Travel Grants

The IRTF is pleased to be able to provide a limited number of travel grants and other financial support to attend research group meetings and workshops. The following types of support are available:

Diversity Travel Grants

Once in-person events resume after the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope to offer Diversity Travel Grants to support early-career academics and PhD students from under-represented groups to attend the IRTF research group meetings co-located with in-person IETF meetings.

Please contact the IRTF Chair if you are interested in sponsoring such travel grants.

Applied Networking Research Workshop Travel Grants

The ACM/IRTF Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW) is an annual academic workshop that provides a forum for researchers, vendors, network operators, and the Internet standards community to present and discuss emerging results in applied networking research, and to find inspiration from topics and open problems discussed at the IETF.

A number of travel grants are available for students to attend the ANRW each year. The requirements, application process, and deadline vary slightly each year, so please see the ANRW webpage for details of the current workshop and its travel grant programme.

Support to attend co-located IRTF and IETF meetings

Many IRTF Research Groups meet co-located with IETF standards meetings. Registration for these meetings is handled by the IETF, and a single registration permits attendance at the IETF working groups and at any co-located IRTF research group meetings. The IETF offers a substantial discount on the registration fee for full-time students, and a discounted pass for one day attendance.

Live streaming and remote attendance at such meetings is also available. This is free of charge, but requires advance registration.

Details are provided on the IETF Registration Page.

The IRTF has a limited number of complementary one day passes available to cover registration costs for those who would not otherwise be able to attend an IRTF research group meeting co-located with the IETF. Contact the IRTF chair for details, explaining why you need such a pass, and stating what research group(s) you wish to attend, at what meeting, and what contribution you will make to the group.