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Funds raised US$460,589,543
Nets funded 222,758,413
People protected 400,965,143

Equateur Province, 2022, Congo (Dem. Rep.)  


Nets: 1,663,000 LLINs
When: Oct 22
Distributed by:  NMCP/Various

1.7 million nets will be distributed in all 18 Health Zones to achieve universal coverage (all sleeping spaces covered) across a population of some 3.1 million people.



Donations funding nets     view donations funding non-net costs

We allocate donations individually to specific distributions. This is consistent with being accountable and transparent with the funds we receive. It also allows donors to engage with a net distribution by being able to follow the progress of the nets they have funded. A distribution is typically divided into a series of locations.


  • 1,488 donations from 1,119 donors in 40 countries
  • Smallest donation: US$1.00, largest donation: US$250,000
  • (*Figures are 'to date' as funds are still being allocated)


Click on a location to view the donations that funded it.

Survey status

Surveys take place 6, 18, 30 and 42 months post-distribution. A survey of 50 households provides sample information on what proportion of nets continue to be used, if they are used correctly and the state of the nets.

  • Expected
  • Not expected
  • Very good/good
  • Acceptable
  • Not OK
  • Partner Refused
# LLINs LocationWhenStatus
166,550   Basankusu ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
98,850   Bikoro ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
73,550   Bolenge ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
184,000   Bolomba ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
74,150   Bomongo ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
61,800   Djombo ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
79,000   Iboko ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
101,900   Ingende ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
55,900   Irebu ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
35,050   Lilanga Bobangi ZdS, Équateur Pr… Oct 22 Status

Survey status

Surveys take place 6, 18, 30 and 42 months post-distribution. A survey of 50 households provides sample information on what proportion of nets continue to be used, if they are used correctly and the state of the nets.

  • Expected
  • Not expected
  • Very good/good
  • Acceptable
  • Not OK
  • Partner Refused
# LLINs LocationWhenStatus
75,650   Lolanga ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
81,200   Lotumbe ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
100,450   Lukolela ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
87,700   Makanza ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
149,900   Mbandaka ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
52,400   Monieka ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
49,850   Ntondo ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status
135,100   Wangata ZdS, Équateur Province Oct 22 Status

Distribution status

The bednet distribution programmes go through a number of different states from being manufactured to being installed over a head/bed:
  • Pre-manufacture
  • Being manufactured
  • Ready at factory
  • En-route to country
  • Arrived in country
  • En-route to zone
  • Being distributed
  • Distribution complete