Our Process
A summary of the overall operation of AMF is shown below. This process is a little modified from that followed in prior years due to an initial focus now on discussions with National Malaria Control Programmes (NMCPs) and other organisations to
establish net need and attitude to accountability, which precede discussions with
in-country partners.
- AMF receives funds from individuals and groups who organise fundraising activities
or who simply donate.
- 100% of these funds from the public are used to buy long-lasting
insecticidal (mosquito) nets (LLINs).
- Donations from a small group of donors
are ring-fenced to cover any non-net costs.
- AMF discusses with the NMCP and other parties whether there is a need for nets.
Co-funding discussions may take place with funding partners.
- AMF identifies
and approaches organisations, potential distribution partners, that may have the
resources and necessary experience in-country to participate in a net distribution.
Participation may include carrying out PDCUs, other monitoring activities during
the pre-distribution or distribution phase, or taking a significant management,
planning or operational role in the distribution itself.
- Advice and comment
is sought as necessary from AMF's Malaria Advisory Group, made up of world leading
- If AMF approves funding for a distribution,
an agreement is signed with the NMCP and with co-funding or distribution partners
as necessary.
- All details of each approved distribution are made available to
the public on dedicated distribution pages.
The NMCP/distribution partner then carries out the distribution of nets, including
a number of required components that are part of the overall service delivery as
a) pre-distribution activity in the area to receive nets to establish: a list of
beneficiaries, specifically the net need per individual household; full cooperation
and involvement of local community leaders and health officers; a plan for the receipt,
transport, distribution, malaria-education, delivery to all beneficiaries, hanging
and post-distribution follow up of the nets
b) the distribution of nets including: malaria education delivery; signed
lists showing beneficiaries who have received nets; photos and video footage of
the distribution; and an immediate Post-Distribution Report (PDR) reporting to AMF
on key aspects and numbers for the distribution
c) post-distribution activity that includes an assessment of the hang-up rate of
nets which triggers additional intervention if necessary, as well as longer term
post distribution check-ups (PDCUs) that take place via household visits, typically
every 6 months post-distribution of the nets.
- AMF makes public on its website the relevant documents, reports and surveys for each distribution (example). AMF links every donation received to a specific distribution so donors can see exactly where the nets they have funded have been distributed (details, example)
How we make decisions regarding individual