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Monica Gonzalez, LMHC
in Cigna, Anxiety, Depression, Couples Therapy, Adolescents / Teenagers (14 to 19), Adults, Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Online Services Available, Credit Cards, Health Savings Account - HSA, Yes - Accepting New Patients, Female Provider, Cash, Check, Other Perinatal Mental Health Training, Venmo or Zelle, Paternal Depression, Teen Pregnancy, Infertility, Perinatal Loss, Provider of Color, Single Parents, Grief, Trauma Recovery, Brainspotting, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, Positive Psychology
Specializing in Maternal Mental Health and Trauma
560 Village Blvd.
West Palm Beach, Florida
United States
in Anxiety, Depression, Adults, Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Online Services Available, Credit Cards, PayPal, Yes - Accepting New Patients, Female Provider, Art Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Venmo or Zelle, Addiction and Recovery, Eating Disorders, Family Systems, Experiential Psychotherapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy
I see clients in person in upstate NY and virtually in California by video therapy. Main specialty is eating disorder and body image recovery in addition to perinatal mental health. Please see my website for more information!
United States
Winding Path Counseling, LLC, PMH-C
in Couples Therapy, Adults, Online Services Available, Sliding Scale, Credit Cards, Health Savings Account - HSA, Yes - Accepting New Patients, Female Provider, Cash, Check, Other Perinatal Mental Health Training, Grief, Postpartum Support International Trainings
I’m Sarah Tie and I specialize in helping pregnant and postpartum women and couples with healing, getting back on their feet, and finding their new normal. I am a certified through PSI as a postpartum mental health professional.
323 S Pearl St.
Washington Park, Denver, Colorado
United States
Allison Loftus
in Any Insurance, BlueCross and BlueShield, Anxiety, Depression, Adolescents / Teenagers (14 to 19), Adults, Christian Counseling, Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Online Services Available, Credit Cards, Health Savings Account - HSA, Payment Plans, Yes - Accepting New Patients, Female Provider, Cash, Check, Other Perinatal Mental Health Training, Support Group, Art Therapy, Paternal Depression, Teen Pregnancy, LGBTQIA+, Infertility, Perinatal Loss, ComPsych, Multiplan, State Employees Plan, Tricare, United Behavioral Health, United Healthcare, Single Parents, Grief, Trauma Recovery, Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), Postpartum Support International Trainings, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Certified Perinatal Mental Health Professional
At Flourish, we believe in the power of nurturing. We believe that when women flourish: communities and families prosper. We are committed to inspiring in every woman's heart the fundamental life value that she is love-able, worthy, and significant.
4057 28th Street NW
Rochester, Minnesota
United States
Sarah Nagle-Yang, MD
in Adults, Online Services Available, Health Savings Account - HSA, Payment Plans, Yes - Accepting New Patients, Cash, Other Perinatal Mental Health Training, Psychiatry - Medication, Postpartum Support International Trainings, Psychiatry
13001 E 17th Place
Denver, Colorado
United States
Naomi Rosenkranz
in Anxiety, Depression, Couples Therapy, Adolescents / Teenagers (14 to 19), Adults, Elders (65+), Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Emotionally Focused Therapy, Online Services Available, Sliding Scale, Yes - Accepting New Patients, Female Provider, Cash, Infants & Children, Other Perinatal Mental Health Training, Venmo or Zelle, Infertility, Perinatal Loss, Single Parents, Grief, Postpartum Support International Trainings, Parent Child Psychotherapy, Free services available, Family Systems, Mindfulness-Based Therapy
Recognizing that you need help is a courageous first step toward healing. I am a compassionate therapist intern taking new clients in Florida. I specialize in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Pregnancy and Infant Loss, and Infertility.
7600 Red Road
Suite 215
South Miami, FL
United States
Sarah Kauffman, MD
in Anxiety, Depression, Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Online Services Available, Credit Cards, Yes - Accepting New Patients, Female Provider, Paternal Depression, Teen Pregnancy, LGBTQIA+, Infertility, Perinatal Loss, Grief, Trauma Recovery, Psychiatry - Medication, Eating Disorders, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Psychiatry, Mindfulness-Based Therapy
Dr. Kauffman is a board-certified, Columbia-trained psychiatrist who specializes in women's mental health and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Kauffman is currently seeing patients via telepsychiatry in both CA and NY.
Ashley M. Smith, LMFT
in Any Insurance, Anxiety, Depression, Adolescents / Teenagers (14 to 19), Adults, Christian Counseling, Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Online Services Available, Credit Cards, Yes - Accepting New Patients, Cash, Infants & Children, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization + Reprocessing), Paternal Depression, Teen Pregnancy, Perinatal Loss, Single Parents, Grief, Trauma Recovery, Postpartum Support International Trainings, Anger, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Parenthood, in all its forms, can be one of the most fulfilling yet heart-wrenching seasons of our lives. It would be an honor to walk alongside you to help you feel supported, encouraged, and equipped.
PO Box 991102
Redding, California
United States
Reproductive Psychiatry Clinic of Austin
in Anxiety, Depression, Adults, Online Services Available, Credit Cards, Health Savings Account - HSA, Payment Plans, Yes - Accepting New Patients, Female Provider, Cash, Check, Other Perinatal Mental Health Training, Paternal Depression, Addiction and Recovery, Infertility, Perinatal Loss, Grief, Trauma Recovery, Psychiatry - Medication, Anger, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
A perinatal psychiatry clinic for both women and their partners, offering both medication management and psychotherapy through tele-health and in-person care.
2525 Wallingwood Drive
Building 7D
Austin, Texas
United States
Fax: 512-329-5108
Kristen J. Kennard, MA, LLPC
in Anxiety, Depression, Couples Therapy, Adolescents / Teenagers (14 to 19), Adults, Christian Counseling, Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Coaching, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Online Services Available, Sliding Scale, Credit Cards, Yes - Accepting New Patients, Female Provider, Paternal Depression, Infertility, Perinatal Loss, Provider of Color, Single Parents, Grief, Trauma Recovery, Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), Postpartum Support International Trainings, Behavioral Activation (BA), OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Free services available
Licensed therapist and mom of multiples providing perinatal mental/behavioral health services to mothers and fathers. Compassionate support with adjustment, stress, mood and anxiety disorders, loss, trauma, infertility, and relationship issues.
3011 West Grand Boulevard
Suite 413
Detroit, Michigan
United States