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Funds raised US$364,411,155
Nets funded 174,094,372
People protected 313,369,870

Information we publish

We publish the following information relating to a distribution.

Distribution Proposal

A two-page, twenty-question document summarises where a distribution will take place and all planning, operational and follow-up elements. This is completed by a distribution partner and approved by our Malaria Advisory Group.See an example

Pre-distribution registration survey (PDRS) information

A household-level survey is carried out by the distribution partner to establish the number of sleeping spaces and the number of perfectly usable LLINs already in place. This net need, per household, forms the basis of the distribution.

Distribution Report

This is a summary report received several weeks after the end of a distribution describing what happened, including: any problems, solutions, and lessons learned. We may also receive single page weekly reports during the distribution, summarising progress. See an example

Photos and Videos

Distribution partners are required to provide a minimum number of photos and minutes of video footage taken during the distribution. This acts as an element of verification for us, as well as being of wider interest to donors and others, to see what went on during the distribution. See an example

Post-distribution surveys

Continued use of nets is very important. Every six months, a post-distribution survey is carried out to assess net usage and net condition. Approximately 5% of the nets distributed are assessed through visits to randomly selected households. The data collected are used to determine if additional community-level malaria education activities are required. All data are published. See an example

Malaria case rate data

We collect and publish monthly malaria case rate data to help us assess and monitor the impact of the nets. Data are collected from all health centres in a distribution zone including 12 months of historic information prior to the distribution, to allow comparison. This involves maintaining contact with all health centres in the distribution area and ensuring reliable malaria case rate data is recorded. All data are published and shown graphically. See an example

Future distributions

We publish status information for all distributions under consideration, but are not yet approved.