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Funds raised US$364,445,671
Nets funded 174,111,630
People protected 313,400,934

Distribution Partners

AMF works with the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) in each country and with specific distribution partners for each distribution who may take full operational responsibility for a distribution or may have specific monitoring and evaluation roles in line with the high levels of data-led accountability AMF requires. We first speak with National Malaria Control Programmes and other organisations to establish net need in a country and attitude to accountability, which can then lead to more detailed discussions and identifying in-country distribution partners.

In the last few years, some of the distribution partners AMF has worked are: Concern Universal (Malawi), IMA World Health (Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC) and Episcopal Relief & Development, ERD (Ghana).

A list of organisations we have worked with since AMF started is shown below, the majority being partners on small scale distributions more than four years ago.

ACDT  |  African Rural Schools Foundation  |  All For Children Inc  |  Amazon Promise
AMREF  |  AMREF/Akamba  |  Baraka Community Partnership  |  BioVision
Concern Universal  |  Danyi's Children  |  Drive Against Malaria  |  ERD/NetsForLife
FOAG  |  GHEI  |  Global Minimum (Gmin)  |  GUSUK/TAYAM
Health in Harmony  |  His Nets  |  Holy Innocents  |  IMA World Health/DFID
Individs  |  International Midwife Assistance  |  Kalene Mission Hospital  |  Kids Aid Tanzania/Lions Club llemela
LSHTM  |  Lutheran Church of Hope  |  MACOBO  |  Malaria Consortium
Malteser Intl  |  Merlin  |  Natiki Health FO  |  Navrongo HRC
Ndebele Arts Project  |  NetLife / Peace Corps Volunteers  |  NetLife Africa  |  NICCO
NMCP The Gambia  |  NMCP/ERD  |  NMCP/Various  |  Partners In Health
PCI  |  PCV  |  PeacePal  |  PMN
PNLP/IMA  |  PNLP/SANRU  |  PNLP/TBD  |  Power of Love Foundation
Project Have Hope  |  Project Muso  |  Project Restore  |  Pro-Link Ghana
PSI  |  Red Cross  |  Rotary Club of Port Moresby  |  Rotary International
Save the Children  |  SmileGambia  |  SOS Enfants BF  |  SOVA
St Nicholas Parish Church  |  SurfAid  |  Suto Yediya  |  To be announced
Uganda Lodge  |  UNICEF  |  Vass Medical Foundation  |  Wellspring of Hope
WILMA  |  WomensTrust  |  World Vision  |  World Vision / RAPIDS
YIF  |  ZDIF  |  

The Africa Childrens Development Trust is a UK based non profit organisation dedicated to providing chiropractic care & protection from malaria to underprivileged children in Uganda. The Trust aims to provide 6 monthly chiropractic care to children under 16 years of age living in some of the poorest areas, villages & orphanages. The Trust will also strive to provide each child with a mosquito net to support the prevention of malaria which kills approx 800,000 children in Africa each year.

African Rural Schools Foundation
The mission of the African Rural Schools Foundation is: to upgrade the literacy, economy, health and well-being of African citizens by providing: affordable schools for disadvantaged children in rural areas and emotional support for students who are affected or orphaned by HIV/AIDS.

All For Children Inc
All For Children is a student-run, nonprofit, charitable organization based in Indianapolis, Indiana U.S.A. dedicated to serving children in our community and around the world through humanitarian service projects. Our goals are:
1. To heighten the sensitivity of U.S. high school and college students toward the needs of underprivileged children locally and overseas.
2. To promote the positive impact that goodwill can have on the lives of others at home and around the world.
3. To focus on one international anti-malaria project and two community projects each year.
4. To give back.

Amazon Promise
Amazon Promise is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed to provide desperately needed medical care to remote, poverty-stricken populations living in the Upper Amazon Basin of Northeastern Peru. Since 1993, Amazon Promise has been providing essential medical services and education to residents of Iquitos and neighboring Belén, along with routine medical outreach and local training and education in 36 jungle villages located throughout Loreto, Peru's largest state.

African Medical and Research Foundation's (AMREF) mission is to improve the health of disadvantaged people in Africa as a means for them to escape poverty and improve the quality of their lives. One of our Priority Intervention Areas (PIAs) is malaria.

AAF is an independent charitable trust based in South Somerset. It was set up in 1999 with the aim of enabling the poorest rural communities in Eastern Kenya to have access to the essentials of life that we take for granted and have done for generations.

Baraka Community Partnership
Baraka Community Partnerships (BCP) is a British charitable foundation set up in 2007 by a few private sponsors. Our focus is on assisting a few small, impoverished communities at a time to give themselves a better life. Our approach is one of collaboration with the communities we work with and our ultimate goal is long-term sustainability and self-sufficiency through education, healthcare,
environmental protection and support of small businesses.

BioVision is an independent Swiss foundation running specific projects that help to alleviate poverty and disease and improve the liveli-hoods of people living in extreme poverty. In Africa we concentrate on improving health with a special focus on women and children.

Concern Universal
Concern Universal supports initiatives that improve the daily lives of people living in some of the world's poorest communities - for instance providing greater income earning opportunities, improved health care, or clean water supply.

Danyi's Children
DANYI'S CHILDREN has been working to improve the quality of life for the children of Danyi N'Digbe, Togo, since 2003. Every penny raised goes directly to the kids! And thanks to our supporters, they now have their first real elementary school building, a library with computers and a fully-stocked nurse's office.

Drive Against Malaria
Drive Against Malaria raises money to buy and distribute bednets.

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) responds to human suffering around the world. We provide emergency assistance after disasters, rebuild communities, and help children and families climb out of poverty. ERD is an implementing partner for NetsForLife sm.

The Worcestershire Farmers Overseas Action Group, FOAG, is an independent charity that supports projects in Uganda which are seeking to improve the quality of life in their communities. It was founded in 1981 by a nucleus of Worcestershire farming families to practically help to address the needs of rural Uganda.

Ghana Health and Education Initiative's objective is to help build a sustainable future for the people of Ghana through community-based health and education projects.

Global Minimum (Gmin)
Gmin is a small group - 4 people initially - that aims to punch above its weight. Our current focus is providing long-lasting insecticidal nets to achieve blanket coverage in a number of villages in the east of Sierra Leone. More about us on our website.

The Association of Youths Against Malaria was established in June of 1997 in the town of Bakau as a voluntary, community based organization to complement the efforts of the government health system and other organizations involved in the fight against malaria.
The Gambia United Society is a UK registered charity whose objectives include reaching out to all Gambians and friends of the Gambia in the UK, Europe and elsewhere with the view to providing charitable assistance to people in the Gambia.

Health in Harmony
Health in Harmony supports an innovative program in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, that partners with local communities to integrate high quality, affordable health care with strategies to protect the threatened rain forest.

His Nets
His Nets is a non-profit charity begun in 2005 to fight malaria especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. His Nets focus is distributing LLINs to those who need them most: pregnant women and families with children under 5. A non-denominational organization, His Nets makes no distinction as to ethnic or religious origin when distributing nets to those who need them most.

Holy Innocents
Holy Innocents is a non-political, non-sectarian, faith-based organization based in California dedicated to building the first children's hospital in Uganda for treatment of malaria and to providing nets to prevent children from getting malaria in the first place.

IMA World Health/DFID
IMA manages complex programs to fight disease and meet the health care needs of vulnerable and marginalized people. IMA's programs focus on improving the accessibility and quality of health care among people who need it most. The UK Government's Department of International Development (DFID) is a co-funding partner.

A group of individuals in New York raised funds to bednet an entire village in Cameroon one of them came from.

International Midwife Assistance
International Midwife Assistance (IMA) is a charitable, nonprofit, humanitarian organization. IMA is secular and non political. Our mission is to raise the standard of maternal/infant care in developing nations and areas experiencing crises in maternal/infant care. We place midwives and other healthcare professionals in hospitals, clinics and homes to provide care

Kalene Mission Hospital
Kalene Mission Hospital is in the northwest corner of Zambia, approximately 20 kilometres from the borders of Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Kids Aid Tanzania/Lions Club llemela
Kids Aid Tanzania is a British registered charity (No.1111220) formed in 2005 to help Tanzanians who are tackling poverty and disability amongst vulnerable children, particularly when their work falls outside the funding strategies of the major aid agencies.

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is Britain's national school of public health and a leading postgraduate institution in Europe for public health and tropical medicine.

Lutheran Church of Hope
Lutheran Church of Hope organized as a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in November 1994.

MACOBO are partners of the Malawi Association for Christian Support [MACS], within Malawi

Malaria Consortium
The Malaria Consortium is one of the few not-for-profit organisations dedicated to combating malaria. More than 90% of our resources are based in Africa. We support Ministries of Health and partners in over twenty African and Asian countries through offices in Uganda, Mozambique, Sudan, Zambia and Ethiopia.

Malteser Intl
Malteser International is the worldwide relief service of the Sovereign Order of Malta for humanitarian aid. With more than 800 local and 100 international staff, Malteser International covers around 200 humanitarian projects in over 40 countries in Africa, Asia, America and Europe. The organisation has more than 50 years experience in specialised humanitarian aid which it provides in all parts of the world to those in greatest need without distinction of religion, race or political persuasion.

Merlin is the only specialist UK charity which responds worldwide with vital health care and medical relief for vulnerable people caught up in natural disasters, conflict, disease and health system collapse.

Natiki Health FO
Natiki Health FO was created in 2003 and focuses on health and development issues in Kakoro sub County. High HIV/Aids and malaria rates significantly affect the local people, economy and development.

Navrongo HRC
The NHRC is set up to conduct research into major national and international health problems with the aim of informing policy for the improvement of health.

Ndebele Arts Project
Ndebele Art Project is dedicated to sustaining the lives and preserving the incomparable artistry and culture of the endangered Ndebele people of Africa through a long-term commitment to environmental sustainability, the promotion of tribal self-sufficiency, the provisions of healthcare, education and other services. Our mission is to help ensure a future of hope and possibility for generations to come.

NetLife / Peace Corps Volunteers

NetLife Africa
Netlife was founded by Saint Louis University Medical Students, Andrew Sherman and Jesse Matthews, who distribute nets in Senegal. They do this during their summer vacation. Netlife is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of malaria.

NICCO, a non-governmental organization which has long history, was founded in Kyoto. NICCO has operated urgent disaster assistance, self-reliance support, rural environment protection and human resource development for about 30 years.
Currently, NICCO operates its missions in Middle East, Africa, Asia and Japan.

NMCP The Gambia
The National Malaria Control Programme in The Gambia overseas all anti malaria programmes in the country.

NMCP - The National Malaria Control Programme, Uganda.

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) responds to human suffering around the world. ERD provides emergency assistance after disasters, rebuilds communities, and helps children and families climb out of poverty. ERD is an implementing partner for NetsForLife sm.

The National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) leads malaria control activities in Sierra Leone. Engagement would also be with a number of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in-country.

Partners In Health
Through service, training, advocacy, and research, and by establishing long-term relationships with sister organizations, Partners In Health strives to achieve two overarching goals: to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair.

Project Concern International (PCI) is a leading health and humanitarian assistance organization dedicated to building healthy communities and saving the lives of children and families around the world. We reach three million people annually with programs in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

The Peace Corps traces its roots and mission to 1960, when then Senator John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. From that inspiration grew an agency of the federal government devoted to world peace and friendship.

Project PeacePal is an international peace through education organization that strives to create the next generation of leaders and peace builders through international friendships and the application of peace-building skills in daily life.

Project Mosquito is a collaborative project between BTC and POL and the Kenyan based Akado Medical Clinic. The project's focus is the alleviation of endemic malaria in the Suba District of Kenya. The clinic is provided with long lasting mosquito bed nets (LLINs) which the staff distributes to orphaned and vulnerable children and pregnant mothers in the Suba District.




Power of Love Foundation
The Power of Love Foundation is a secular US non-profit that was founded in 2002 by 3 friends Suresh and Alka Subramanian, and Ellen Furnari to develop community responses to the AIDS crisis in Africa. For some years, the founders had been traveling to and funding programs in Kenya and Zambia independently. The founders believed that by utilizing technology and business processes appropriately to build creative solutions, a great opportunity existed to increase the output of care from each dollar donated.

Today, POL funds and runs projects in Zambia, Kenya and India targeted toward helping children infected with HIV or affected by the AIDS epidemic.

Project Have Hope
Project Have Hope works with a group of 100 women in the Acholi Quarter of Uganda and helps them transform their lives and the lives of their families.

Project Muso
Project Muso Ladamunen (the Project for the Empowered Woman) was launched in June 2005. Through four principle initiatives, Women’s Education Program, Springboard Microfinance Program, Community-Based Malaria Program, Community Action Committee, Project Muso equips participants with skills and resources to resolve the root causes of disease.

Project Restore
Project Restore was organized with the goal of joining in the fight to bring about change in these global issues. We believe that what is broken or damaged, neglected, forgotten, or impoverished has value and beauty. It's worth restoring. It can be whole, beautiful, esteemed, and rich once again.

Pro-Link Ghana
Pro-Link Organisation is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) located in Ghana, Africa. Pro-Link was established in 1993 and registered under the Companies' code, 1963 (Act 179). Pro-Link has programmes in HIV/AIDS education, care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), as well as care for orphans and vulnerable children. Other programmes include income generation for women, skills training for street youth and livestock project for poor families.

Population Services International (PSI) is a not-for-profit organization which has been delivering products and services to improve health and save lives in the fields of malaria and other public health priority areas since the 1970's. Today, PSI is supporting Ministries of Health in 70 countries across the world.

Red Cross
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is a network of 183 National Societies worldwide. Our headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland, from where we provide members with technical, material, human, and financial support to better respond to emergencies and to major health problems.

Rotary Club of Port Moresby
Rotary Club of Port Moresby

Rotary International
Rotary is a worldwide organization of more than 1.2 million business, professional, and community leaders. Members of Rotary clubs, known as Rotarians, provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

Save the Children
Save the Children fights for children's rights; we deliver immediate and lasting improvement to children's lives worldwide. We look forward to a world which respects and values each child, which listens to children and learns, where all children have hope and opportunity.

SMILE is a UK based registered charity with long standing links with schools and individuals in West Africa and has had first hand experience of the devastating effects of malaria. We work in partnership with local communities.

SOS Enfants BF
SOS Enfants Orodara, active since 1999, actively promotes and protects the rights of children in the Kenedougou region of Burkina Faso. They work with multiple international partners and local community groups to develop projects which assist orphans and vulnerable children by providing refuge and counseling, tuition assistance, health care and health education, and development of small enterprise.

As a lead NGO in South Orissa, we build the capacity of local NGOs and community-based organizations so they can work to their full potential. The grassroots community organizations and programs we develop and support provide tribals a platform to make informed decisions, stand up for their rights and help each other thrive. We measure success not by our own actions, but by those adopted and carried forward by the tribals themselves.

St Nicholas Parish Church
There is a strong link between St Nicholas Parish Church, Prestwick, Scotland and the Phiri Church and surrounding community in Nkhatabay District, Malawi.

A non-profit organization dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering through community-based health programs. SurfAid has the support of the New Zealand and Australian governments and the global surfing community.

Suto Yediya
Suto Yediya is an organization dedicated to providing long lasting insecticidal treated nets to Gambian families that are at a high risk for the contraction of malaria. Our goal is to provide "blanket coverage" for the remote village of Barrow Kunda in the Upper River Division of The Gambia. Like most rural Gambian villages, Barrow Kunda has suffered immensly from malaria. But if our project is successful, every person in Barrow Kunda will sleep under a treated net and the malaria burden for this village will be significantly reduced.

To be announced
To be announced

Uganda Lodge
Text coming soon...

United Nations Children's Fund
is the world's leading organisation working specifically for children. We work with local communities and governments in 155 countries, areas and territories, to provide emergency relief and run long-term development programmes in areas such as health, education and child protection.

Vass Medical Foundation
The Vass Medical Foundation is a UK and Nigeria based medical charity committed solely to the fight against malaria. The foundation consists of a team of doctors, pharmacists, scientists, entrepreneurs and other people who believe given the right support the war against this menace, which is a threat for up to 40% of the world's population, can be won.

Wellspring of Hope
We strive to make a positive difference in the lives of underprivileged children in Cameroon, Africa and beyond through education and financial support.

WILMA promotes development in Africa through indigenous leadership. We enable committed African leaders to take control of their own development efforts.

WomensTrust is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports programs to empower women and girls in the developing world through microcredit, education, and healthcare. Our primary focus is the poor and very poor women and girls of Pokuase (poe-KWA-see) in Ghana, West Africa, but we extend our not-for-profit umbrella to programs that share our mission.

World Vision
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization, dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide, to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

World Vision / RAPIDS
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Reaching HIV/AIDS Affected People with Integrated Development and Support (RAPIDS) is a consortium of six NGO's; World Vision (lead agency), Africare, CARE, CRS, Expanded Church Response and The Salvation Army.

Yaounde Initiative Foundation (YIF) is a not-for-profit organisation focusing on overcoming key practical constraints on socio-economic development in rural communities in Cameroon. The Foundation's goal is to improve the health and well being of communities through the control of insect vectors of human diseases, improved agricultural production and environmental protection.

Zinduka is a locally run non profit charitable organization which has been working with in Nyamuswa for over 6 years, has helped 140 local needy children go to school, and has coordinated visits by medical professionals and teachers to work in their local community.