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Episcopal Relief & Development's NetsforLife® Program

Episcopal Relief & Development’s NetsforLife® program applied to be a top-rated charity in 2015. As part of this process, Episcopal Relief & Development shared documents with us and agreed to make them public. Here we provide a list of those documents, as well as notes from our conversations with Episcopal Relief & Development.

In February 2016, we shared our interim review of NetsforLife® with Episcopal Relief & Development. After some questions to clarify next steps, Episcopal Relief & Development declined to move forward with the process. Therefore we have not published our interim review or awarded a $100,000 participation grant to Episcopal Relief & Development.

More information: What is our evaluation process?

Published: March 2016

Conversation notes

Published documents

Document Source
Episcopal Relief & Development Audited Expenditure Reports 2013-2014 Source
Episcopal Relief & Development Budget 2015 Source
Ghana 2nd Quarter Monitoring Report 2013 Source
Ghana 4th Quarter Monitoring Report 2013 Source
LLIN Distribution Training Manual Ghana 2010 Source
NetsforLife® Baseline Questionnaire 2014 Source
NetsforLife® DRC Hang Up Study Preliminary Report 2012 Source
NetsforLife® Evaluation Report Ghana 2012 Source
NetsforLife® Evaluation Report Sierra Leone 2013 Source
NetsforLife® Evaluation Report Zambia 2013 Source
NetsforLife® Phase II Evaluation Report 2013 Source
NetsforLife® Response to GiveWell's Questions 2015 Source
URC Process Evaluation 2010 Ghana Campaign Source
Zambia 1st Quarter Monitoring Report 2014 Source
Zambia 2nd Quarter Monitoring Report 2014 Source