the programmatic improvement process.

This document describes requirements for LEAs regarding Significant Disproportionality and Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS). The CCEIS Requirements and Instructions and budget and plan forms are designed to meet federal requirements for the use of CCEIS funds.

The Assurance of Compliance document must be signed and emailed to the California Department of Education (CDE) within 30 days upon receipt of notification of Significant Disproportionality.  NOTE: due date extended to May 18, 2020.

LEAs document their CCEIS Plan development and their programmatic improvement plan on this form.  This document and the related documents are to be submitted to CDE via  Note: due date extended to December 15, 2020.

The Guidance Document for Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Plan provides detailed information about the expectations and required elements within each of the phases in the Four Phase Process for Programmatic Improvement involved in completing the CCEIS Plan.

This matrix was developed specifically to assist significantly disproportionate LEAs in meeting the federal mandate to identify, revise, and publicly share revisions to policies, practices, and procedures that are contributing factors to the LEAs’ disproportionality.  LEAs may want to refer to a completed sample of the Matrix.

This tool is designed to assist Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) as they consider the composition of both the Leadership Team and the Stakeholder Group. These teams are critical to the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Plan.

This inventory guides LEAs to identify initiatives currently being implemented and linkages between those initiatives and the actions in the CCEIS Plan.

This resource contains a list of data sets LEAs may wish to consider gathering to inform their root cause analysis process.

The Budget Allocation and Allowable Costs Budget forms are both represented in this document. LEAs will complete this document send it to CDE via

LEAs complete this document to report their target student population which will receive CCEIS and estimating the number of students to receive such services.  This document should be sent to CDE via

The Signature Page is to be completed after the CCEIS Plan has been written and has been reviewed by the signatories and will be sent to CDE via

This document describes the disproportionality determination process, risk ratio formulas, data sources and data elements used by the California Department of Education (CDE).

LEAS will use this document to report to CDE their expenditures, activities completed, and progress on the measurable outcomes indicated by the Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Programmatic Improvement Action Plan. Reports will be sent CDE via

Important Dates

(See the Significant Disproportionality CCEIS Plan Pacing Guide – DOC – NEW – May 11, 2020)

  • January 2020: Notification Letter sent to LEAs
  • February 13, 2020: Participate in the Introduction to Significant Disproportionality and the Four Phase Process for Programmatic Improvement (recorded webinar) – PLEASE NOTE:  all due dates have changed since the webinar.  The most current due dates are below.
  • February-March 2020:  Participate in CCEIS Workshop A
    • February 21: Sacramento
    • February 25: San Joaquin
    • February 26: Rohnert Park
    • February 28: West San Gabriel
    • March 2: San Mateo
    • March 3: San Diego
    • March 10: Palmdale
    • March 11: Santa Clara
  • March 2020: 
  • March-May 2020: 
    • Gather Relevant Data and Determine Gaps in Data
    • Conduct Leadership Team Meeting: Building Foundations
  • April-May 2020: 
    • Choose  a Programmatic Self-Assessment Tool
    • Complete the Local Educational Agency Initiative Inventory
    • Root Cause: Data Collection (qualitative/fill in quantitative data gaps)
  • May 2020: Gather and Review Policies, Practices, and Procedures
  • May 13 or 14, 2020:  Participate in a Significant Disproportionality: Moving Our Work Forward (recorded – opens in new window) virtual session.
  • May 18, 2020: CCEIS Assurances due to CDE
  • June-October 2020: Review and Plan for Revisions of Policies, Practices, and Procedures
  • August 2020: Conduct Stakeholder Meeting: Programmatic Self-Assessment Tool
  • September 2020:
    • Conduct Leadership Team Meeting: Data Analysis & Root Causes
    • Conduct Stakeholder Meeting: Feedback on Data Analysis and Identification of Root Causes
    • Review Policies, Practices, and Procedures
    • Draft CCEIS Plan (including required attachments)
  • September/October 2020:
    • Participate in a CCEIS Workshop B (view recording – opens in new window)
  • October 2020:
    • Conduct Stakeholder Meeting: Feedback on CCEIS Plan
  • November 2020:
    • Revise and Finalize CCEIS Plan (including required attachments)
    • Obtain Required Approvals and Signatures
  • December 15, 2020: CCEIS Plan Submission Deadline (submit all related documents to CDE via
  • Following Written Approval of CCEIS Plan by the CDE:  
    • Implement, Monitor, and Evaluation Progress on CCEIS Plan
    • Complete Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Reports (see due dates below)
  • Fall 2022:  Complete 27-Month Survey Sent Out by SPP-TAP

Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Report Due Dates:

  • January 10, 2021 (optional)
  • April 10, 2021 (covers initial nine-month period)
  • July 10, 2021
  • October 10, 2021
  • January 10, 2022
  • April 10, 2022
  • July 10, 2022
  • October 10, 2022 (final report)


These materials are for local educational agencies (LEAs) identified as significantly disproportionate in 2019.

  1. 2019 Getting Started (DOC)
  2. 2019 CCEIS Requirements and Instructions (DOC)
  3. 2019 SD-CEIS – Assurances (DOC)
  4. 2019 CCEIS Portal. Please contact Susan Stewart for access to the portal.
  5. 2019 CCEIS Plan Worksheet (DOC)
  6. 2019 Leadership and Stakeholder Identification Worksheet (DOC)
  7. 2019 LEA Initiative Inventory (DOC)
  8. 2019 Guidance Document (PDF – opens in new window) **NEW**
  9. 2019 CCEIS Budget and Allowable Costs Reporting Forms (DOC)
  10. 2019 CCEIS Target Population (DOC)
  11. 2019 Signature Page (PDF – opens in new window)
  12. 2019 CCEIS Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Report (PDF – opens in new window)

Important Dates:

  • 30 days after Notification Letter:  CCEIS Assurances due to CDE
  • March – May 2019:
    • Participate in Regional Session
    • Convene a Leadership Team
    • Participate in CDE CCEIS Workshops
  • March – September 2019:
    • Contact the State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project (SPP-TAP)
    • Select a facilitator through the SPP-TAP for Customized Technical Assistance
  • October 21, 2019: CDE CCEIS Plan Workshop (Salinas, CA)
  • January 10, 2020: CCEIS Plan Submission Deadline (ONLINE)

Quarterly Progress and Expenditure Report Due Dates:

  • January 10, 2020 (optional Expenditure Report submission)
  • April 10, 2020 (covers initial nine-month period)
  • July 10, 2020 
  • October 10, 2020
  • January 10, 2021
  • April 10, 2021
  • July 10, 2021
  • October 10, 2021