Energy and Utilities in the Digital Age

Take the lead in addressing digital disruption

Drive your organization’s digital transformation

Technology-driven innovation changes how energy is sourced, delivered and consumed. As CIO, you have an opportunity to lead in transforming your organization into a digital utility. As digital change accelerates, you need help seeing around corners, avoiding pitfalls and learning from what others have done. By uncovering flaws in the wrong investments and pointing toward the right ones, you can build impactful, transformative strategies for your organization.

Prepare your utility for the digital future

You must not only define and deliver digital business platforms but also effectively persuade business stakeholders to invest resources in digital projects.

Understand the latest trends impacting your business

Turn your vision into action at Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, where the world’s top CIOs gain a strategic view of the emerging trends shaping IT and business. Through an unparalleled gathering of Gartner and industry experts, peers and solution providers, you’ll explore new ways to approach critical challenges, make decisions with confidence and achieve greater impact as a leader.