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Funds raised US$364,594,924
Nets funded 174,186,257
People protected 313,535,263

Ways to donate

Donate online

By bank

By mail

Donation of securities

Donation of bitcoins

Which donation method is best?

However you prefer to make a donation is fine.
All other things being equal, we prefer:
  1. For donations less than US$5,000, an online donation using credit or debit card
  2. For donations more than US$5,000, an offline donation - by bank transfer or by mail (cheque/check) - to eliminate fees.

More information about credit/debit card transaction fees

Donate nets as gifts...

Nets as gifts

Other information people often ask for...

Recurring donations (We love these!)

There are two ways of making a recurring donation:

1. Online donation using a credit card
Select 'Donate online' above and in step 3 of the process select 'Make this a recurring payment' and then chose the frequency. You then do not need to do anything else. A donation will be taken automatically on your credit or debit card with your chosen frequency. You are sent a receipt by email each time a donation is taken so you know when a donation is taken. You retain control and, should you wish to, you can cancel the donation at any time by clicking on a link included in each donation receipt.

2. By bank transfer
Most banks will allow you to specify if it is a recurring donation and with what frequency. You can cancel the recurring donation at any time by informing your bank.

AMF as a beneficiary of a will

If you would like to make a bequest to AMF in your will then the details you need to include will depend upon the jurisdiction you are in. You can find the charity details for your particular country on our charity status page (if your country is not listed please use the UK details). The contact details to include should be those for Rob Mather as shown on our contact us page. If you would like to contact us directly please do not hesitate to do so.

We have been asked whether there is any specific language that needs to be included in the will and as far as we are aware, there is not, aside from it making clear that AMF is an intended beneficiary which is most simply done by including the relevant charity number/s and contact details.

Need a tax receipt?

A receipt is sent immediately an automatically when a donation is made online using a credit or debit card. These acknowledgements are normally sufficient to satisfy local tax requirements. Some countries have slightly different tax regulations and if you require a more formal tax receipt, or have made an offline donation (by bank transfer or cheque/check) and wish to be emailed a receipt, please email ().

Gift Aid (UK donors only)

If you pay UK tax* you can make a Gift Aid declaration and we will be able to claim 25% from the British Government on top of your donation and it won't cost you a penny! If you donate online you can simply tick the Gift Aid box during the donation process, otherwise you can find a gift aid form on the bank transfer or mail pages. * you need to have paid UK income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the 25% that we will claim.