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Send money to people living in poverty, no strings attached. Operating in Kenya, Rwanda, Liberia, Malawi, Morocco, DRC, Uganda, & US. Donate:

Unit: setembre de 2011


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  1. Tuit fixat
    2 de des.

    Emmanuel’s business doubled when his village received transfers this fall. “People were coming in who had not gotten haircuts for a long while. It helps to look clean, because it gives you confidence.” He says his most requested cut is the .

  2. fa 17 hores

    Watch below to learn about the Old 4th Ward, one of the neighborhoods we’ll reach (4/4)

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  3. fa 17 hores

    The program, expected to launch in early 2022, is built with the local community and the Old 4th Ward Economic Security Task Force, , , , & . It builds on the incredible work of the Magnolia Mother's Trust run by . (3/4)

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  4. fa 17 hores

    The program is built to help the most poverty-impacted Georgians. Black women earn $0.63 on the dollar to white men in Georgia, and 38% of Black women in the Old 4th Ward of Atlanta live in poverty, compared to 26% of Black men and 8% of white women. (2/4)

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  5. fa 17 hores

    Launching the largest guaranteed income program in the South with today. The In Her Hands initiative will provide $850/mo for 2 yrs to 650+ Black women experiencing poverty in Georgia — 429 incomes have been fully funded, with 221+ to go: (1/4)

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  6. 6 de des.

    "Why are we studying [Universal Basic Income]?... Although we try to target benefits to the poorest people, it's hard. It's messy. It doesn't always work that well. It's costly. Maybe, it would be simpler and better to just enroll everybody." -

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  7. 6 de des.

    "[Traditional charities] pay lots of consultants & have lots of meetings to talk about what's the best thing we can do for the poor. We've essentially outsourced the thinking, paying the recipients to do the thinking for what they need & what's best for them." -

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  8. 1 de des.

    "You wouldn’t want to take a vaccine that wasn’t tested. Why would you push interventions on people in poverty that haven’t been either?" -

  9. 1 de des.

    Give crypto to support people in poverty this week and your donation will be TRIPLED thanks to a match from and . And you'll get a free .

  10. ha retuitat
    30 de nov.
  11. 30 de nov.

    All donations up to $160K will be doubled. Match runs until midnight PT or until the $160K runs out. This is a true match: money that isn’t matched won’t be donated by the matcher.

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  12. 30 de nov.

    Donations to people in poverty made today will be doubled! donor match at (our nod to the season of the deal)

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  13. 29 de nov.

    [Event] This Thursday at 7p ET, hear how crypto can lift people out of poverty with , , , , & more. RSVP at

    , , i 2 més
  14. 29 de nov.
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  15. 29 de nov.

    Happy to share that the has reopened all GiveDirectly operations, which means we'll be able to reach thousands of households in Uganda with cash transfers by the end of the year.

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  16. ha retuitat
    23 de nov.

    ICYMI - catch Co-founder and Chairman as he discusses the power & potential of direct cash transfers and the importance of trusting those we aim to help on the season 2 finale of .

  17. 25 de nov.

    Lilian, a turkey farmer, used ~$700 of her transfers on highway construction training at . “I want to study and fulfill my dreams as an independent woman.” She’ll complete her courses next month and be driving by January.

  18. 23 de nov.
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  19. 22 de nov.

    People in extreme poverty should get some say. The 700M+ people fighting every day to meet their basic needs are unlikely to choose to wait for future solutions. Let's not make them — we don't know how long they’ll be waiting. (8/8)

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  20. 22 de nov.

    How do we explain to people in extreme poverty that taking them out of poverty is no longer enough? And that, unless we find opportunities “5x or better” than letting them spend the money, we should hold onto it? (7/8)

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