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News for 2010 - Show latest items

GiveWell recommendations increase donations

We are extremely grateful to the increasing number of people who have decided to donate to Against Malaria as a direct result of our positive ratings from GiveWell (see previous post). The individual amounts vary from the equivalent of a single net to a recent donation which would cover over 18,000 nets. In total almost US $250,000 has been donated by people who told us they heard about AMF through GiveWell.

Best wishes for the holiday season

We'd like to wish everyone a happy holiday season and a fantastic 2011.

With your help we have passed many milestones this year and hope to do the same, if not more, next year.

Thank you for your support. It is hugely appreciated.

If you are having trouble finding a seasonal gift then perhaps Nets Instead could be the answer! We'd also like to let you know that we now have a 'recurring donation' facility which is an option whenever you make a donation.

Best wishes

Rob, Andrew, Sean, Jane, Sara, Binta 


Planning Saves Lives

Malaria is not an equal-opportunity disease. Children under the age of 5 and pregnant women are significantly more likely to contract malaria, so these vulnerable groups require special attention. To save lives most effectively, our combined efforts must ensure that children and pregnant women receive, understand and use crucial bednets.

According to a recent WHO study,34% of households in malaria-prone regions owned an insecticide-treated net, but only 23% of children under 5 years, and only 27% of pregnant women, slept under one. That discrepancy is immensely concerning. If the international community hopes to achieve the 2015 Millenium Development goals for child and maternal health, these vulnerable groups need to be our priority.

Thankfully, our distribution partners recognize this. Save the Children recently distributed 20,000 nets in Malawi using a method that prioritized households with the greatest number of children under 5. Concern universal targeted 15,000 pregnant women with its Phalombe Malaria Communities Project in Malawi. Be sure to check out these organizations' distribution proposals as well as the proposals from other non-profits. We make sure that every proposal from every partner is available online so that you know exactly where your money is going.

A malaria success story: Zambia

Zambia is a landlocked country in southern Africa. Malaria has staggered the nation for decades - as recently as 2006, malaria was its number one killer, accounting for half of all deaths in Zambia. But in spite of this seemingly insurmountable malaria burden, Zambia has achieved unprecedented progress. Since 2000, malaria infection rates in Zambia have dropped 66%. So how does such a remarkable reduction happen?

Between 2006 and 2008, 3.6 million nets reached Zambia's populace. And in this three year period alone, malaria deaths dropped by half.

These nets were not provided by the Zambian government, which couldn't afford the nets by itself. They weren't bought by Zambian families, 73% of whom live below the poverty line. Instead, it was international donors who paved the way for Zambia's incredible change. In short - it was you.

Thanks to you, AMF partners have distributed 332,660 LLINs to Zambia. That's a full 25% of all the nets our partners have distributed in the world. Check out our distribution partner World Vision to see some pictures of completed distributions in the country. And remember: Zambia is only the beginning.

Top five charity rating

GiveWell, the independent charity evaluator, has released their latest updated charity evaluations and we are pleased to report the Against Malaria Foundation is rated as one of the top five charities in the world and the world's leading malaria charity.

We are currently rolling out an extensive Post-Distribution Survey (PDS) programme with our distribution partners that will track the level of continued use of the nets so further malaria education can be carried out in distribution locations if necessary to ensure high levels of net hang-up. It is not just the initial use of nets that is important but the continued use of nets. We are also looking at providing public feedback on the performance of our distribution partners. We expect to have progress in this area in the next few months.

Great examples of post-distribution reports

As part of a distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets we require a post-distribution report. These reports should describe all the stages of the distribution and be completed within a few weeks of the distribution being carried out.

We have just had two fantastic examples of such reports detailing the preparation and planning that is the basis for a successful distribution and the challenges and lessons learnt in carrying it out. The first is from Global Minimum for a distribution of 10,560 nets in Sierra Leone in August and the second is from Concern Universal who distributed 9,600 nets in Malawi last month. Both distributions have been carried out extremely competently.

You can see both of these 'immediate reports' by following the links above.

6 Million Dollar Milestone

Wow! We have passed $6m raised! Eden UCC in Illinois, USA donated the dollars that took us through that total.

Every donation from every person counts as the total of $6,000,042 from 39,343 different donations and transactions and from 450,268 people participating indicates.

Every net matters.

To celebrate we have put together a list of all the milestones we have passed on the way. See if you feature in the lists!

20,000 nets arrive in Haiti

At the time of the Haiti earthquake in January 2010 the immediate need was for rescue teams, medical aid, water, food and shelter. The relevant authorities assured us there would also be a need for nets in the medium term.

That time has now come and 20,000 nets have just arrived in Haiti. Our distribution partner, Partners In Health, have picked up the nets and they will shortly be given out in 14 communities across Port au Prince, the Central Plateau and the Artibonite regions where they are required most.

Over the coming months we will be updating the distribution page with more information on the distribution.

Protecting 130,000 school children

Tanzania is one of the countries worst affected by malaria and the majority of the country is malaria endemic.

Approximately 200 boarding schools across Tanzania, where some of the poorest students in Tanzania are educated, are receiving nets to achieve blanket coverage. Boarding schools in Tanzania, unlike some in Western countries, are very poor. The nets are funded by Rotarians in Canada and the distribution is via a partnership between Rotary Tanzania and PSI Tanzania. There have been several phases of distribution starting in August 2008 and it is now nearing completion.

Volunteers wanted!

Do you have some spare time for a good cause? Do you write well? If the answers are yes then you might be able to help. 

We are looking for people to write short posts for this blog highlighting events and news about Against Malaria and malaria in general contact us! There are other areas involving a wide range of skills. 

Two new videos from Tanzania

We have just edited and uploaded footage from two distributions in Tanzania. These 90 second edited highlights show the demonstration, distribution and installation of the nets. This has achieved coverage of all sleeping spaces in the towns of Ahakishaka and Nyakagoyagoye.

You can view the videos on our video pageYouTube channel or directly from the distribution page where you will find more information and photos of the distribution.

Peter reaches Nigeria

Peter Gostelow, who has been cycling from London, UK to Cape Town, South Africa, has now reached Nigeria!

Peter has personally helped to distribute nets which his adventure has funded when he passed through Sierra Leone in July.

He has cycled through more than a dozen countries since he left the UK in August 2009 and regularly posts fantastic photos and journal entries to his Big Africa Cycle website. He also gives talks in schools, clubs and organisations about his experiences, fundraising activities and to help increase malaria awareness.

Study highlights the need for quick and accurate malaria testing

A recent study, looking at data from 2007, has suggested that of the 183 million African children under 5 who sought treatment for fever 43% were likely to have malaria. The common assumption is that all childhood fevers are caused by malaria and so the child is given anti-malaria treatment unnecessarily. This depletes stocks of the treatment and may also increase the chances of P.falciparum becoming resistant to current anti-malaria drugs.

This emphasises the need for accurate, rapid diagnostic tests for malaria which are simple, cheap and effective. The study, which breaks down the data geographically, may also help in prioritising where the anti-malarial spend is focused.

Madness Against Malaria is reaching an exciting conclusion

Madness Against Malaria is down to two teams. The Beantown 'Skeeter-beater Tetra-peaters have won the competition 3 years running and are aiming to make this their 4th title. This year they are up against newcomers Nests Shop who have been one step ahead of the current champions all through the final with lots of back and forth.

As I write the two finalists have raised over US$ 5,000 between them in the final round alone! That is enough to buy nearly 1,200 long lasting nets, protecting 2,400 children, on average. Currently Nests Shop have the edge, but only by 27 nets!

With only one day to go who will prevail? Check out the teams and lend them a hand!


Join the Speedo Elite Athletes

Now is the perfect time to swim and help in the fight against malaria!

There are only a few weeks to go before World Swim 2010 starts; a great time to register your swim, tell friends and family and get involved.

Join the Speedo Elite Athletes

Among those swimming are:  Michael Phelps (USA), Libby Trickett (AUS), Rebecca Addlington (GB), Eamon Sullivan (AUS), Katie Hoff (USA), Natalie Coughlin (USA), Liam Tancock (GB), Emily Seebohm (AUS), Filippo Magnini (Italy)

"I'm honoured to join Speedo in an effort to organise a swim around the world in support of World Swim Against Malaria and help stop the spread of this deadly disease. I hope that we encourage as many people as possible to join Team Speedo on June 25th to complete the round the world swim for this great cause." Michael Phelps

"Malaria remains one of the world's most deadly diseases, and that's why it's important to do all we can to help prevent it. Getting into the pool on June 25th is a really simple way to save lives, so I hope that as many people as possible get involved with World Swim Against Malaria, claim their Speedo swimwear, and raise as much money as possible for this worthy cause." Rebecca Addlington

"When it comes to our participation in World Swim Against Malaria, it doesn't matter how fast I swim, Emily swims, Michael, Natalie, Katie, Rebecca, Filippo swim... each of us count as 1 person swimming. If YOU swim, that's one more towards the target of one million swimming. This is a great cause. Great if you will swim too." Libby Trickett


Speedo Swimwear Offer Extended!

Speedo have given 35,000 pieces of swimwear to World Swim Against Malaria and now all you have to do to get an item is donate a minimum of $5 (the cost of 1 bed net). Donating over $20 will get you a maximum 4 items, all you pay for is postage and packaging.

Speedo have generously donated the items as part of the "Swim around the World" campaign and now donors and sponsors can take up Speedo's offer of swimwear.

And if you are going to get some swimwear why not register your swim first and log your distances to help us collectively swim around the world!


FINA supports World Swim 2010

FINA (Fédération Internationale de Natation) has declared its continued support for World Swim Against Malaria. In a recent letter to FINA's 202 National Member Federations, FINA President Dr. Julio C. Maglione said:

"I am delighted this initiative continues to thrive in our sport of swimming. I believe it is a great advertisement for the strength and values of the community of swimmers around the world. I hope you will join FINA in supporting World Swim Against Malaria and in extending the invitation for swimmers to participate everywhere." 

FINA Press Release: Memo_FINA_Speedo_2010_05_20.pdf (90.78 kb)

Climate change may be a 'distraction' on malaria spread

The BBC have reported on a new study by a research group at Oxford University which says that climate change will have little effect on the spread of malaria in comparison with ongoing control measures.

Epidemiologoist Peter Gething and Simon Hay of the Malaria Atlas Project, who also supply the malaria maps used on our own site, said, "the impact of public-health measures such as improved medications, widespread insecticide use and bed nets have overwhelmed the influence of climate change."

The paper was published today in Nature.

talkSPORT and Against Malaria launch Your World Cup Final

talkSPORT, one of the UK's top sports radio stations, and Against Malaria have joined forces to launch Your World Cup Final. Earlier today Against Malaria's founder, Rob Mather was on-air to explain how and why people should get involved (download the mp3).

Simply choose (or make up) your teams and play whenever and wherever you want during the World Cup! In the office, the park or a 5-a-side pitch, it's up to you!

Register your game at AgainstMalaria.com/talkSPORT and you'll get your own customised page on the site where you can tell everyone about your match, provide photos, post match reports and more.  

Michael Phelps joins World Swim

The first of the Team Speedo international elite athletes to join Speedo in this year's World Swim Against Malaria is the swimming phenomenon Michael Phelps! The most successful Olympian of all time will take to the water on June 25th as part of the world's largest participatory swim event.

Speedo has also announced its continued support in the fight against malaria by donating 35,000 items of men's, women's and children's swimwear to those who participate in the swim. By registering as a Speedo Swimmer you can claim an item of swimwear for each $5(US) donated.


New photos and videos from recent distributions

We have just added several great new videos documenting recent net distributions in Zambia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Burkina Faso and others and all of our recent videos on our YouTube channel are now in HD, where the footage permits.

You can view our picture gallery or video gallery for the latest additions or see an overview of all our current and past distributions on the site.

Big Africa Cycle on the Road to Recovery

Many of you will have been following Peter Gostelow as he cycles from England to Cape Town across west, central and southern Africa.

Unfortunately Peter was attacked, injured and robbed in Dakar, Senegal a couple of weeks ago. The good news is Peter is recovering well and still hopes to continue his epic trip as soon as he is able. 

Peter is putting his 'down time' to good use and has also posted several collections of his fantastic images from the journey so far, covering Europe and Africa. He has also just reached the £6000 mark on his fundraising page!

Our best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

Giving What We Can - Recomended Charity

We are very pleased to be recommended by Giving What We Can, an organisation whose members pledge to give 10% of their income to the most effective charities.

They have recently published a list of their 5 recommended charities, which are proud to say includes Against Malaria:

'In sum, Against Malaria Foundation is very good at what it does, and we consider it to be the best charity that we know of that focuses on fighting malaria'  

Haiti - Earthquake

The immediate needs in Haiti are search and rescue teams and medical aid. Immediate support can be given via the DEC,the Red CrossWorld Vision and others.

In the near to medium term malaria, already a problem in Haiti, is likely to increase significantly due to there being little to stop transmission. News media are quoting teams in Haiti as already concerned about a number of diseases including malaria.

We would like to help.

We have set up a specific donation page. 100% of funds donated here will buy nets for Haiti and we will liaise with the relevant authorities and partners to ensure they are distributed as soon as possible when they are needed, where they are needed.

We are starting the fund with $25,000 as the need is likely to be very large.

If you are able to help, thank you.


The Big African Cycle

Peter Gostelow, one of our Against Malaria heroes, is amazing us all by cycling from England to... Cape Town, South Africa, all in aid of AMF. He is making great progress in his cycling adventure and has covered 6,175 km of his 20,000 km challenge through 25 countries along the west African coast.

We are in awe of what Peter has taken on - saddle soreness, flat tyres and all! He keeps us regularly updated and entertained via his blog (The Big African Cycle). His most recent post, aptly entitled 'The Wacky Contenders', describes how he started 2010 by meeting some interesting characters, while applying for his visa for Mauritiana in north west Africa.

"There was a sizeable crowd waiting outside the embassy at 8.30am on Monday morning. Considering recent news I  expected to be the only western face who would be applying for a Mauritanian visa. Instead a colourful bunch of characters, mostly with their own vehicles,  (equally colourful) had lined the road of this Rabat address..."

To follow Peter's tyre tracks through the continent with e-mail updates, please subscribe to the newsletter

New video of a distribution in Namulonge, Uganda

We have just added a great new video documenting a recent net distribution in Uganda. 600 nets were distributed in the village of Namulonge, following on from a 400 net distribution in Nov 2008. You can also see photos of the distribution, supporting documents and a list of all the donors who funded the nets.

We'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you to our fantastic band of video and photo editors. If anyone would like to help out by selecting and captioning sets of photos, or editing videos (video experience required) you can find out more on our volunteers page.


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