achievement :: award

  • BINUS UNIVERSITY is The First Winner Best of The Best Telkom Smart Campus
    Indonesia ICT Award (INAICTA) 2008

    BINUS UNIVERSITY – once more – has showed its competency in the field of information technology. During the Indonesia Information and Communication Technology Award 2008 (INAICTA-2008) held by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of The Republic Indonesia, BINUS UNIVERSITY achieved the most prestigious award as “The Smartest Campus In Indonesia 2008” and beat other universities for category Telkom Smart Campus Award (TESCA) 2008.Along with, BINUS UNIVERSITY also won the first place for subcategory Best Access & Connectivity and runner-up for Best Content & Application.

    TESCA category appraise all type of communication and information technology application for teaching and learning system and research in education institution with the aim to improve its effectiveness and efficiency, as well as IT creative-innovative solutions that will give a huge boost in teaching-learning process. Some components which consider for TESCA category are including i-Campus, Connectivity, Functionalities and Features, Richness of Content, Quality and Application of Technology, and Value to Stakeholders.

    INAICTA Award 2008 created to build up professional creativity as IT solution maker, improve the using of IT tools in industry and increase the growth of IT in Indonesia. It is the second in a row of INAICTA Award being held after successfully worked out last year. In celebration of 100 years National Awakening, INAICTA Award 2008 took a theme: “Kebangkitan Nasional Melalui Kreativitas Digital”.

    The main agenda of INAICTA Award 2008 lasted at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on August 7-8, 2008 last week. The three-award was directly handed by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Muhammad Nuh to Rector of BINUS UNIVERSITY, Prof. Gerardus Polla, M.App, Sc.

  • BINUS University has been awarded The 2nd Winner e-Learning Award 2007 for category Best Educational Software Development Proposal
  • BINUS UNIVERSITY has been awarded The 1st Winner e-Learning Award 2006 for category e-Learning Provider. Prof. Dr. Gerardus Polla, M.App.Sc. - Rector of UBINUS officially received the Award from Mr. Kemal E. Gani - Chief Editor of SWA and Ir. Lilik Gani HA, MSc, Ph.D - Head of Pustekkom in the ceremonial night which was opened by Prof. Dr. Ir. Dody Nandika, MS - Sesjen Depdiknas.
  • BINUS UNIVERSITY's Website ( won the APICTA Awards 2002 for Education and Training Category by ASPILUKI
  • BuBu Awards 2002 for Education Corporate Category not only by juries' marking but also by people's choice. The BuBu Award 2002 Web Design Competition under the theme "Web, the Next Generation Media" was held by BuBu Internet since March 9, 2002.
  • The Best Website in "The Best Indonesia Net Company" Award for the education website catagory (2000)


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