COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving situation. When working in different community settings, follow CDC guidance External Web Site Icon to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Visit External Web Site Icon for the latest public health information.

Small cup, model of healthy teeth, tooth brush on table to represent Oral Health, Cavity Prevention

Oral Health

Mouth and throat diseases, which range from cavities to cancer, cause pain and disability for millions of Americans each year, yet almost all oral diseases are largely preventable.

Task Force Findings
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Summary Table

This summary of CPSTF findings to improve oral health can be used as a reference, included in presentations, or shared with colleagues.

Implementation Resources

Implementation Products

CDC’s Health Impact in 5 Years (HI-5) Initiative External Web Site Icon
HI-5 highlights non-clinical, community-wide approaches that have evidence reporting 1) positive health impacts, 2) results within five years, and 3) cost effectiveness and/or cost savings over the lifetime of the population or earlier. The website features links to implementation resources and success stories that can help communities get started.

Water Fluoridation External Web Site Icon

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