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ED Poli Sci PhD. Thinks outside tanks, laughs at hasbara, stops pucks. Mid East, Social Justice & Sports Opinions My Own

The Imperial Capital
Beigetreten Juni 2009


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  1. Wrote this back in 2012: "A spike in Islamophobic incidents and an increase in gun violence suggest it is only a matter of time before this occurs again and possibly with significant casualties."

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  2. I would add to this; the routine use of Muslims in the military as examples of good Muslims, as if being an acceptable Muslim requires meeting a higher standard of loyalty that is not imposed on other groups

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  4. Ooops, we forgot Palestinians exist! This has to be a correction for the ages.

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  5. "DHS/I&A has concluded that white supremacist lone wolves pose the most significant domestic terrorist threat because of their low profile and autonomy"

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  6. "The Internet ... has given domestic extremists greater access to info related to bomb-making, weapons training & tactics, ... targeting of individuals, organizations, and facilities, potentially making extremist individuals/groups more dangerous & consequences more severe."

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  7. "Over the past five years, various rightwing extremists, including militias and white supremacists, have adopted the immigration issue as a call to action, rallying point, and recruiting tool"

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  8. "The current economic & political climate has some similarities to the 1990s when rightwing extremism experienced a resurgence fueled largely by an economic recession, criticism about outsourcing of jobs, and perceived threat to U.S. power and sovereignty by other foreign powers"

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  9. READ: This 2009 DHS report on the threat of rising right-wing extremism Republicans demanded the resignation of Obama's DHS secretary at the time, because she was right

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  10. The murderer who killed Jews in a synagogue in Pittsburgh wrote on social media: “It’s the filthy evil jews Bringing the Filthy evil Muslims into the Country!!” If the last 6 months teach us anything it is that all forms of racism are intertwined and must be fought together.

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  11. It is past time to understand that white supremacy is a transnational security threat (always has been) and today the radicalizing hub for this network resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

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  13. I appreciate having me on to talk about Gaza and letting me explain how too often media coverage elevates the humanity of Isaelis over the humanity of Palestinians

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  14. Will be joining on shortly to talk about Gaza. Tune in!

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  15. I pitched a piece to a very well known editor in December of 2016 on how we can understand much about Trump's dangerous worldview from Anders Breivik. The reply, declining, was; Are you sure you want to link Trump to a mass murderer? Yes, then. A million times yes today.

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  16. Jexodus sounds like a Weird Al parody of the Bob Marley song

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  17. Describing Palestinians as a "demographic threat", dangerous by virtue of their existence, is just another version of replacement conspiracy theory.

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  18. So, so many have contributed to the climate of hate that enabled rampage in New Zealand. And it LONG PREDATES Trump. And it isn't just about the right either. Islamophobia has been furthered by conservatives and liberals and mainstream media. Lots of hands. Lots of blood.

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    I have covered the rise of hate crimes against Muslims since 2016. And while this is some of the most horrific footage I've seen, when I was first about the mosque attack in New Zealand— I was not surprised.

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