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The Annual Event: The three-day Mom Congress event held each May, brings mothers together to connect with influential change agents and advocate for change in legislative policy on capitol hill.

The Movement: Mom Congress is the U.S. mother’s rights movement addressing the most pressing policy issues of motherhood including what we call the “motherload” (the stress that U.S. mothers carry, at higher rates than other developed countries). 

Our work is non-partisan as supporting the health and wellbeing of mothers transcends party politics; When mothers thrive, the U.S. thrives.

Mom Congress is a coalition of non-profit organizations and individual moms, supported by business partners.  Our leaders are guiding important conversations about motherhood with legislators, federal agencies and the media.

The Policy Agenda: The 2019-2020 Mom Congress agenda is anchored around improving maternal health — the care we receive during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. We’re building on the momentum of the recent successful efforts addressing maternity care, including reversing the rising maternal mortality rates and health disparities among African American mothers, and efforts to identify and treat maternal mental health disorders like postpartum depression.  

As the role of the government is to protect the safety and wellbeing of its citizens, we believe more can and should be done to protect the lives and wellbeing of mothers surrounding childbirth.

 Legislation is being touted as the Momnibus bill package: multiple bills that address for the first time the comprehensive needs of expecting, birthing and new mothers.





Upcoming Events


The Movement:

Mom Congress™ is the U.S. mother’s rights membership organization that is addressing the most pressing policy issues of motherhood including what we call the “motherload” (the stress that U.S. mothers carry, at higher rates than other developed countries). Mothers, those who experienced birth loss, and those who support the work of Mom Congress are invited to become members of our growing community.

The Moment:

Each year passionate mothers convene to connect with influential change agents, be inspired and learn how to drive change in legislative policy on Capitol Hill.


Mom Congress 2019 on Capitol Hill