Marketing Technology and Emerging Trends

Learn how trends and new technologies impact the marketing vision, plans and budget

Show real returns on your marketing technology investments

How brands engage with people and their devices is transforming the customer journey and how marketers think about martech investments. Now more than ever, leaders are responsible for technology evaluation and selection. Martech is now a core capability for marketing teams, and skills are in high demand. However, effective martech acquisition and use remain elusive for close to one in five marketing leaders.

It's really helpful to make sure we're making smart investments, getting good ROI on our investments and are really on the path to driving incredible value through our digital transformation.

Dawn Morris

CMO, Webster Bank

Align technology spending with brand strategy

Marketing budgets previously dedicated to technology are shifting toward services, as companies rationalize marketing investments and look to external partners to help support their use of martech. Successful brands align martech investments to business goals and balance their use of internal talent and external services to remain competitive.

Insights you can use

Gartner research on marketing technologies and emerging technology trends can help you more effectively manage martech at global scale and achieve alignment between marketing tech, customer experience, and strategy.

Decide which technologies are crucial to future-proofing your business

Understand what’s hype and what’s proven across the technology landscape to identify which are relevant to solving your business needs. The Gartner Hype Cycle for Digital Marketing and Advertising provides an overview for understanding which technologies to invest in and when, so you can invest wisely to serve business objectives.

Where are CMOs investing?

Our CMO Spend Survey Research will power you with information for staying ahead, including how CMOs manage their marketing investments within the organization and how budgets are changing in 2020.

Know where you're headed: Gartner Digital Marketing Transit Map

Digital territory is wide and complex. Planning and managing effectively takes a firm grasp on operational areas, applications, technologies and vendors — and how they all relate. With Gartner’s interactive Digital Marketing Transit Map, you can navigate the landscape.

How we work with you

Our experts, backed by unbiased data, will support you in protecting your investment, developing a martech strategy and preparing you for the changes ahead. 

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Highlights from Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo™ 2019

Catch up on the top insights and trends that CMOs and marketing leaders were talking about at this year’s Marketing Symposium. How are you marketing to Gen Z? Does your marketing strategy prioritize help? How do you build a genius marketing organization? Get the insights from Marketing Symposium/Xpo to understand the top trends that marketers are caring about now.

In 2017, we went out to San Diego, and the term we always use is that the light seemed to go on for us at that point in time.

Jim Pendergast

Senior Vice President, Customer Experience, AARP
Case Study

How Innovation Drove Improved Engagement for an Auto Manufacturer

Gartner helps a global auto and truck manufacturer increase customer engagement with innovative technologies.

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