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Get Involved Individuals

Get involved

Attend our virtual and in person events (you don't have to be a member), sign up for eNews to learn more.

As an Individual you can get involved in changing U.S. policy to support motherhood in the two following ways:

1. Sign up for Mom Congress Enews

Learn about and take part in Action Alerts, like signing a petition to pass a bill. Sign up for eNews.

2. Become a Member of Mom Congress

Invest $45 a year to support policy that supports motherhood. Our dream is to one day be as big as the NRA and AARP because when a mom is supported, family, community and the nation can thrive. Become a member below.


Join us by investing in our grassroots movement by becoming a member. Together we can champion policy change to support motherhood.

This includes Mothers who have lost a child or others who support motherhood. Become a member to show your individual commitment to Mom Congress.

Membership includes:

  • Use of the Mom Congress Member logo on social media, your email auto signature or anywhere you see fit

  • 25% Discount on Mom Congress events

  • Admission to the Mom Congress Online Community to connect with other advocates in:

    • Your state

    • Two Caucus Groups of your choice:

      • Black and Native American Maternal Health

      • Working Mothers: Paid Family Leave & Affordable Child Care

      • Maternal Mortality

      • Maternal Mental Health

    • New Members: A Mom Congress stainless steel water bottle

  • Plus, you will be the first to hear about event details and other exciting news


Give the Gift of Membership

Mom Congress 2021 Individual Member badge

Mom Congress 2021 Individual Member badge


Colette Louise Tisdahl Memorial Scholarship

Mom Congress gratefully honors the life of Colette Louise Tisdahl through this scholarship fund generously offered by her parents Michelle and Mark Tisdahl. Once you have applied for a scholarship you will be contacted by our team within 48 hours with details for joining the online community.


Influencers with more than 10,000 followers (primarily mothers) on any one social media platform are invited to become members on a complimentary basis.