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Charlotte Iserbyt

Former Soviet spy - We created Liberation Theology

Look RIGHT...Not LEFT!

Huge Coverup Of Govt Officials And
Attempted Murders In Maine

Community/Communist Oriented
Policing - The Other Side Of The Coin

Iserbyt - Don't Vote for Janet Mills
for Maine Governor!

Iserbyt - Your Children's Futures Of A Free USA Are Dead

Iserbyt - The Death Of Free Will - Part 2

Iserbyt - Treason, Trump, DeVos & Their Vile
Trained Neocon Lab Rats

A Look Into Syria Like You've Never Seen Before
Asma Assad A Rose In The Desert

Iserbyt - The Hidden Education Agenda

Iserbyt's Crucial 1995 Letter To Phyllis Schlafly
With Critically-Important Attachments

Update On 3D Bullis & Origins Of ‘Mental Health’ In Schools

Iserbyt - Changing Values 1968 - A Chicago Inner
City Schools Position Paper

Iserbyt - Too Late For The Table

Iserbyt - Politics Is Biggest US Spectator Sport
...And The Deadly 'COPS' Program

Taking A Look At The 'RED PILL EXPO'
Its Issues And Speakers

Iserbyt - A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Iserbyt - American Judicial System On Life Support

Skinner Method - Direct Instruction, Mastery
Learning, OBE, PBE, RBE And The Computer

The Highjacking Of The Traditional Conservative Movement

7.21.17     How Jeanne Gang's Firm
Built A Better Police Station
Iserbyt - The Great NeoCon Deception

Iserbyt - Freedom Of Speech Is In Mortal Danger

ME Town Mgr Fired For Trying To Protect White Culture

Iserbyt -Freedom Of Speech On Chopping Board In ME

Human Freedom...The Last Chapter?

School To Work - A Formula For Failure

NH Researcher Exposes The Tax Bill Nightmare Fraud

Stunning Book Shows Inner Workings Of Communism In US - Bella Dodd's
'The School Of Darkness'

Maine Conservatives Tell US Combat Marine
Veteran To 'Sit Down' And Shut Up

Transcript Of Hearing

The United States Consitution -
May It 'Rest In Peace' R.I.P.

US & Maine Constitutions Dead In Maine


'Competency Based Education'
….Finally Out Of The Closet

DeVos And Education…We Let It Happen

You Just Lost Your Right To Vote On Education

The Secret History Of Public Education - Vid

Stop Nikki Haley's Appointment As US Amb To The UN

Iserbyt Encore - Trump Should Get Us Out Of The UN

The Secret History Of Public Education - Vid


Iserbyt - Chinese Mom Spills The Red Beans

Regionalism Is Communism...Believe It

America's Road To Ruin

Communism - Are We There Yet? Read And Decide

HUD - A Communist Neighborhood For YOU

The Country That Saved Itself

Urgent - ESEA Senate Vote Oddly Postponed Until Tomorrow

Urgent - Iserbyt Implores Us To Press For Defeat Of ESEA Bill

Urgent Action Alert - Defeat Reauthorization Of ESEA

Regionalism Is Communism

The Devil's Seven-Prong Fork

Who Dunnit? How Global Tyranny Annihilated American Education

Read - The Rise Of The Education Transformers

Satanic Influences In Education