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Business In China

"I have found over the many years of my cancer, AIDS and now Covid-19 research that has supplied me with the single best source of valuable and unique material on the Internet."
— Alan Cantwell MD

" is the single most important news aggregate site on the internet. The spectrum of stories, ideas and revelations presented, on a daily basis, is absolutely staggering. The smartest people go to every day."
— Jay Weidner
Filmmaker, Writer, Researcher



National Radiation Tracking Center
Updated 365 Days A Year
See 'Hottest' Cities In US

Devvy Kidd

Is Civil Disobedience The Only Way
to Re-Open America?

Operation Lift Lockdown May 1st :
Make or Break Be There

Protesters Protesting Anti-Lockdown Protesters:
Dangerous Ignorance

COVID-19: What You Should Be Doing
and Not Doing Now

COVID-19 - Could, Maybe, Possibly,
Might, Worthless Models, Greed

Coronavirus: Is it Time to Release
Americans From Bondage?

Coronavirus Juggernaut Unleashed
With More to Come

Socialists Dem Debate: A look into the
total destruction of America

Coronavirus, the Economy and What to Do

Democrats Proud of Their Agenda

Has Impeachment Trial Provided
a Golden Opportunity?

Will They Ban My Assault Frying Pan?

Greta Thunberg's Climate Change Hoax
Damaging America's Children



Frosty Wooldridge

Comments On Minneapolis Call To Prayer

Our National Calamity:
Yet, We Need to Get Back to Work

Pandemics and Population - Correlationton
To Further Disasters for America

I Cry For Our Country ...A Baby Boomer's Lament

What's Coming Won't Be Pretty
...Covid 19's Exponential Growth

Encore - The Tragedy of Detroit, Michigan,
Immigration And The Great Society

This Is No Ordinary Time In History

Covid 19 Virus To Change The Way
Humanity Lives and Travels

Watching America Becoming Balkanized
But Doing Nothing to Stop It - Pt 2

Balkanization Of America Accelerating
Faster Than Expected - Pt 1

Politicians Say And Do The Darnedest Things

Our Corrupt Main Stream Media in America

The Supremacy of Minorities in America
...Is Racism Racist?

The Exploding 110 Million More of Us Factor
Within 30 Years

Changing America's Culture to Everybody Else's

Acquitted - A Farcical Chapter
in Congressional Balderdash

Your Responses From
A Devolving Western Civilization

The Great Displacement of American
Out of Their Own Country



Bill Gheen ALIPAC

Koch Brothers Organizations Targeted For
Supporting Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Encouraged Illegals + Discouraged Americans
Equals Destruction For GOP and America - ALIPAC

15 Pro Amnesty Republicans Targeted
By ALIPAC Defeated in 2018

ALIPAC Backed Candidates ask AG to
crack down on non-citizen voters

ALIPAC Packet Cover Flyer for Operation
Squeaky Wheel in DC On October 2-4



Four Viral Lessons

Jewish 'Contributions' To America - Vid

Who Leaked Covid-19?

Let's Get Normal!

The Great Purge - Watch

The Corona 'Gates' Tattoo

Is COVID Martial Law Coming?

Wall Street Zionists Do A Lockdown

How Corona Could Backfire

The Corona Carnival

Senator Schumer's Schlock Job

The Religion Of Bernie Sanders

Bernie's Buy-Back Gun Scheme

Inside Bernie

The Devil And The Donald

How To Fix The Economy

Bernie Can Beat Trump In 2020

What You Missed In Trump's 'Peace Plan'



Gilad Atzmon

Metropolis and the Battle for Herd Unity

Corona Progressives and the Agora

The Corona Crisis - A Viral Episode...
Or A Radioactive Half-Life Nightmare

Is Amnesia A Symptom Of Covid-19?
Proof This Coronavirus Is A Shallow Rerun Of
The 2017-18 Deadly, Strange 'Flu Virus' And Is
Being Used To Reformat The World

Everything You Want To Know About COV
...But Were Afraid To Ask Peter Duesberg

A Viral Pandemic or A Crime Scene?

Being in the Age of Corona

Hate vs Peace And Harmony
Israel's UN Ambassador Calls Bernie
Sanders 'A Liar, An Ignorant Fool Or Both'

Being Ahead Of Time

Addressing The Lies Spread about
Gilad Atzmon

For the 0.5%...not the 99.5%

The Labour Partly

Code-Panic...A Controlled Opposition Spectacle



Yoichi Shimatsu

Self-Righteous Pompeo - And ER Doctor 'Suicided'
By Too Big To Fail Health Syndicate - COV Part 22

Obama-Era DHS-NIH Funded TB Research
On UK Badgers for COVID BioWar - Part 21

Cloudy With A Chance Of Scattered Cadavers
COVID Fallout On Urban Heat Islands - Part 20

Enigma of COV Origin - Rothschild's Riddler
Is Behind A Batty Wuhan Theory - Part 19

Ferreting Out SARS CoV-19 And Worse
At Canada's Doomsday Labs - Part 18

CoV Test Kit Fail...Bad Blood From Alibaba,
Fauci-Kawaoka, The Bio-Weapons Treaty
Part 17

GM-Trump Made In USA, FDA On Serum,
Cholesterol vs CoV, Wenzhou-Italy - Part 16

Another Black Death Haunts Italy
Tulane Denial Redux CoV And
The Folly Of Cat Food - Part 15

COV Double-Whammy – Hantavirus Death In
China Has Links To Unit 731-CIA BioWarfare
- Part 14

Coronavirus Radioactive Tokyo Olympics
Must Be Canceled Not Just Postponed

Russia Blames Porton Down, DARPA-Pirbright,
CQ vs India's Golden Cow Urine - Part 13

The Tokyo Subway Gassing Remains
A Media False Narrative 25 Years On

Fukushima fog Hanging over the Tokyo
Olympics is topped up by COVID
Year 9 Post 311

How CoV BioWar by Japan-UK-Israel
hit The World Military Games - Part 12

Rejoinder - Lancet's Disingenuous Rebuttal
Is Itself A COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory - Pt 11

TB In HIV-COV Shuts Down The Brain
Plus The Korean Cult Role In Wuhan - Pt 10

HIV-Laced COVID-19 Targets Human Testicles
Its TB Strand Blocks The Immune System - Pt 9

COVert-19 - Bats In The Belfry
...Barbarians At The Gates - Pt 8

Protect your family from COVert-19
pharma fraud - Pt 7

Wuhan nCoV Proves Useful For A Malthusian
Cull Of Aging Societies - Pt 6

The nCoV Death Ship In Tokyo Bay
Swine Flu As Round 1 And More - Pt 5

Japan's Demon Of BioWar Kawaoka Inserted
HIV Force Multipliers Inside The Wuhan Virus
- Pt 4

Wuhan Contagion - Giant Bat-Delivered
Coronavirus Was From Japan's New Unit 731
- Pt 3

China Outbreak - Wuhan Coronavirus - Pt 2
Was Activated By Swine flu In Filth

A Lethal Coronavirus Virus Erupts Downstream
From China's Three Gorges Dam - Pt 1



Dick Allgire

Allgire's Remote Viewing Hits Archive

Correction! How It Started Out - Watch

Are ETs Involved In At Least Watching The CV Pandemic...Or Worse?

Allgire - It's The Economy Stupid - Watch

Allgire's Coronavirus Escape To A Land
With Armed Soldiers On Streets!

Listen - Jeff And Dick Allgire On Feb 17, 2020

Remote Viewer Dick Allgire ‘Saw' The Elite
Going Underground ...While Mass Graves
Were Being Dug On The Surface Above

Dick Allgire Digital Nomad Report - Vid

Three Top Remote Viewers 'Saw'
The Coronavirus Clearly And One Of Them
Saw It back in 2017 - Look At This...

Allgire Remote Viewed Chiefs Super Bowl Win
Three Weeks Ago

Allgire - Germany Has Just Adopted Universal
Basic Income For All Invaders - Sheer Communist Evil - Vid

Blockchain & Climate Change...
A Shocking Report - Vid



Stefan Verstappen

Liberalism Explained

How It Will Go Down - Agenda 2030

3 Reasons to Have Hope

How It Will Go Down - Anniversary Edition, Full Podcast

How to Spot Lies and Deception


David Icke

Thank You, Satanic Elite, For Proving Me Right

Physician Dr. Annie Bukacek explains how
CV death certificates are being manipulated

CV And 5G... What's The Connection?

David Icke On Coronavirus And
The 1% Cult Running The Planet

Coronavirus And The Global
Orwellian State

Legendary Canadian Hockey Host Fired
After 38 Yrs For Telling People To Wear The Poppy

On the Politized Transgender Chaos

It's All Long-Planned...
Chess Moves By Tyranny - Vid

The Road To Civil War...
As He Predicted Long Ago

The Reality Of WW2


Patty Doyle PhD

Some Words And Pictures Celebrating Our
Greatly-Missed And Irreplaceable Patty Doyle



Stephen Lendman

The Truth About Nixon & ‘Watergate'

ICE - An Unwanted Alien Instrument Of State Terror

Justice Kennedy’s Retirement Assures
Greater Injustice in America

Trump Wants Unwanted Aliens Denied Due Process and Equal Protection

Trump Regime Plans New Concentration Camps for Unwanted Aliens

For All Of Stephen's Latest Columns
Click Here!


Bernard Grover - The Great 'Q' Psy Op

The Game Is Afoot

Q d'Etat

The Qiller Q

Behind the Q Ball

The Genesis Of Q

Bernard Grover - Who Is Q?

Notre Dame,
New Zealand And Q

David Icke Destroys The Q PsyOp

Q The God-Emperor

Deep Throat vs Q



Preston James, PhD

Can 5G Wireless Takedown Of America Be Stopped?

Smoking Gun Proof Mideast Terror is
well-financed organized crime

What Exactly Are The King's New Clothes?

Preston James - Secret And Silent Frequency Wars

If I’d Only Known Then What I Know Now



Dean Henderson

Henderson Interview On 5G And Corona Virus

Illuminati vs Iran

Dirty Money & The Anunnaki

Illuminati, Nazis & The Illegal State of Israel

The Federal Reserve Cartel...The Illuminati Roundtable

Mumbai, Socialism & The British Raj



Mike King - Tomato Bubble

Microsoft Goes Full Blown Satanist

Meet Benjamin Disraeli
Architect of Two World Wars

Churchill - Plagiarist and Forger

Japan 1941 - Aggressor.…Or Victim?

First Virus Death In S Korea - CoViD Is Far More
Contagious Than Originally Thought
Joe McCarthy vs Joe Welch - The REAL Story

Bernard Baruch's Generals (Marshall & Eisenhower) Plot WW 2

Andrew Jackson Kills the Central Bank

The Bad War - The Ultimate 'Red Pill' Book on WW 2



Charles Smith

Softwar Enews - Secure Two Factor Encryption For SMS

Triton - Son Of Stuxnet



  Betty Martini - Aspartame!

Print Out This Hospital Form Demanding
NO Aspartame Under Any Circumstances

Aspartame Inflames Coronavirus And Is Clearly Implicated In Pulmonary Distress...
'Shortness Of Breath'

Martini - September Is Aspartame Awareness Month

EU Aspartame Danger Coverup - Massive Corruption Revealed -
All 73 Studies Proving Aspartame Harmful
Were Completely Ignored

Bittersweet Aspartame - Never Proven Safe

FDA Knowingly Allowed Killer Aspartame
On Market



Charlotte Iserbyt

Trump's Love Affair With Israel's Netanyahu
And Trump's Obedient Remarks As President
Of The Zionist Israeli States Of America

Soviet Russia Was Interested In A Trump
Run For President Back In 1988 !

Donald Trump…Just Another Sinner Born Again

Euro Federalists Are Financed By US Spy Chiefs

My Robin's beautiful nest and three beautiful eggs



Professor Doom

My Cancer Story...
How Modern Medicine Killed Me

The Master's Degree Bubble Has Burst

Departmental Academic Diversity Officer
...The New Campus Commissar

Media Spin On A 'Racistsexisthomophobe' Prof

A Look At A Corrupted State University

A Scholarly Look At The Social Justice
Takeover of Higher Education



Dave Martin

Tony Fauci (song parody)

Mamas, Don't Let Your Daughters Grow Up
to Be Soldiers (song parody)

Quarantine (parody video)

Joe Biden (video song parody)

Maybe We'll Get Hillary (song parody)

Life in the Confederate Army

My Party Is Gone (song parody)

The Strange Death of Thomas Merton

'Perfect' Bernie Sanders

Forgotten POWs (song parody)

Fifteen Years before Kennedy,
Zionists Murdered Forrestal

Trump's Crazy Drone Strike (song parody)

The Other British Forrestal?

Addicted to War (song parody)



John Barbour

John Barbour reads from his book - Part 4

John Barbour reads 'The Gong Show'! - Part 3

John Barbour Reads From His Book
Your Mother's Not A Virgin - Part 2

John Barbour Reads From His Book
Your Mother's Not A Virgin - Part 1

John Barbour Reviews 1978 Chicago

John Barbour's New Year Hopes

John Barbour Comments On 'The Irishman!'

Barbour - The 2nd Garrison Files Release...
The Oswald Documents

John Barbour's Found Interview With Frank Zappa - Vid



Frosty Wooldridge Adventures

Just Another Bike Ride.... Silence
and Action Are True Wisdom's Best Reply

Ruminations of a Baby Boomer...
Human Cruelty Around the World

A Single Thread In The Tapestry Of Life

Gnarly, mystical energy that flies out of your
body, onto the pedals and into the wild blue
yonder - Photo

A National Moment To Pause In Our Journey

A Journey Of A Lifetime By An Old Young Man

Forks In The Road, Stop Signs, Cul de Sacs
And Dead Ends On The Highway Of Life

Eudemonia...That Perfect Instant

There's a Patience in the Wild
...Dogged, Tireless, Persistent

Call Of The Wild

Reality Check - You Can't Camp on
Mars Or Thrive in Space

When A Daunting Challenge Stands In Your Path

A Christmas Story - A Single Thread
In The Tapestry Of Life

Savage Moment for Life in
Yellowstone National Park

David & Frosty's Excellent Adventure
Bicycling the Continental Divide - Chapter Eight



Jordan Maxwell

WATCH - Brilliant Jordan Maxwell - Maritime
& Admiralty Law, Language Deception..
The Importance Of Words - Vid



Ted Twietmeyer

Evidence America Is Secretly Under Martial Law

Was The World Hit With An Ethnic BioWeapon?

What You Don't Hear About Is
What May Destroy Recovery

Loss Of UK Revenue Now Worries The EU

Company Admits Your iRobot Is Spying on YOU

Why A Manned Mars Mission May Be Deadly

Get Angry - Global Tax On Consumers Being Studied

Inside A Streetlight-Weapon Being Installed
In The UK ...Evil And Potentially Deadly Mind
Control Devices



 Joe Tells It Straight

JoeTalk - 26 Million - Vid

JoeTalk - China Will Attack US With AI

JoeTalk - Communist Dems Are Destroying America
Through Treason And Gun Confiscation - Vid

Joe Warns Americans 'Hide Your Protection'

No More Rock And Roll - Vid



Dr. Joseph Chiappalone, MD

The Coming Wars!

END of SPIRITUAL WAR is in Sight!
The Current Status Quo!

Suffering In The Animal Kingdom As Seen
Through The Eyes Of A Gnostic - Pt 2

Suffering In The Animal Kingdom As Seen
Through The Eyes Of A Gnostic - Pt 1

The Four Phases Of Finality!

The Blind Can't See - Part One

Our Metaphysical Anatomy Is Complex

End Of The Earth
...And All Physical Things Part Three

End Of The Earth
...And All Physical Things Part Two

End Of The Earth
...And All Physical Things Part One



Dr. Alan Cantwell MD

Cantwell - Does A Germ Cause Alzheimer's?

Robert Strecker Memorial

Cancer And Most Diseases Are Caused By BACTERIA



Anthony Lawson - (Five Stars - Rense)

In Memory Of Anthony Lawson - Vid


Vital Data

State Dept Says #1

Declared Communist
Goals In US - Familiar?

The Eve Of Destruction

Images Of Heroic
American Activists

Spilling The Beans -
The Trouble With Soy

Jeffrey Smith - GM Food
Danger, Potential
- Vid

Benjamin Freedman -
Facts Are Facts

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 1/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 2/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 3/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 4/4

Jesus Was NOT A Jew -
Benjamin Freedman

Confessions Of A
KGB Master Spy

How A Zionist-Communist Takeover Happens - Vid

The Dark Side
Of The Internet

Click Here

Vike UFO Archive

Click Here

Turkey - Stunning UFO
Video - The Best Ever?

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part I

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part II

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part III

Eustace Mullins

Click Here

Royal Raymond Rife

Rife Documentary Trailer #1

Rife Documentary Trailer #2

Rife Documentary Trailer #3

Rife Therapy Treats Lyme Disease

Dutch TV Talks Rife


The Battle Of LA 1942

Click Here

  Disclaimer And Fair Use

White House staff ordered to wear masks
Trump Says He Won't follow The Order...
Because He Says, He Stays 'Away From Everyone'

HR 6666 Is The Sovietization Of The United States
Illinois Dem Introduces $100 Billion 'Contact Tracing' Bill
This Is NOT 'Contact Tracing' - It's A Civilian STASI Army

Proof Of 'Mobile Medical' (Door-To-Door) Trucks
Already Being Moved East

US STASI Begins To Implement WHO 'Contact Tracing'
Forcibly Removing Citizens From Their Homes - Watch
('Contact Tracing' Is The 'New Normal' In Soviet America)

As State Reopens, Ohio Urges Employers To Snitch
On Workers Who Stay Home Over Virus Fears
Divide Americans...and Crush Them

DARPA Robot Now Enforcing Social Distancing - Watch

Oink-Oink Moo-Moo - US Meat Exports To China Soar!
As US Supplies Dwindle And Workers Risk CV Infection

Trump Is Losing It - Storms Out Of Press Conference
After Female Reporters Challenge Him On Testing

Fact check - Trump falsely claims CV numbers are
'going down almost everywhere' (on which planet?)

Americans returning to work can get tested
'very soon' Says Trump - US clearly laboring
to get Testing up to speed


Excellent - Bill Gates 'Philanthropist'...Or Monster?

Katie Miller Symptomatic When Tested Negative For CV

'I felt no vulnerability whatsoever' - SuperTrump
downplays new WH virus cases And pushes reopening

Why Trump's idea that he saved millions of lives
is Completely laughable

Another Test Shows Trump Fav Hydroxychloroquine
Doesn't Help CV But Can Raise Heart Attack Risk

Coronavirus tests are Largely bogus... false positives
vastly outnumber real positives ... official infection
counts wildly overstated - Consider These Facts

Watch - Sweden did Virtually Nothing And normal
life Went On Just Fine - the infection is Virtually over
(Sorry, It Is In Swedish but You'll Get The Idea)

Finally Some Truth - CV expert Says It will rage
'until it infects everybody it possibly can'

Trump's latest Twitter meltdown featured QAnon
and a lot of 'OBAMAGATE' - Vox

Coronavirus - Trump says he'd consider ordering
states to test nursing home residents


On top of official death toll, number of CV-related
deaths also up in NYC

Why Does Japan, with An Aging Population, Have
So Few Coronavirus Cases?

Trump Adviser Hassett - 'There Is No Downside'
Implementing a National Coronavirus Tracing System
(This Is A Massive Step To A Total Surveillance State

Midwesterners were already doubting Trump
The CV nightmare could seal his political fate

The Kamal emerges as early Biden VP favorite
as sting of debate attack fades

Obama Participated In Plot To Frame Flynn - Sidney Powell

Flashback - Obama Ordered Comey To Conceal FBI
Activities Right Before Trump Took Office

Trump Furious After NBC 'Apologizes' For
Chuck Todd's Propaganda Edit Of Barr Interview

Trump wades into PA coronavirus plan,
...governor pushes back

PA Governor threatens to withhold coronavirus aid
to counties that defy lockdown orders


Elon Musk Faces Down Comrade Newsom - says he's
willing to be arrested as he reopens Tesla factory

Musk Reopens CA Tesla Plant - Escalating Standoff
Terms Alameda County Lockdown UnConstitutional

Br Nathanael - Four Viral Lessons

Bipartisan senators seek funding for pork
producers forced to euthanize livestock

Secrecy of Trump's taxes, financial records
on the line in Supreme Court arguments

Tara Reade's attorney asks Biden to authorize
search of his Senate papers

LA County inmates trying to infect themselves
with coronavirus Says sheriff

Small Firms Join Rush to Return Loans
After Rules Revisions

US creating guidelines to reopen nursing homes

Surviving CV May Not Feel Like Recovery for Some


Michigan Barber - Whitmer 'has no concept at all of
the damage she's doing' (Maybe She Does...)

Watch Hamilton Ontario Police Arrest Alleged 'Anti-
Government' Couple In Their Own Home, Under
Canada 'Mental Health Act' - STASI Soviet Lives

Future Air Travel - Four Hour Process, Self Check-In,
Disinfection, Immunity Passes - this is bad news

What Trump Will Likely Do After The Presidency

NY COVID Cases Increase To 337,055 - Deaths To 25,136

MA COVID Cases Increase To 78,462 - Deaths To 5,108

PA COVID Cases Increase To 57,154 - Deaths To 3,731

IL COVID Cases Increase To 79,007 - Deaths To 3,459

CA COVID Cases Increase To 68,944 - Deaths To 2,776

Silence And Action Are True Wisdom's Best Reply


Twitter says it will label 'misleading' CV tweets
...even if they're from Trump

Joint Chiefs Members Sidelined By Coronavirus
As Alarm Grows Over White House Exposure

Lockheed Martin declares Mission (almost) Accomplished
brings F-35 Turkey's 100+ safety flaws down to Just 8
... and hundreds of lesser issues

Japan Takes Delivery of Accident-Prone
V-22B Osprey Tiltrotor Aircraft - Watch

A Chinese Rocket Fell Back To Earth
Totally Out Of Control

Germans March To Honor Memory Of Rudolf Hess On
Anniversary Of His WW2 Peace Flight To England - Watch

Uh oh, Putin Is Following Trump's CV playbook
...With Even Worse Results Possible

Paid holidays end May 12, Russia to start gradually
easing coronavirus quarantine measures - Putin

Russia climbs to third spot in global coronavirus cases ranking

Moscow reports a sharp rise in 'excess' April deaths
as coronavirus continues to spread in Russia


'Pure provocation' - Moscow fumes as Czech media
names diplomat a ricin courier in alleged assassination plot

Leaked letter shows Ukrainian police demanded
Jews' names & addresses 'to fight organized crime'

'We are at war, Make no mistake' - WH official
kicks anti-China rhetoric up a notch

US Security Agencies Reportedly to Warn of Chinese
Hackers Seeking to Obtain CV Vaccine Data

China refutes 'two dozen lies' by US politicians
over Coronavirus pandemic

China urges US to reverse decision to limit journalist
visas, warns of possible 'countermeasures'

WHO Lawyer Rules Out Inviting Taiwan to World
Health Assembly Amid Divide Among Members

New Swedish Prognosis Predicts Herd Immunity
Will Be Achieved for Stockholm in June

Vaccine Against CV to Be Ready No Earlier
Than 2021 - German Minister

German media watchdog rejects Browder's complaint
against Spiegel over Magnitsky story report, says his
own narrative lacks proof


British Police Are Investigating People Who
Post Tweets Critical Of Lockdown

UK Police Federation Says Lockdown Changes
Will 'Cause Huge Problems'

Public in England Advised to Wear Face
Coverings in Lockdown Easing Plans

UK to start QUARANTINING all incoming
air travellers...but not from France

Coronavirus And the strange death of English liberty
We were once freebooting pirates, now we churn out
fear-stricken weaklings

CV crisis leaves 700,000 children without sufficient food in Italy

Paris Comes to Senses After 8 Week Coronavirus Lockdown

Mission 'social distancing' failed - Passengers packed onto
Paris Metro train spark outrage as CV restrictions eased - Watch

Suspected 'ISIS-inspired' terrorist cell members
arrested in Poland over attack plot

US has no need to buy back debt, will take
advantage of low interest rates - Mnuchin


The Bitcoin Halving Is Here - Are You Ready?

Saudi Arabia to triple VAT as Covid-19
And low oil cripple state finances

Oil Spikes After Saudis Unexpectedly Cut
Output Unilaterally By 1 Million b/d

The Bitcoin Halving Is Here - Are You Ready?

Apple To Move A Fifth Of iPhone Production
From China To India In Massive Supply-Chain Shift

India Steps Up Assistance in Indo-Pacific
amid China's Health Silk Road Initiative

'Prepared to hand back the British flag?' BA chief
savaged by Labour MP over 'outsourcing' jobs
While sitting on £8.7 Billion cash reserves

Richard Branson to Sell $500 Million Worth of
Virgin Galactic Shares to Save Company

Hospitals treating coronavirus patients in Mexico City
are reaching maximum capacity

Leader of infamous Mexican cartel dies in
prison after contracting Covid-19


UK Would Not Back Israeli 'Annexation of Parts
of West Bank', Junior Foreign Office Minister Says

'He is Free' - Zarif Says Scientist Detained by US
on Trumped Up Charges Will Return to Iran Soon

Watch - damaged Iranian naval ship involved in
training incident that left 19 dead & 15 injured

US is Smuggling Daesh Terrorists Out of Syria (Again)
...Major Iraqi Pro-Government Militia Claims

One worker infected 533 others with coronavirus
at a factory in Ghana, president says

Year of Calamity? Plague-like Locusts Return to Pakistan
and India, Endangering Food Security

Nepal Summons Indian Envoy after New Delhi
Builds Road near Chinese Border

'2020 is like Hunger Games' - Italians shocked as Quake
hits Rome week after Covid-19 lockdown relaxed

Magnitude 5.6 Earthquake Hits Indonesia's East - USGS

4.0 Magnitude Quake Hits North Korea - EMSC


Humans and Neanderthals 'co-existed in Europe
for far longer than thought'

Pence Refuses To Self-Quarantine Even Though
His Press Secretary Is Infected!

NBC News Admits Chuck Todd's Meet The Press
Deceptively Editing Barr's Remarks On Flynn

The Real April Jobs Report - 42 Million Unemployed
And A 25.5% Unemployment Rate

The Link Between Human Retroviruses
and Chronic Disease...Dr Judy Mikovits - Watch

Animated Graph Shows How US Leads World In New Cases

How Trump and the CDC Failed the CV Test

A front row seat to the greatest self-inflicted
economic disaster in history

Trump US Govt Rejected Offer For Millions of N-95
Masks at Start of Coronavirus Pandemic - Report

Bill Gates Goes Viral on Digital ID, Digital Currency

Peter Navarro - The Chinese communist party dismantled
Trump's 'beautiful economy' in 60 days amid coronavirus


The Folly of Trump's Blame-Beijing CV Strategy

Trump charges Obama with 'biggest political crime
in American history'

President Obama Was In On Plot To Frame General
Mike Flynn Says His Attorney

Cabal of Liars of Top Obama Officials Need
to be Held Accountable

Video Emerges of Creeper Biden Admitting He Was
Arrested for 'Following' Female College Students'

1996 Court Documents says Tara Reade told of
harassment in Biden's office

Dems & media have no shame backing Biden
who personifies exactly what they bash Trump for

A CV State Of Mind - America's Mental Health Suffers
As Anti-Anxiety Drug Prescriptions...Go Viral

Pandemic doctor predicts coronavirus
will dramatically spike

How Coronavirus Could Break Trump


US Heading Into Depression? The V-Shaped
Recovery Fades Away

Fauci in quarantine as Trump projects confidence
and urges states to reopen (Trying to Use The
Successful Sweden Model)

Why Shut Down? CV Infections Would Plummet If 80%
Of Americans Just Wore Masks According To Study

Global coronavirus cases soar past 4 Million
as US accounts for 33% of confirmed infections

Some 5,000 People Waiting Out Pandemic
In Frozen, Virus-Free Antarctica

We Now Know Far More About CV
...The Lockdown Should End

Weekend Humor: What It's Like To Believe
Everything 'The Media' Tells You

Elon Musk Says He 'Sympathizes' With
Anti-Globalist Movement

Over 1 In 1000 People Living In NY-NJ Die From CV

NYC doubles number of 'social-distancing ambassadors'
(Thug-Snitch Mentality) after cops enforcement backlash


US Has 'Limited' Ability To Make CV Treatments, VAX

Epstein Arranged Prince Andrew's Meetings With
Three Young Women in NY Mansion, Model Claims

The Coronavirus 'bailout' Is A $6 trillion
giveaway Scam to Wall Street

Real Unemployment Rate Is 35.7%

US unemployment rate will get worse - Mnuchin

Instead Of Human samples, Tanzania Sends Corrupt WHO
Samples Of Goat, Papaya And A Pheasant - WHO Says All
Three Tested Positive - WHO Then Thrown Out Of Tanzania

Proof Of 'Mobile Medical' (Door-To-Door)
Trucks? Being Moved East

New virus clusters show risks of 2nd wave

It Is Not About A Virus... It Is About Control - How?
Through Control Of Your Food Supply Via A-21
And 'Sustainable Development'

'Your Every Move Will Be Watched' - Post CV Offices,
work Places To Resemble China's Social Credit System


Funeral Directors say NYC padding CV death numbers

Patriot Police Officer Speaks Out About What's
Coming If Police Continue To Ignore Constitution

Atzmon - Metropolis and the Battle for Herd Unity

MA Ice Cream Shop Opens And Then Closes
After Employees Are Abused - Many People Have
Forgotten How To Act After 2 Months Lockdown

People Leaving - Cities Foundering during pandemic

Photos show world Obeying social distancing

US Health Care Sector Has Shed 2 Million Jobs a 'Pandemic'

Dorothy Kilgallen...The Reporter Who Knew Too Much

Trump and Semiconductor Companies Including
Intel Seek to Kickstart New Chip Plants in US

Russia to go ahead with plans for strengthening
army under any circumstances - Putin

US Navy warns China against 'bullying'
others in S China Sea amid rising tensions

US Ditches Plans to Raise Combat Readiness
of Fighter Jets

UK Reportedly Mulls Buying Smart Rifles
Which May 'Transform the Battlefield'


Electric microwave plasma thruster could rival
traditional jet engines

Catholics Warn of Coronavirus Creating 'World
Government Beyond All Control'

Putin - Russia is 'Absolutely Reliably Defended'
Against Any Foreign Intervention

Russia breaks 200,000 mark on total CV
cases with over 11,000 newly registered infections

Patriotism is Russia's national idea, says Putin

Fireworks Display Illuminates Night Sky in
Moscow for Victory Day Celebrations - Watch

WATCH Russia's active-duty pilots fly over Syria
for V-Day parade in stunning GoPro Footage

Russian drone mini-sub plants memorial in WORLD'S
DEEPEST Mariana Trench – all by its lonesome robotic self

ICU death trap - One patient dies, 300 evacuated after
fire breaks out at CV hospital in Moscow - Watch

Moscow Vows to Hold Serious Talks With US Amid
Attempts to Downplay USSR's Role in Defeat of Nazism


Russia Records 10 Acts of Vandalism Against Soviet
WWII Memorial Sites in Poland in 2020

China Closes Shulan City Near North Korea
After Infections Rise

WHO Bashes German Media for Claim Xi Jinping
'Pressured' Tedros Withhold CV Info

China Asked WHO To Delay Pandemic Announcement
And Deny Human-To-Human Transmission - German Intel

Wuhan Biolab Where Coronavirus Was Studied
Mysteriously Shut Down In October Report Claims

After China Forced Out Reporters, Trump Hits Back
With Severe Restrictions On Chinese Media

Beijing Intensifies Military Presence in South China
Sea in Light of Growing US Activities in Region

Indian and Chinese troops 'clash on border' in Sikkim

China, Iran Are On The March

Boris Johnson Calls On UK To Go Back To Work
In Plan To Ease Lockdown


BoJo introduces Covid-19 'alert levels' for UK
as part of 'roadmap' out of lockdown - Watch

Boris Johnson Says Catastrophe With Half-Million
Deaths Was Averted Due to CV Quarantine

UK Government Releases Previously Redacted
Document on Harsher Lockdown Measures

Lockdown Fanatics Are More Frightening Than CV

Scotland's Nicola Sturgeon - Boris Johnson's Decision
to Drop 'Stay at Home' Message is Catastrophic

UK Queen to Leave Public Duties for Longest Period
in Her 68 Year Reign Due to Pandemic, Aide Says

Commercial Real Estate Is Crashing In Europe
Offices Obliterated, Retail Routed

European Commission Mulls Legal Action
Against Germany Over National Court Decision

Eurozone Breakup Risk Reaches New High

Tesla's Head Of Europe Leaves After 'Disputes'
With Elon Musk


Italian PM Conte Suggests Early Lockdown Lifting

Airlines Face Massive Job Cuts After Bailout
Money Is Used up

Former JPMorgan Economist - We Are Heading
Towards A Weimar Republic Inflation Setup

Are Gold and Silver About to Explode Higher?

Time To Think About Finally Winning WWII
Against Banksters

Get Used to It, CV Taxes Are Coming
....Will Remain Indefinitely

From Overstretch To Collapse

UK Seeks to 'Slowly and Cautiously'
Relaunch Economy - Minister

Three Colombian Army Boats With Ammunition
on Board Found by Venezuela After Failed Invasion

US Sanctions Meant to Pressure Venezuela
Amid Pandemic to Initiate Power Change - Minister


Venezuelan Court Orders to Arrest US Citizens
Accused of Involvement in Failed Invasion

Why Operation Gideon Failed & What Strategic
Goals Washington is Pursuing in Venezuela

New Israeli Government's Swearing in Ceremony
Postponed Over Mike Pompeo's Visit, Reports Say

Pompeo to visit Israel to discuss Iran influence
And West Bank annexation

Israel Mulls Response to Alleged Iranian Cyber
Attack That Breaks 'All the Codes of War'

Israel 'Too Weak' to Take on Iran as it Continues
to Cement its Presence in Syria

ICC rejects Australia's 'unfounded' challenge
to probing Israeli war crimes

Iran Tried To Sabotage Israel's Water Supply
In Major Cyberattack Says The WaPost

Iran Ready for Unconditional Prisoner Swap
With US, Reports Suggest

Turkey Will Deem LNA Forces 'Legitimate Targets'
if Attacks Against Its Interests Continue


US Sanctions Exemptions Facilitate Aid Flow
To Terrorists Amid Pandemic, Syrian Ambassador Says

Heavy rocket attack by Libya rebels
damages airport in Tripoli, kills 6

Protracted Saudi war draws Turkey to
Yemen after Libya

India rolls out red carpet for 100s of US firms
that Washington wants out of China – report

The internet is penetrating rural India rapidly
and the trend could transform electoral politics

Massive Face Off Erupts Between Indian
and Chinese Troops, Several Injured - Reports


ReOpened Georgia Reports Fewest CV Patients

Polly Documents How Fauci, Bill & Melinda Gates And The
Global 'Coronavirus Elite' Are Tied Together - Essential To
Understanding How The World Is Run - Brilliant - Watch

Who Is Bill Gates And Is He Really What He Seems?

After CV Contact, Dr. Faustus Says HE Will
Only Do A 'Modified Quarantine'...

Ousted Scientist, Dr. Rick Bright, Tears Up Ripping
Trump's Morbid CV Response: 'We Could've Done
Something And We Didn't'...Doctors & Nurses Have Died

Coronavirus Cluster Blossoms At White House
As Trump Continues To Minimize Threat

Brave American Says NO To 'New Normal' - Sheeple Are
Walking Up The Slaughterhouse Ramp - Resist Tyranny
In Sweden, People Are Free, Their Herd Immunity Is Near

Whitney - Sweden Is The Model

Snyder - America Is A Powder Keg, Ready To Explode


Fact check - Trump not even remotely true on
coronavirus death toll And CV testing

US STASI Begins To Implement WHO 'Contact Tracing'
Forcibly Removing Citizens From Their Homes! - Watch
(Contact Tracing Is The 'New Normal' In Soviet America

'Contact Tracer' And 'Disease Investigator'
Communist Jobs Spring Up Across The Country

DARPA Robot Now Enforcing Social Distancing - Watch

Corbett - A Very Good Description Of The Second Wave

As State Reopens, Ohio Urges Employers To Snitch
On Workers Who Stay Home Over Virus Fears
Divide Americans...and Crush Them

WHO is Behind the Censoring of 'Plandemic'?

Musk Says He Will Move All Future Operations
Out Of 'Fascist' California

Comrade Newsom Orders Mail-In Ballots For November
Sent To All Registered California Voters

The Coronavirus Response -
The Goal Is Control of All Humanity


Obama Says Trump's CV Response Has Been
'Absolute Chaotic Disaster'

Pelosi snaps at reporter who mentions Trump,
Says 'Don't waste your time or mine on what he says'

Trump and Pence both Obviously exposed
to coronavirus at the White House

White House On 'High Alert' As 11 Secret
Service Agents Currently CV Infected

Ivanka Trump's Personal Aide Tests Positive
Joining Range of Other White House Staffers

US job losses reach Great Depression levels
It Didn't Have To Be This Way - Look At Sweden
Trump, Fauci & Birx Have Destroyed America

It Pays...Very Well...To Stay Unemployed

American Shopping Malls Resemble
Ghost Towns After Reopening

Obama Claims Rule of Law 'at Risk' in US
After DOJ Drops Criminal Case Against Flynn

Did Obama Defense Deputy Lie To Protect Her
Fraudulent Russiagate Sources?


CNN just called OAN 'more state-run propaganda
network than a credible news organization'

Creepy Joe Accuser, Reade, Is Leaving Dems After
Party's Response to Her Sex Abuse Allegations

How Many Lives Will Politicians Sacrifice
In The Name Of Fighting Coronavirus?

Scientific Research Finds That Closing Borders
Is Most Effective Way Of Combatting CV - Gosh,
Didn't Trump Swear he'd Stop the Border Invasion?

Rock And Rock Giant Little Richard Leaves Us At 87
This Story Includes Some Of His Greatest Hits - Watch

Woodstock Occurred in Middle of a Pandemic

Warm weather won't kill off coronavirus - study

Breaking Birds Massively Attack Cell Tower
...Before Dropping Dead - Freaky Footage, Watch

Rare syndrome tied to CV kills three NY children

NYC hospitals begin planned surgeries
delayed by coronavirus


Suspicion And Skepticism Are Vaccines For Deception

What To Stock Up On For The Coming Year Of CV

As Expected - More than 2,500 new cases
In Florida since reopening Last Monday

Wooldridge - Just Another Bike Ride....
Silence and Action Are True Wisdom's Best Reply

Beware Of Plans To 'Build Back Better'

Global GeoEngineering News Alert 5-9-20

YouTube Targets Chinese Blogger After She Posts
Video On Coronavirus Origins

Algorithm Bug? Netizens Complain Facebook Bans
Users for Posting Photo of Soviet Flag Over Reichstag

27 million reasons we must remember Victory Day
And Stop attempts to rewrite history

20% Chinese companies ready to increase investment
in Russia after pandemic — poll


Putin and Trump's cooperation efforts don't
match words of US officials - ambassador

US Blasts Russia & Assad For Sending
Mercenaries Into Libya To Support Haftar

Coronavirus cases in Russia grow by
10,817 over past day

Over 5 million CV tests conducted in Russia

Russian UN Envoy: Turbulent Relations Among
States Resemble Trends Prior to WWII

After Three Supersonic Program Failures,
US Simply Ripped Off Russia's Kh-31 in '90s

Western journalists & politicians MOCK Russian
doctors driven to suicide by CV pressures

WH attributes victory over Nazis to 'America & UK'
in bizarre VE-Day message, gets schooled on Twitter

Trump Igniting Cold War With China to Win ReElection

How China Will React to the Unprecedented Hysteria
From the Trump and The West


US blocks UN resolution on coronavirus ceasefire
after China pushes WHO mention

US Toughens Visa Rules for Chinese Journalists
to Add to 'Greater National Security Protections'

Japan Protests After Chinese Ships Enter Territorial
Waters Near Disputed Islands, Reports Say

Night clubs and bars shut down in Seoul after
new CV hotspot emerges in main leisure district

Allies despair as Trump abandons leadership role
at a time of global crisis

Lockdown protest in central London rattles police

Fatties Stay Home: Leaked UK Doc Shows
Mandated Remote-Working Plan For Obese Brits

UN rapporteur on torture 'scared to find out more
about our democracies' after delving into Assange case

UK Experiences Record-Breaking Number of Illegal
Muslim And Black African Invader Crossings Over Channel

Protesters Held for Breaking Lockdown
Rules in Berlin, Police Say


Top German politician wants to 'urgently' reopen French
border despite Berlin's reluctance to ease travel restrictions

'Critical Shortcomings' - French Foreign Spy Agency
Angry at Poor Job Applicants

Multibillion Dollar Bailout for Arms Industry - Of Course!

San Diego Unemployment Rate Nearly 27%
Breaking County Record Set During Great Depression

Trump says US will start purchasing dairy,
meat and produce from farmers

The hunger crisis during the coronavirus
pandemic in the US in photos - Vox

Depressionary Economy Versus A Bull Market
...Both Can't Be Right

Time To Learn About Money

Goldman Sachs - Oil demand could exceed
supply by end Of May

Why China is better prepared than other
economic powers for any global crisis


Silver Coin Premiums Soar - Signal 'Alt-Money'
Demand As Re-Opening Recovery Hype Fades

Clinical trial enrollment Dives as volunteers are
scared off coronavirus drugs promoted by Trump

Bolsonaro Claims Idea of Organising A BBQ
Party Amid Pandemic Was 'Fake'

'No US Involvement at All' - COO of Firm
Behind Botched Venezuela Raid Says

Venezuela's Guaido says US mercenary contract is fake
even after own allies give full doc to US media

White House Council - Venezuela Attack Would Be
'Overt, Direct & Effective' if US Was Involved

Russian troops helping Venezuela search for
members of failed incursion: Report

Venezuelan Army Announces Arrest of Two More
Mercenaries Involved in Failed Maduro Kidnap Attempt

Trump's Amb to Israel Says US Ready to Honor
Israeli Sovereignty Over 30% of West Bank

Ethiopian Military Admits Downing Aid Plane in
Somalia Over Suicide Attack Fears


Libya - Tripoli sustains massive rocket attack
...planes ablaze

Several Fires Break Out as Jet Fuel Storage Facility
Attacked at Mitiga Airport in Libya

Afghan Government Releases 1,000 Taliban Members

A New Ocean Starting to Form in Africa?

Authoritarianism In The Age Of Pseudoscience

Pence's Press Secretary Infected...And She's MARRIED
To Trump's Top Senior Policy Advisor, Stephen Miller!
Both Pence & Trump Have Been Surrounded By Virus

Three White House Staffers Have Now Tested Positive
Including Trump's Valet And Two Pence Employees

Sweden's Incredible Success - No Shutdowns,
No Economic Catastrophe, No Distancing,
Schools Open - Watch From 4:09

'Cheap and Harmless': Swedish Researchers Assume
Vitamin D Can Protect Against Coronavirus

'There Has Never Been A Disease In The History Of
Mankind' That Manifests In So Many Different Ways - Watch

Trump's 'zombie economy' scheme that pays workers
to stay home and NOT work while small businesses
get crushed is the dumbest economic experiment ever

The Four Horsemen Of Trump's Apocalyptic CV
Response...Kushner, Miller, Pompeo and Barr

Trump wants you to think His US Covid response
is the envy of the world - Guess Again, Donald

What Foreign Policy Experts Make of
Trump's Coronavirus Response

Donald Trump's legacy is truth decay - He Even Said
'Maybe Our (His) Best Work Has Been With CV Pandemic'


Trump says CV will 'go away without a vaccine'

USC & Emory Creating Mass Surveillance System
Similar to China's Social Credit Scoring - We Will
All Be Given SCORES based on The CV Pandemic

People who traveled from NY across the US in
early March caused nearly 65% of coronavirus
cases in the rest of the country - research suggests

The NY Fed Is Exercising Powers Never
Bestowed on It by ANY Law, Anywhere

Fed Chair Powell Has Over of $11.6 Million Invested
with BlackRock, the Firm that Will Manage a $750
Billion Corporate Bond Bailout Program for the Fed!

Fauci & Birx Used Neil Ferguson's Imperial College Fraud
virus model To Convince Dumb Trump To Shut Down The
Whole Economy And Destroy The Lives Of Millions

EVIL - HR 6666 Would Direct HHS To Give Grants To
'Eligible Entities' (Who Would That Be?) To Use Mobile
Labs To Go Door to Door To Test Americans For CV And
Then Follow Up with Contact Tracing And Surveillance

Tara Reade calls for The Creeper to drop out
of the presidential race

Biden promises to strip the accused of
their constitutional rights

Bern And The Kamal Want $2,000 A Month For
Americans 'During The Pandemic'


The Squad Urges Pelosi To Include Universal $30,000
Student-Loan Cancellation In Next Relief Bill

US Intelligence, Obama Aides Never Saw Any
Direct Proof of Trump-Russia Collusion - Transcripts

in case against General Flynn

Sweet revenge? Now that Mike Flynn is free, Trump
may be tempted to punish the Russiagate conspirators

The Great Russiagate Hoax Exposed

Ex-Epstein Associate Maxwell Reportedly
Doesn't Believe He Killed Himself

Cuomo warns of 'entirely different chapter' as Five
Yr Old NYC boy dies from CV-related complications

At least 85 kids across US have developed rare,
mysterious CV-linked illness (number keeps growing)

NY Gov Cuomo says he won't sacrifice human lives
to reopen the economy - The argument is 'absurd'

Meatpacking Plant Workers And Shipments Are
Major CV Transmission Vectors Over The US


HHS Sec Says Lifestyles Of Meat Processing Employees
Worsened The Coronavirus Outbreak

Trump responds to Wendy's meat shortage - says
he'll call The fast food chain's director To Fix It

Kroger CEO Promises Meat In Stores But Customers
May Have To Be 'Flexible' On What They Buy

US Shopper's Disregard for Store's Face Mask
Policy Ends in Violent Body Slam - Watch

Trump's Coronavirus Propaganda Machine
May Be Kicking Into High Gear

Melinda Gates gives Trump administration A
'D-minus' for his coronavirus response

Has Trump Reached The Lying-To-Himself-And-Believing-It
Stage In The Coronavirus Pandemic?

First It Was 'Murder Hornets'...Now WA Must Confront
Gypsy Moths

Seattle To permanently close 20 miles of residential
streets to most vehicle traffic - Madness Abounds

Amsterdam Restaurant Creates 'Quarantine Greenhouses'
So Guests Can Dine While Social Distancing - Photos


How The Elite Use Fear to Control Us
...And How to Break Free

You Can't Wall Yourself Off From Coronavirus

History Channel And Bill Clinton plan documentary
series about the American presidency - Amusing!

Technofascism - Digital book Burning In A Totalitarian Age

Difference Between N95s, Surgical Masks, Cloth Masks

GOP RINO Candidate Anna Paulina Luna Supports
Democrat Positions on Amnesty for Illegals

Tony Fauci (song parody)

Why was The GREAT Ezra Pound Erased from History?

YouTube Targets Chinese Blogger After She
Posts Video On Coronavirus Origins

Facebook Censorship Council Includes Pro-Muslim
Brotherhood Activist

'Police state' & bad for IT business - Telegram founder
who ditched Russia unloads on the US & life in Silicon Valley

Beijing Media Calls for Quadrupling China's
Nuclear Weapons as US Continues Encirclement


India Builds Strategic Route Connecting China
Border for Better Accessibility to Security Forces

Kushner Details His Wild Idea to Use
Russia's Secret Communications Systems

Russian Hackers Again Accused of Gaining
Access to Merkel's Emails in 2015

Georgia recalls envoy from Kiev as its ex-President
Saakashvili, a wanted man back home, lands top
govt job in Ukraine

In China, 80 million may already be out of work
9 million more will soon be competing for jobs

Two China Teen students suddenly drop dead while
running laps at school...with masks on

Chinese Researchers Find CV Material in
Sperm of Infected Men

China-US War of Words, COVID-19, Economic Collapse
And US-China Trade Jeopardized

German Intelligence Reportedly Doubts US Theory
About Chinese Lab Origin of CV

Australian intel say US attempts to push CV China lab
theory undermine plan for Indy probe into virus origin


US Blaming China for CV to Neutralise Global
Market Competitor, Russian Envoy Says

Release the hounds! Singapore deploys ROBOT DOG
to help enforce social distancing - Watch

Hong Kong legislature descends into chaos
as lawmakers BRAWL - Vid

'Situation fragile': EU says borders should stay closed
until June 15 over pandemic fears

Milan branded a ticking CV time BOMB by Italian
virologist as people flout precautions as lockdown eased

Swedish gangsters unload on McDonald's
with AK-47 in drive-by shooting - Watch

Australia reports 'surge' in illegal hydroxychloroquine
imports as people seek alternative treatments for CV

Top JPMorgan Officer - It Will Take '10 to 12 Years' for US
Employment Levels to Recover - The new normal Will Be
third world poverty And perpetually high unemployment

Grim US Class of 2020 Job Prospects

52% Of All US Small Businesses Are Expected
To Be Gone In 6 Months


Worst Jobs Report In US History - 20.5 Million Jobs Lost
To Trump, Fauci & Birx - Unemployment Hits Record 14.7%

For The First Time Ever, More Than Half Of The
US Population Is Not Working

Businesses Struggle to Lure Workers Away
From Easy Unemployment Checks

88,000 US Truck Drivers Lose Jobs In biggest Crash
on Record - If The Trucks Stop Running, We're Done

New Yorkers Queue for Federal Benefits as US
Faces Record Unemployment Rate - Watch

Canada Loses Record Number of Jobs in April
Due to Pandemic as Unemployment Hits 13%

National Restaurant Chains, 'Souplantation' And 'Sweet
Tomatoes' Are permanently closing all restaurants Over CV

JC Penney Strikes $500 Million Bankruptcy Financing
Deal - Expected To File Next Week

Stockman On Inflation, Gold, & Personal Freedom
In A Post Pandemic World

Something Odd Is Going On In
Parking Lots Around The US


Why printing money to avert a recession
is not smart economics

Venezuela charges two Americans with terrorism
and conspiracy over failed mercenary plot

Trump says he'd use ARMY to raid VZ as he doubles
down on denial of ordering botched plot

Private Military Company Behind Botched
VZ Raid Suspected of Plagiarism

Maduro Accuses US Chargé d'Affaires Story of
Being Behind Boat Incursion From Colombia

3 Nurses Strangled in Mexico, Border Mayor Gets Coronavirus

Iran daily coronavirus death toll hits lowest level
in over 11 weeks - Health Ministry

US does not seek to leave region, has to be forcibly
expelled by resistance - Senior Iraqi cleric

From Syria to Libya - Captured Mercenaries Recount
Tales of Coercion, Deception

Ansarullah slams Saudi Arabia, UAE for using
television programs to promote Israel


Coronavirus fears and frustrations as US states reopen

What it's like to live in Antarctica during pandemic

Are you ready for this week's absurdity?

Trump's New Campaign Message - Blame China,
Save The Economy - Trump Comparing The 'China
Coronavirus Pandemic' To The Pearl Harbor Attack

Our Shattered Economy - New Jobless claims filed
reach 3.2 million - Crisis total 33 million Lost Jobs

US unemployment hits 33.5 MILLION marking
worst economic downturn since Great Depression

Trump's Number One Goal - Extricate Himself From
All Responsibility And Shift It To The States

President Kushner Screwed Up His COVID Jobs,
So Trump Gives Him An Even Bigger One!

Trump Putting The Utterly Unqualified Jerry
Kushner In Charge Of Anything Shouldn't Be
A Surprise - The US was sick long before CVD

End the Lockdowns - Start The Takedowns

The CVD Op - Gates (Who Knows) Warns In Advance (again)
Next Is 'Pandemic 2' And Then A Very Deadly BioTerror Attack
(Doesn't Say By Whom...We'll Never Know The Truth) Can You
Spell 'Endless Fear' And 'Population Reduction'?

A Trump Personal WH Valet Who Handles His Clothing,
Brings His Meals, Wears No Mask And Likely Helps Dress
Him Is Infected...But No Self Quarantine For Trump

Trump announces Coronavirus tests are 'overrated'
...but He will get tested daily


White House staff to be tested daily for coronavirus
after Trump's Personal Valet tests positive

Trump Rejects CDC 17 Page Guidelines For Reopening
...CDC Source - 'We're Used To Dealing With A WH That
Asks For Things And Then Chaos Ensues'

Here are the Trump-Rejected CDC guidelines
He doesn't want you to see

US death toll tops 74,000 as Trump shelves
too cautious CDC guide to reopening Nation

YouTube Deletes Viral Video Claiming Dr. Fauci
Is Spewing 'Absolute Propaganda' About CVD

Trump Refused mask At Honeywell because Of Vanity
And fear He'd Look 'Ridiculous' - And that photos in
Democrat attack ads could harm his reelection chances

Trump's Coronavirus Task Farce

Trump thinks US coronavirus death count is inflated

Trump boosters Don't believe the CVD death toll

Womens Rights Attorney Lisa Bloom - Yes, Biden
Is A Rapist But I Endorse Him


'Peak cringe' - New York Times roasted for Biden
'hottest-bad-boy' election campaign strategy article

He Is 'An Innocent Man' - Trump Happy After DoJ
Drops All Charges Against General Flynn

DOJ Drops Case vs Ex Trump National Security
Advisor Gen Michael Flynn

New Bombshell Documents Raise the Question
Why Obama Feared Michael Flynn So Much

States begin to reopen even as cases surge
Sweden is the Model But It's Too Late For US

Coronavirus appears to die quickly in direct sunlight
...Direct UV Radiation

TWICE Deported Invader Beats Woman And Infects
Two Officers With CVD...And Is Then RELEASED

San Francisco gives drugs, alcohol to homeless
quarantining in hotels

Furor Erupts Over SF Giving Drugs To Homeless
Addicts As Businesses Prepare To Reopen

Warning to Coronavirus Snitches


NC DMV worker infected, state headquarters
office closed

People who refuse to download the COVIDSafe
virus tracing app are the new anti-vaxxers

CA Communist Gov Newsom Reveals Giant Budget
Deficit - To Allow More Reopening To Begin

When Governments Switched Their Story From
'Flatten The Curve' To 'Lockdown Until Vaccine'

Simpsons writer admits 2020 pandemic clairvoyance
as murder hornets clip goes viral

MI March SARS CoV2 Sequences Largely Italian Lineage

Vit D Levels May Impact CVD 19 Mortality Rates

RT Spends The Day With David Icke

The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Coverup
How a Little Newspaper Solved the Biggest Scientific
and Political Mystery of Our Time

First US Space Force commercial released
'Maybe your purpose isn't on this planet'

Trump Tells Putin He Looks Forward to Future
Talks to Avoid Costly Arms Race

US amb hails cooperation with Russia on CVD crisis
but crucial nuclear weapons differences remain

Stoltenberg Vows NATO to 'Remain Nuclear
Alliance as Long as Atomic Weapons Exist'


USAF Female Fighter Pilot - Watch

Govts may see 'immunity passports' as a way of
reopening but they're a plunge towards totalitarianism

Putin - Russia, US can achieve much, if they follow
traditions of allied relations

Putin, Macron discuss preparations for UN
quintet's videoconference on pandemic

Putin, Abe discuss anti-coronavirus fight, Kremlin says

Moscow decrees masks, gloves on public transport,
in shops from May 12, lockdown To Run to May 31

Russian military specialists to disinfect urban
facilities in Italy's Lumezzane

Moscow has THREE TIMES more Coronavirus
cases than officially accounted-for – Mayor

Beijing May Dump US Treasuries In Response
To US Hostility, Start Its Own QE - Chinese Media

ALL of China declared 'low Covid-19 risk'
as daily infections approach zero


CVD Killing Black Brits at Twice the Rate of Whites

Unflushable Turd Blair Wants 'Much Greater Heft
and Weight' for WHO in Fight Against CVD

'Tracking Shaming' - In Australia You Are Selfish
if You Do Not Install the Corona App

NHS X Trialling New CVD Contact Tracing App
Amid Concerns on Privacy, Input From Google, Apple

The UK state's desire to keep tabs on us via
smartphone apps is sinister. Fortunately, it's
turning into another CVD cock-up

Britain's ex-spy chiefs got rich off 'Russian threat'
warnings, but IGNORED alarm bells on pandemic risk

UK moves to relax CV restrictions but Brits beg to
#KeepTheLockdown, despite cooped up since March

It's time inefficient altruism stopped bailing
out government failure

UK Police Officer's Bike Stolen Enforcing Lockdown

Leaked 2017 Report Exposes UK Government
Lies on Care Home Pandemic Preparedness


'Worst case' scenario - Second CV wave could
come as early as July, top doctor in Germany warns

Sweden passes 3,000 coronavirus deaths as
Scandinavian nation becomes battleground
for lockdown debate

EU Trade Chief Slams UK Approach to
Post-Brexit Trade Talks

Swedish Journo Claims Muslim Brotherhood
Gaining Foothold Within Country's Defence

Thanks, Brussels! Now Poland can have its own
gas pipeline at EU taxpayers' expense

'Biblical' Wave Of Bankruptcies Is About
To Flood The US

US To Remove Patriot Missile Protection
From Saudi Arabia Amid Oilpocalypse

Bank of England Forecasts 14% Drop for
UK Economy in 2020

Final Judgement of Finland's Basic Income Trial
...More Happiness, But Little Employment Boost

US Consumer Credit Unexpectedly Crashes As
Americans Repay Record Amount Of CC Debt


Bill Gates and His 'War Against Cash' Are a Threat
to Our Liberty, Economist Warns

Luongo - Elites Would Like To Remind You,
'Remember, Cash Is Trash" In A Post-CVD World

Rand Paul - 'Reopen The Economy,
No More Imaginary Money'

Everyone Knows The Govt Wants
A 'Controlled' Weimar

Historic Eurodollar Panic - Negative Rates
Now Expected As Soon As November

Graph Shows 'Unprecedented' Australian Job Collapse

US Wants Release of Two Special Forces Vets
Who Led Failed Coup Attempt in Venezuela

Venezuela - Trump's Failed Mini Bay of Pigs Fiasco

Moscow calls US claims it had nothing to do
with Venezuela raid 'unconvincing'

US Mercenaries' Botched Venezuela Raid May
be Prelude to Bigger Invasion, Analyst Warns



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Over 12 Million Views To Date

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Corona Crisis And The Invasion Of America

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Domination By The Biological AI Cult Controlled
By Non-Human Off-Planet Intelligence

Jeff & Yoichi Shimatsu
Nine Years Of Fukushima Radioactive Catastrophe

Jeff & Jordan Maxwell
Why And How We Are Being Crushed By Communism

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We're Heading Into The Next World

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3 Hours Of National & World Perspective In 46 Minutes

Jeff & David Oates
SHOCKING CoViD Speech Reversals On CDC & Trump

Jeff with Dick Allgire & Yoichi Shimatsu
Remote Viewing The Corona Virus

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Could Coronavirus Already Be All Over The US?



Must Reading

Polly Documents How Fauci, Bill & Melinda Gates
And The Global 'Coronavirus Elite' Are Tied Together
Essential To See How World Is Run - Brilliant - Watch

Whitney - Sweden Is The Model

Veteran Russian GRU (Military Intel) Colonel
Says The Coronavirus Pandemic Is A Tool To
Increase World Control And Domination

Staggering Interview With Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD
Perhaps The Most Important Ever On Covid-19 - WATCH

Dr Judy Mikovits PhD - Fauci's Worst Nightmare - WATCH

Aldous Huxley - How To Make The Masses Obedient
And 'Happy' - Watch Especially 12:00-21:00 (1958)

CA ER Doctor's Full Coronavirus Briefing
...Stunning Stats, Truths Emerge - Very Important - Watch

Tucker Blasts YouTube For Censoring Dr. Erickson's Video

Watch - Does FEMA Now Have Control Of America?
Pay Attention To Trump's Statement Analyzed And How
He Says To Pompeo 'You Should Have Let Us Know'...

Pentagon orders US military to wear face coverings
made from 'CLEAN T-SHIRTS' & other household items

Simulation Shows That Joggers Could Pick Up Virus
From other Joggers in front of them...even six feet
It hangs in the air for Up To Three HOURS

Mysterious, Serious Heart Damage Hitting CV Patients

Top 12 Most Dangerous Surfaces To Touch

WATCH - Ex FEMA Management Planning Official
Reveals Plans To Crush Life And Liberty - A Ghastly
Overview Of The Forced Injection Of Global
Governance Into The World

Coronavirus can travel 27 feet And remain
Suspended in the Air for hours - MI

CV can travel twice as far as 6 Foot 'Safe
Distance' And Stay Airborne For 30 Minutes

Jeff & Dick Allgire - This Is A Transition...
We're Heading Into The Next World

WATCH - Doctor Talk About Coronavirus Genome
Showing It Was BioEngineered, How the Economy Is
Dying And Warns 'Prepare Now For 18 To 20 Months'
It Is Super SARS 2.0

Allicin C And The Coronavirus

Selenium And The Coronavirus

A Doctor Advises Doctors On How To Be Safe
From The Coronavirus

Severe Damage Done To CoVid Victims Lungs And
Immune Systems Found In Autopsies - New Scientific
Medical Journal Paper

Will A Face Mask Really Protect You From The Coronavirus?

Continually Updated Coronavirus Map By Johns Hopkins

Wuhan Whistle Doctors Say It Is Highly Possible To
Become REINFECTED - Victims Can Be Fully-Infected
But Be Totally Asymptomatic For Up To 24 DAYS And
Test PCR Negative Over And Over - So, Forget The
14 Day Quarantine Routine

Chinese Coronavirus Patient Reinfected 10 Days
After Leaving Hospital

Coronavirus ELE? - Worse Than Hollywood Horror Film

Crucial Coronavirus Issues Easily Overlooked - Pay Attention!

Simple Steps To Help Reduce Chance Of Infection
When Out In Any Public Places, Markets, Banks, Etc

Watch - Hong Kong Doctor explains the proper way
to wash your hands and put on a face mask Special Home Page
UFO-ET & Mars Photo Stories


UFOs-ETs - We Are Most Definitely Not Alone

Watch Three Large Craft Fly From The Backside Of
Moon Around To The Front...Casting Shadows Below

Stunning, Rare George Adamski Daylight
Films Of UFO Sightings - Vid

The Nimitz UFO Encounters Off San Diego


Mr. Nano And Jeff Rense
Startling Nanotech Revelations!

Conversation And Revelations 2

Conversation And Revelations 1


See US Govt Stop
And Destroy A Hurricane!

Watch Hurricane Lane Smashed By HAARP-Like
EMF Just Before It Was To Hit Military Bases On Oahu
Edited By Jeff Rense

Mind-Boggling NASA Satellite Photos Absolutely Proving Massive Global Weather Control - Click Here




The Las Vegas CIA
Mossad Massacre

Las Vegas Massacre - FBI Docs Reveal Eyewitness Saw
Second Shooter Firing Automatic Weapon Into The Crowd

Vegas Massacre Conspiracy Proof - Two Women Heard
Laughing & Describing The Vegas Op As 'Shooting Fish
In A Barrel'...30 MINUTES BEFORE The Massacre

Jesus Campos Story Morphs Again
Now Says Paddock Shot Him In Leg With A ‘Pellet Gun'

Jeff's YouTube Videos

Jeff & Gary Holland - Those Who Deny People Died
In Vegas Are Either Intel Assets Or Fools

Jeff & Gary Holland - The Campos Scam On Ellen & More

Helicopter Stories - Here

General Stories - Here

Live Fire Videos Proving Multiple Shooters - Here

Rense Photo Analysis - Click Here

Eyewitness Accounts - Here

Jesus Campos Stories - Here

Witnesses Who Have Died Since October 1 - Here

Rense Las Vegas Videos - Here


Jeff With William Mills Tompkins
...Historic Revelations

.. Selected By Extraterrestrials

Bill Tompkins Incredible...
Breathtaking Space 'Flow Chart'

Jeff And Frank Chille In A
Tribute To Bill Tompkins

Book - Selected By Extraterrestrials

Listen As Bill Reveals To Jeff The
Astonishing ET Derived Technology
Of Our Secret Space Program And So
Much More - A Treasury Of Disclosure
From William Mills Tompkins!
Visit The Huge William Mills Tompkins
Archives Which Include All Of His Gripping
Conversations & Enormous Revelations
With Jeff… Click Here!


Jeff With Brothers Mark And Brett
Incredible UFO And ET Encounters

Jeff With Brett And Mark - Program 1
Face-To-Face With A Grey

Hour 1

Hour 2

Jeff With Brett And Mark - Program 2
The Voice Of ET?

Hour 1

Hour 2

Are These The Handprints Of An ET Visitor?

Stunning Audio-Video Clip Of Mark Being Knocked Out And Down...By?

Amazing Photos

Jeff With Brett And Mark - Program 3
More Remarkable UFO-ET Encounters

Hour 1

Hour 2

Hour 3



Jeff With Joe Foster


Jeff and Joe Foster - Hour One

Jeff And Joe Foster - Hour Two

Jeff And Joe Foster - Hour Two

The Mystery Of Bell Labs Super
Tech Breakthroughs

Jeff and Joe Foster - Hour One

Jeff And Joe Foster - Hour Two

Trying To Save The Bell Labs
Holmdel facilities

Pentagon Fails To Capture Data
About Alien Orbs

Joe Foster And Dr. Robert Lucky


Clifford Stone - UFO Revelations


Dr Raymond Keller PhD

Jeff With Ray Keller - Prof MacDonald & Missing UFO Experiencers 7-19-18

Hour 1

Hour 2

- Mormonism And ET Gods
- Are Aliens From Venus Coming Back To Earth?
- Dr. James E. McDonald And The ET Hypothesis
- The Disappearing UFO Experiencers

Alien Messages File

Hour 1 - Dr Ray Keller PhD - The Venus Conspiracy

Hour 2 - Dr Ray Keller PhD - The Venus Conspiracy



Massive Fukushima Extinction
Level Event Underway

Enormous Losses Of Insects And Animals
From Fukushima...And GeoEngineering Worldwide

Jeff and Mitchell Henderson - Latest On The Fukushima Extinction Event

TEPCO Pretends It Isn’t Dumping Radioactive Fukushima
Water In The Pacific - A Million Tons In Rusting Tanks

Fukushima Disaster - TEPCO Nuclear Executives
All Found Not Guilty In Japan - Same Old Story

Tempers Flare Over Fukushima Plan To Dump
Radioactive Water In Ocean - (Like They Haven’t Been Doing So All The Way Along)

Updates - NO BUGS, NO BIRDS As We've Warned
Extinction Is Here - Please Contribute Observations

Shocker - West Coast Tide Pools Before & After Fukushima

Shimatsu - Fukushima Year 8...Racing To Global
Genocide At The Tokyo Olympics

Tokyo 2020...The Radioactive Olympics Of Death

Fukushima - Japanese Swim Star Hit With Leukemia
2020 Tokyo Radioactive Olympics On Schedule

Insect Collapse - 'We Are Destroying Our Life Support Systems'

The Insect Apocalypse In Here

A giant insect ecosystem is collapsing due to humans.
It's a catastrophe

Where Have All The Insects Gone?

We've Been Warning For Years, Fukushima Radiation
Has Destroyed 75% Of The North American Insects

Fukushima Radiation - Plummeting
Insect Populations Could Ravage Life On Earth

Massive (Fukushima) Die-Offs Around The World
86% Of ALL Insects In German Parks Gone

Catastrophic Losses Of Northern Hemisphere Insects

Vanishing Insects & Birds...Real And Widespread

Scientists Warn Of ‘Ecological Armageddon'

As We Have Warned Since Fukushima - Plummeting
Insect Populations Could Ravage Life On Earth

Catastrophic Photos Showing The Almost Complete
Extinction Of Bugs Documented During 6 Las Vegas To
LA Round Trips Over 3 Months And 4,000 Miles...And Not One Car Wash



Fukushima Geological &
Radiation Permanent Resources

Car Splatometer Backs Rense Research...
Finds Huge Insect Die-Off - Extinction Level

Jeff and Mitchell Henderson - Latest On The Fukushima Extinction Event

TEPCO Pretends It Isn’t Dumping Radioactive Fukushima
Water In The Pacific - A Million Tons In Rusting Tanks

Fukushima Disaster - TEPCO Nuclear Executives
All Found Not Guilty In Japan - Same Old Story

Tempers Flare Over Fukushima Plan To Dump
Radioactive Water In Ocean - (Like They Haven’t Been Doing So All The Way Along)

Updates - NO BUGS, NO BIRDS As We've Warned
Extinction Is Here - Please Contribute Observations

Million A Week Club - Your Cumulative Radiation

Russian nuclear firm wins contracts
to Work On Fukushima Cleanup

Long Term Radiation To Japanese Cattle 12 Miles
From Fukushima Daichi - Interesting

Tokyo 2020...The Radioactive Olympics Of Death

NYT Magazine - The Bug And Bird Apocalypse
The Coming Biological Annihilation Of The Planet?

Even After Fukushima Calamity, nuclear energy
stages comeback in Japan

No Good Bugs Left In Upper Peninsula Of Michigan

Fukushima Update 2018 - 'It's All Dead!' - Vid

60 Minutes Australia Feature On Fukushima
Claims Not One Death From Radiation! - Vid

Dana Dunford Exposes The Fraud 60 Minutes
Australia Report On Fukushima - Vid

Death Radiation Still Pouring From Fukushima 7yrs On

Million A Week Club - Your Radiation This Week In US

6 and 1/2 Years Later…Japan No Solution To Fukushima
Radioactive Liquid Death Piling Up In Rusting Tanks

Fukushima Radioactive Death Water Grows 150 Tons
A Day And Japan Doesn't Know What To Do With It

Hawaii Hit With 200x More Fukushima Rad That Expected

Japan Fukushima Coverup Hiding And Ignoring
Leukemia, Cancers, Sudden Heart Attacks

We've Been Warning For Years, Fukushima Radiation
Has Destroyed 75% Of The North American Insects

Fukushima Radiation - Plummeting
Insect Populations Could Ravage Life On Earth

Massive (Fukushima) Die-Offs Around The World
86% Of ALL Insects In German Parks Gone

Catastrophic Losses Of Northern Hemisphere Insects

Vanishing Insects & Birds...Real And Widespread

Scientists Warn Of ‘Ecological Armageddon'

As We Have Warned Since Fukushima - Plummeting
Insect Populations Could Ravage Life On Earth



Gary Holland
Overwhelming 5G Dangers And
Mass Mind Control Applications

5G - The Documentary You MUST See - Vid

Utility Companies Warn That 5G for Unlicensed WiFi
Applications Will Threaten Wireless 'Smart' Meters

Danger! 100s Of Respected Scientists Sound 5G Alarm

5G - Scientists Sound Major Alarm Over Dangers From
Completely Untested 5G Networks Going Up NOW

Will 5G Undermine Weather Prediction?

Is 5G Worth The Risks?

5G Rollout And 'Kill Zones' Being Set Up In Big Cities

5G - The Big Picture

China to UK Amid 5G Leak Row...
Don't Discriminate Against Huawei

US cyber officials threaten to stop sharing
information with EU allies over Huawei 5G

US Working to Make Theresa May Backpedal
on Huawei 5G Deal

Trump Must Reverse His Support Of Dangerous 5G

Human Wetware & The 5G Computer Weapon

The Fed’s 5G Blockchain Enslavement Plan

"5G Is The Stupidest Idea In The History Of The World"
Says WA State Biochemistry, Medical Science Prof
Not One 'Single Biological Test' Has Been Performed

Dr. Martin Pall Tells The NIH - "The 5G Rollout Is
Absolutely Insane” And Produces Devastating Effects
On Human Health - It's Total Domination And Control

French farmers sue the state over mystery cow
deaths they blame on electromagnetic fields From
Cell Phones And WiFi - 5G Will Be FAR Worse

WATCH - 16 Yr Old Patent Proves 'They' Can Easily
Remotely Hijack Your Nervous System & Thinking

5G Cellphone Towers Signal Renewed Concerns
Over Impacts on Our Health

Verizon Announces First 5G Cities
...And This Is How Much You'll Pay

Max Igan - 5G Will Blanket Earth And Be Able To
Deploy Most Any Military Tech On Humanity - Vid

Barry Trower On 5G Cell Tower Microwave
Weapon Systems - Vid

Veteran MD Drops Bombshell About 5G
Dangers At 5G Hearing - Vid

20,000 Satellites for 5G To Send Beams Of
Microwave Radiation Over The Entire Planet

5 Key Things You Need. To Know About 5G - Vid

Smart Phone In Your Pocket Is Seriously Dangerous
Severe EMF Dangers - Major Wake Up Call - Vid

Inside Facebook's Suicide Algorithm

What You Need To Know About 5G - Vid

WATCH - G5 Millimeter Waves 24-7...BAD News - Vid

5G Network Will Use SAME EMF As Pentagon
Crowg Control Systems - You WILL Be CALM

Your Smart Phone Is A Mass Mind Control Weapon

Trump Wants 5G Deployed As Soon As Possible - Vid

Jeff Rense - Major Update On Exploding
Microwave Mind Control Technology - Listen

Gary Holland - Mind Control Update - Listen

Mind Control And Targeted Individuals - Vid

5G Is An Israeli Creation Of Mass Mind Control And More Key Companies Involved All Traceable To Israel

The US Military KNEW 50 Years Ago How EMF Destroys
Human Reproduction And Breaks The Entire Body Down
Read This US Naval Medical Research Institute Report 1971


Mass Mind Control Over America
All Real, All The Time

Mind Wars By Targeted EMF- Electronic Harassment,
ADS, Bio-Effects And The Enormous Cost This Crime - Vid

Your Smart Phone Is A Mass Mind Control Weapon

Mind Control And Targeted Individuals - Vid

5G Is An Israeli Creation Of Mass Mind Control And More Key Companies Involved All Traceable To Israel




Jan Smith - America's
Greatest Morgellons




Your Are Being Controlled By Your TV

More Proof Of Mass Mind Control Through TV & Monitors




The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Click Here To Listen To The Full, Shocking Audiobook






David Oates Reverse Speech!
Political Newsmaker Reversals

MP3s, Videos, Articles

CIA Publishes Theory Of Reverse Speech -
David John Oates 34 Yrs Of Work Vindicated

A New Documentary Film On

David John Oates
and the Incredible World of REVERSE SPEECH !
Voices From The

Video Of David Oates Reverse Speech
Presentation In Ashland, OR 5-27-17

6-20-17...David John Oates - CIA Validates Reverse Speech



Stunning, Historic JFK Programs
Oates, Marrs & Allgire


JFK Murder Solved By Reverse Speech PART 1
David John Oates, Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire
Click HERE

JFK Murder Solved By Reverse Speech PART 2
David John Oates, Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire
Click HERE

Remote Viewing JFK - Whodunnit?
Jim Marrs
- World's #1 Scholar On JFK Assassination
Dick Allgire - One Of World's Premiere Remote Viewers

12-9-15.. Hour 1 MP3
2-9-15.. Hour 2 MP3

Photos 1 ... Photos 2

1-4-15.. Hour 1 MP3
1-4-15.. Hour 2 MP3

Photos 1...Photos 2

Jim Marrs, Courtney Brown & Remote Viewer Daz Smith - Revealing More Answers To The JFK Murder

12-29-15..Hour 1 MP3
12-29-15..Hour 2 MP3



Remote Viewing The
Death Of Adolf Hitler -
Jeff Rense, Jim Marrs,
Dick Allgire & Harry Cooper

Join Us For Time Travel Back To WW2 Germany And Then Forward To The Final Moments Of The Life Of Adolf Hitler With Remote Viewer Dick Allgire And Historians Jim Marrs and Harry Cooper. A Classic Program!

5-13-16...Hour 1
5-13-16...Hour 2


Hitler In Argentina
Harry Cooper

Sharkhunter Books

Listen FREE
Jeff with Harry Cooper & Jim Marrs - Hitler In Argentina - mp3

Sharkhunters Hot Mail!

PHOTOS *for program above*

Hitler In Argentina - Buy The Book Here!

Reviews Of Cooper's 'Hitler In Argentina' Show Truth Wins

Jeff & Harry - Hitler In Argentina - mp3

Harry Cooper's History-Shaking New Book - Hitler In Argentina

Hunt For Hitler's Stolen Pistol Which Is Worth Millions

Argentine Officer Diary Of Taking Secret Papers To Hitler In 1950s

Amazing Memories Of Argentina's Ambassador To Berlin 1932-39



Dr. Michael Salla PhD

Amazing FOIA Data Backing Up The Bill Tompkins Revelations

12-16-16 .. Hour 1 .. Hour 2

FOIA Files

Flash Frozen Civilization Found In The Antarctic?

On Tompkins & The Navy League
ET Special Projects In Medford OR 1985-1999

6-26-16 .. Hour 1 .. Hour 2

Navy League ET Special Projects From 1985-1999


World Exclusive
John Lenard Walson Spaceships?
Whose? And Structures On The Moon

Incredible Video Of Space Ships Parked In Orbit Above Earth

John Walson Still Frames Of US? Space Ships In Orbit

...John Lenard Walson Part 2 .. Hour 1

6-26-17 ...John Lenard Walson Part 2 .. Hour 2

6-19-17 ..John Lenard Walson & Marcel King/Part 1 .. Hour 1

6-19-17 ..John Lenard Walson & Marcel King/Part 1 .. Hour 2

John Lenard Walson YouTube Channel

John Lenard Walson - LIVE Netcast
Of UFO Spacecraft In Orbit

World Exclusive - Space Vehicles
Imaged By John Lenard Walson

Page 1.... Page 2.... Page 3

Please Help Discover More
Spacecraft In Orbit & Moon Structures!

Eminent Scientists Validating John Lenard Walson's Images

The Mysterious, Amazing Videos Of John Lenard Walson - Vid

Walson Visits The Moon Through His Telescope - Vid

Walson Finds New Lunar Anomalies...Strange - Vid


Herbert Dorsey

Jeff And Herbert Dorsey
German UFOs, Free Energy And New Physics

Herbert Dorsey with Jeff On 5-16-19
UFOs, Free Energy And The New Physics

Hour 1

Hour 2

Tesla And Alexanderson A Century Ahead Of Einstein

Standard Model Of Physics And ECE

Important Websites To Visit

German Flying Saucers - Film & Photos - Jeff Rense

Book - Secret Science & The Secret Space Program

Rense UFO-ET-Black Ops Disclosure!

6-23-16 ..Astonishing Technology & German Flying Saucers ..Pics

6-6-16 ..Secret Science & The Secret Space Program

5-25-16 ..Our Secret Space Fleet

5-24-16 ..The World Is Not As We're Told



The Pickering Bros

The Strange Story Of Richard Continues

2-6-18..Hour 1 MP3
2-6-18..Hour 2 MP3
The Fail Safe Program
1-30-18..Hour 1 MP3
1-30-18..Hour 2 MP3
The Navy Deep Black - Pt 1
1-16-18..Hour 1 MP3
1-16-18..Hour 2 MP3
1-16-18..Hour 3 MP3
Clay Pickering At 2010 Navy League Meeting
SOM 1-01- PDF




Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower
GangStalking & Deadly Electronically
Targeted Individual (T.I.)

11-16-16 ....Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim pt 1

11-17-16 ....Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim pt 2

11-21-16 ....Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim pt 3
Hour 1 ....Hour 2


There IS Life After Death And
The Magnificent Thomas Paine







The Legendary Walter Bowart

Operation Mind Control - Walter Bowart - pdf

Report From Iron Mountain - pdf

The Invisible Third World War - pdf


How You're Being Mind Controlled
And Don't Know It

Walt Disney, MTV & Hollywood & Mind Control - Vid


The Stark Reality Of Precision Scientific Individual & Mass Mind Control

The Hollywood MK Deception Series - Vid

MK-Ultra And The Laurel Canyon Hippies

Hippies And Mind Control - Vid


Mind Control - An Exact Science
FREE Listen MP3

Dr. Colin Ross - Mind Control, How Easy, How Deadly

The Hollywood MK Deception Series - Vid

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 1

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 2

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 3

Ventura - Artificially Created Multiple Personality Killers - Vid

Mind Control - A Piece Of Cake - Vid

Trauma Based Culture - Vid


The Mysterious Charles Dellchau

Incredible Drawings & Descriptions Of 1850s Flying Machines



Listen MP3
Jan Smith/Cliff Mickelson - Shocking New Morgellons Photos - mp3

Morgellons Nanotechnology Exposed

Jan Smith's Morgellons - CDC Says It's 'Delusional Parasitosis'

Elizabeth's Morgellons Samples

Destructive Wiki Editing Keeps Morg Sufferers In Dark

Jeff And Cliff Mickelson - CDC Liars Say Morgellons Doesn't Exist - mp3

Stunning - BLINKING, ILLUMINATED Morgellons Particle Pulled From Chin - Vid

Official CDC Denial - Morgellons Does Not Exist



When Radio Was King

Here Is A Major Collection Of All The Great Old Time Radio Shows - LISTEN!


Must Viewing - Incredibly Important

Jeffrey Smith's 'Genetic Roulette' Full Documentary - Vid


Battle Of LA - UFOs Over Los Angeles

Eyewitness Testimony To 'Battle Of LA' Huge UFO

Footage Of UFO Being Fired On In 'Battle Of LA' - Vid

1942 Battle Of LA - Biggest Mass UFO Sighting In History



Ingo Swann Passes
Into Great Beyond

FREE Listen MP3s
March 1999 with Jeff Rense & Ingo

Hour 1 - Ingo Swann - Legendary Remote Viewer

Hour 2 - Ingo Swann - Legendary Remote Viewer

Hour 3 - Ingo Swann - Legendary Remote Viewer

Ingo Swann, Father Of Remote Viewing (1933-2013)



More Corn Ethanol...More Harm To Consumers, Environment

E10 Ethanol Gas Destroys Engines...Proof - Vid

E15 Ethanol Gas Even More Destructive Than E10 - Vid


Eustace Mullins

Eustace Mullins - How The Rothschilds Created Israel

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - Power Of The Rothschild Bankers

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - Drugs, War & Manipulation - Vid

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - WW2...Orchestrated Slaughter - Vid

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - Complete Show (July 21, 2003) - Vid

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - Complete Show (July 31, 2003) - Vid

National Socialism + Zionism = NAZI - Vid


GM Yellow Corn Equals
Tumors, Cancers & Death

New Study Links GMO Food To Leukemia

Justice Kagan Rules For Monsanto In Farmer GMO Case

Nestle Folds To SA Consumer Pressure Over GMOs



Stop Eating Meat And Dairy

McDonalds Kids Watch Slaughterhouse Videos - Vid


Dr. Alan Cantwell MD

Are Bacteria The Secret Cause Of Cancer?

Gays, Fake News...And Man Made AIDS

Virginia Livingston MD's Cancer Cure

Cancer And Most Diseases Are Caused By BACTERIA

Cantwell - Rigged Science And Manmade AIDS

Dr. Alan Cantwell - Why Doctors Ignore Bacterial Cause Of Cancer

'Watchful Waiting' Just As Effective A Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Toxins In Skin Bacteria Help Lymphoma Cells Spread

Bacteria As A Primary Cause Of Breast Cancer

The Incredible & Unrecognized Germ Of Cancer

Breast Cancer Is Caused By Pleomorphic Bacteria

Coccoid Forms Of Bacteria & The Cause Of Cancer

World Man-Made AIDS Day - December 1

Ignored Bacteria And The Cause Of Lymphoma Cancer

Bacteria Cause Cancer...The Microscopic Evidence - Photos


Creepy, Weird Otherworldly
Sounds...Vanished Again

Those Strange Sky Sounds Are Back
Heard Over Texas 1-1-19
(Before And After Jet Flies OverHead) - Vid

Those Bizarre ‘Apocalypse' Sky Sounds Are Back
This Time In Chile, Scaring People, Animals - Vid

Apocalypse Sky Sounds Back - Terrify Hawaii Locals - Vid

Eerie Strange Sky Sounds Are Back Again

Sky 'Trumpets' In The Netherlands

Strange Sounds Over Tangiers, Morocco

Eerie Sounds Over Casablanca

Creepy Sounds Over Bristol, England

Those Otherworldly, Bizarre Sounds Of Jan 2012 - Vid

A Chronology Of The Eerie, Strange Sounds Of Jan 2012 - Vid

Eerie Sky Sounds Validated By Russian Scientists

Bizarre Noises Over Cambridge, England - Vid



The Platters

Time Out For Beautiful Music With Jeff - Part 1
The Dazzling Voice Of Tony Williams and The Platters

Only You 1956 - Vid

The Great Pretender 1956 - Vid

Twilight Time 1958 - Vid

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 1958 - Vid

Remember When - Vid

My Prayer - Stereo - Vid

Only You - Stereo - Vid

The Great Pretender - Stereo - Vid


Johnny Mathis

Chances Are - Vid

It's Not For Me To Say - Vid

Wonderful, Wonderful - Vid

The Twelfth Of Never - Vid


Hollywood's Golden Days

Legendary Hollywood Stars & Their Fabulous Cars

A Drive Through LA Of The 1940s

The Last 'Red Car' Ride In LA In April 1961 - Vid

The Great Pacific Electric Red Cars Of LA...
The World's Largest Electric Railway System - Vid

A Drive Through Beverly Hills In The Early 1930s

Wonderful Vintage Hollywood Photos... pdf

Great Vintage Hollywood Photos

Fabulous Hollywood Stars And Their Classic Cars

The Original Hollywood Sign Read Hollywoodland - Pic

Round About Hollywood 1931, Color - Vid

Wonderful Color Photos Of 50s & 60s LA/SoCal - Pics



MARS - The Mysterious

Jeff's Mars Photos

Frank Jacob's Mars Photos

Unequivocal Proof Of Buildings On Mars

Must See - Life On Mars…Water, Trees, Cities

This Is Mars - 2015

Stunning - The Best Mars Discoveries, Part 2

They've Hidden Entire Mars Cities From Us

Clearly A Intelligently-Designed Relic On Mars

Reaching Mars In A Few Days? Yes! Says NASA

Oh, My - Hidden By NASA - Stunning Structures On Mars

NASA Coverups On Mars Continue - Clear Structures

Explosive Mushroom Cloud On Mars By Indian Orbiter

Encore - Obvious Valve Found By Curiosity On Mars - Vid

Leaked Mars Photos Loaded With Signs Of Life - Vid

Trees On Mars Coverup - Vid

Amazing Photos On Mars 2014 - Vid

Train Wheels, Axle On Mars - Vid

Tomb, Cross, Platform, Relics Found On Mars - Vid

Looks Like NASA Hid Entire Cities On Mars - Vid

Mars' Greatest Mystery

LIFE On Mars - Forests, Lakes, Rivers In Stunning Photos - Pics

Jeff And David Oates FREE Listen Click Here

Fascinating Mars Structures, Cities, Plant Life?

Mars Structure Found - The Real Reason For The US Vendetta Against Gary McKinnon?

Obvious, Unquestionable Tracks On Mars - Object On Track? - Pics

MSNBC Picks Up The Mars Structure Video

Stunning Mars Anomalies 

Mars Life, Water, Vegetation, Anomalies


World's Best

The Ten Most Influential People In The Alternative Media


The Timeless George Carlin
(graphic language)

Carlin - War Culture And The Sham Of Democracy

George Carlin On The Rothschilds - Vid

The Genius George Of Carlin - Vid

George Carlin On NASA Plans For Mars - Vid

George Carlin On Civil Liberties In America - Vid

George Carlin - It's Over - Vid


Robert Hastings

Stunning Navy Pilot Video Of Triangle UFO
Parked On US Aircraft Carrier flight Deck? - Vid

Mind-Boggling Daylight UFO Over Japan From Airliner - Vid

10 UFOs Cavort Above US Nuke Missile Base

Jesse Marcel Jr. - Roswell Eyewitness
FREE Listen - Jeff With Jesse Marcel, Jr

Peter Davenport , Noe Torres & E.J. Wilson - Roswell 2010! - Very Special Guest - Col Jesse Marcel, Jr - MP3

Jesse Marcel Jr. - Veteran, Patriot & Roswell Witness Passes On

Memories Of Jesse Marcel By Kevin Randle

Phoenix Lights Witness Remembers Jesse Marcel, Jr - Fortson

Remembering Jesse Marcel, Jr - Balthaser

Mainstream Media Homage To Jesse Marcel's Passing

Dr. Roger Leir
Astonishing UFO Over Turkey

Roger's Personal Photo Video Analysis Showing ETs

Non-Humans, ETs, Shown Inside Turkey UFO

All Known Videos Of The Turkey UFO

Spectacular Turkey UFO - Information Site

Inarguable - UFOs Zoom In Front Of Argentine
Pilot's Private Plane - Broad Daylight - Vid

Third Government UFO Video Released - Vid

The Military Keeps Encountering UFOs. Why Doesn't the Pentagon Care? Vid

Deconstructing A 1950 UFO Fake

Scientist Says He?ll Prove NASA Coverup Of
ET Life On Mars With Bombshell Report

Mr. President - Start Tweeting About UFOs,
Now...Before It?s Too Late

Department of Defense UFO Program
Luis Elizondo and The Chain of Custody

What UFOs Can Tell Us About Fake News

Why Top UFO Researchers Chose
Tom DeLonge As Their Mouthpiece

'Aliens Over Milwaukee' - Bizarre Moving
Lights Seen in US Skies - Vid

Nixon Wanted To End The UFO-ET Coverup And Left
A Secret Letter Hidden Deep Beneath The White House

Yorkshire UFO Crash Mystery Solved

UFOs And Space Time Metric Engineering - Vid

UFOs Invaded The Tri-State - 1963

Iran Reports Of 'UFO Dogfights' Over Nuke Complex

Navy Pilot, Who Chased A UFO, Says
‘We Should Take Them Seriously'

O'Hare UFO Eye Witness Appears In
Silhouette on CNN - Vid (Redux)


Roundup's Chemical Apocalypse – Sixth Mass Extinction

The Deeper Reason For Drug Ads On Television

Shocking Study - Penicillin Changes Childrens'
Brains Making Them Grow Up Angry And Violent

Scientists - People Will 'Love' Black, Arab Muslims
When Dosed With Oxytocin - Why No Resistance!

Oxytocin Put In Dairy - Forces Public To Be Passive

Public Being Dosed With Oxytocin Which Reduces
'Xenophobia' - The Urge For Self-Protection!

Chicken Nuggets, Cereal, Bacon Linked To Cancer

New AI Can Predict Your Death

Simple Blood Test Detects Eight Types Of Cancer

Latest Study On Water Fluoridation Again
Links It To Lowered Children's IQ's

Ketamine Is A ‘Rapid-Fire' Treatment For Depression?

Study - People Prefer Legal Weed Over Alcohol



Vegan Recipes

Vegan Hummus

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The Greatest Story Never Told - By Dennis Wise

This Brilliant Film Can Be Seen At The Following Links

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And His New Film

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