Educator Professional Learning Courses are offered throughout the year by NCOE’s department of Continuous Improvement and Academic Support. We are committed to offering all educators the opportunity to continuously learn and grow in their practice.
- Identify current problems of practice
- Access expert information to make a plan for change
- Network with colleagues for innovative thought partnership
- Participate in continuous cycles of growth for your practice
Dates & Time
September 2021 – details TBD
via Zoom
- Participants may include any staff involved in health education
- There are a total of 4 asynchronous courses and four live webinars paired with content to support district staff in design and implementation.
- Participants can earn a $50 stipend for each completed session and course.
Date(s) & Time: Tuesdays, 4:00-5:30
Session 1: 2/2/21
Session 2: 2/23/2021
Session 3: 3/16/2021
Session 4: 4/13/2021
Location: via Zoom
Cost: FREE
Printable Flyer (new window)
The Content, Literacy, Inquiry, and Citizenship (CILC) Project
This is an exciting opportunity to participate in the shifts from the History-Social Science Framework, which include:
- A focus on inquiry at the core
- Community of practice network
- An engaged and knowledgeable citizenry in history using the C3 Framework
- An approach that integrates culturally and linguistically responsive teaching to ensure that ALL students thrive
Virtual Professional Learning Events:
History-Social Science Community of Practice for 2021-22
Free Community of Practice for teachers, TOSAs, Department Chairs, or district/site leadership to:
- Collaborate with colleagues on the latest practices in HSS
- Create a network of HSS educators in the region
- Get updates on key happenings in the HSS community
Community of Practice Series dates: Oct 21, Dec 2, Feb 10, March 24 3:30-5:00 REGISTER
Printable Flyer (new window)
Planning for Integrating Ethnic Studies Series
No-cost event where educators can collaborate to:
- Review concepts in Ethnic Studies
- Identify curricular alignment
- Share existing curriculum and ideas
Digging Deeper into the Ethnic Studies Curriculum dates: Oct 2, Nov 18, Jan 27, March 10 REGISTER
Printable Flyer (new window)
Introduction to Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) eliminates barriers in the design of the learning environment and makes curriculum accessible to all students.
Cost: Contract for customized services
Workshop Objectives:
- Understand the underlying principles of UDL – Printable Flyer (new window)
- Understand the basic neuroscience to reach all learners
- Explore & use UDL principles for designing instruction to meet student needs
- Engage in professional conversations around UDL applications across classrooms
UDL: Teaching to Learner Variability
Customized training option for staff on site
Please contact Jill Barnes with NCOE.