Getting in Contact with Us

Debian is a large organization and there are a lot of ways to contact it. This page will summarize the often requested means of contacting; it is by no means exhaustive. Please refer to the rest of the web pages for other contact methods.

Please note that most of the e-mail addresses below represent open mailing lists with public archives. Read the disclaimer before sending any messages.

English language is the common language for communication with Debian developers. We therefore ask that initial enquiries to developers be made in English. If this is not possible, go through the user mailing list for your language.

General Information

Most of the information about Debian is collected on our web site,, so please browse and search through it before contacting us.

Our FAQ will answer many of your questions.

Questions regarding the Debian Project in general can be sent to the debian-project mailing list, at Please don't send questions about using Linux to that list; read on below for that.

Installing and Using Debian

If you are certain the documentation on the installation media and on our web site doesn't have a solution to your problem, there's a very active user mailing list where Debian users and developers can answer your questions, the debian-user mailing list. All questions regarding

should be sent to that list. Simply subscribe to debian-user and send your question to

Additionally, there are user mailing lists for speakers of various languages. See the subscription info for international mailing lists.

Furthermore, you can browse our mailing lists as newsgroups using a web interface, such as Google.

If you think you've found a bug in our installation system, send information about it to or file a bug report against the debian-installer pseudo-package.

Publicity / Press

Those requesting information for articles or submitting news for our news page should contact our publicity department.

Events / Conferences

Invitations for conferences and exhibitions or other type of events should be sent to events department. Requests for flyers, posters and participation in Europe should be sent to the European events list.

Helping Debian

If you would like to contact Debian to offer help, please see the possible ways of helping first.

If you would like to maintain a Debian mirror, see the pages about mirroring Debian. New mirrors are submitted using this form. Problems with existing mirrors can be reported at

If you would like to sell Debian CDs, see the information for CD vendors. To get listed on the CD vendor list, please do so using this form.

Reporting problems in Debian packages

If you would like to file a bug against a Debian package, we have a bug tracking system where you can easily report your problem. Please read the instructions for filing bug reports.

If you simply want to communicate with the maintainer of a Debian package, then you can use the special mail aliases set up for each package. Any mail sent to <package name> will be forwarded to the maintainer responsible for that package.

If you would like to make the developers aware of a Debian security problem in a discreet manner, send e-mail to

Debian Development

If you have questions that are more development related, there are several development mailing lists in Debian that you can use to contact our developers.

The general development mailing list is debian-devel: you can subscribe to it and then send e-mail to

Problems with Debian infrastructure

To report a problem with a Debian service, you can usually report a bug against the appropriate pseudo-package.

Alternatively, you can use e-mail to contact them.

Web pages editors
Mailing list administrators and archives maintainers
Bug tracking system administrators

Harassment issues

Debian is a community of people who value respect and dialog. If you are a victim of any behaviour that harms you or feel you have been harassed, whether it is during a conference or sprint organised by the project, or through general project interactions, please contact us at:

We also have a complete list of different jobs and e-mails to use to contact various parts of the organization.