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Republican Ben Sasse drew heat from conservatives for defending Trump's national emergency

Politics Yesterday
Nebraska's Ben Sasse was criticized by some conservative thinkers when he sided with Trump's national emergency by calling a resolution of disapproval against it "politically motivated." Some critics of Trump's national emergency, including 12 Republicans who broke with Trump on Thursday, suggested they were voting "upon their conscience."

Numerous Republicans in the US Senate voted in line with Democrats on a resolution to terminate Trump's border security emergency declaration.

155 replies 317 retweets 882 likes

Whoa.... voted AGAINST terminating the emergency declaration.

532 replies 486 retweets 1,748 likes

Against Trump: Collins Murkowski Paul Lee Romney Alexander Toomey Moran Wicker Portman Blunt Rubio With Trump: Cornyn Tillis Gardner Cruz Sasse

191 replies 514 retweets 1,005 likes

Sasse's statement

436 replies 129 retweets 383 likes

Sasse statement on why he oppose disapproval resolution after criticizing national emergency: "I think that law is overly broad and I want to fix it, but at present Nancy Pelosi doesn't, so I am therefore voting against her politically motivated resolution."

768 replies 334 retweets 992 likes

Extremely disappointed in Senators Scott, Cruz, and Sasse. I expected them to put . They let conservatives down today.

209 replies 250 retweets 1,220 likes

I admire . I consider him a friend and the wisest senator since Moynihan. He’s earned the benefit of the doubt from me. But I’m hard pressed to see how this isn’t merely politics.

549 replies 402 retweets 2,474 likes

Sasse will vote for the Enabling Act of 2021 but he’ll do so for deeply principled, conservative reasons

19 replies 70 retweets 430 likes

Chickenshit statement by . This isn't about Pelosi. It's about the Constitution.

112 replies 307 retweets 1,579 likes

Credit to the brave 12 GOP Senators -- AND the 13 House Republicans who stood up for the Constitution. Rubio, I think, deserves special praise. He has had great influence w/ Trump on some important issues. He could have easily used that to justify voting 'no' on this resolution.

57 replies 126 retweets 624 likes

Mitt Romney's statement in support of Pelosi's resolution

1,357 replies 928 retweets 1,632 likes
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Romney on Trump: "He would rather have me vote in the other direction, but I let him know that for me this is a matter of defending the Constitution." Asked if he were worried about backlash from Trump, Romney said Trump "recognizes senators will vote upon their conscience."

178 replies 251 retweets 1,111 likes

Hey , what's it like to have less personal conviction than Mitt Romney?

30 replies 103 retweets 513 likes

Amazing. All of Ben Sasse's tilting at respectability, all of his claims to be and want something better - couldn't bring himself to mean it.

228 replies 1,291 retweets 6,952 likes

Is this really that surprising? I feel like "anti-Trump" cred given out to certain Republicans feels way more performative than actual practice would reflect.

11 replies 44 retweets 304 likes

You can say that the Ben Sasse vote on the emergency declaration today was off brand. But, in fact, it was quite on brand.

140 replies 449 retweets 3,192 likes

Exactly. He talks moderation, votes Trump.

53 replies 236 retweets 1,344 likes

Treating this as Sasse’s announcement that he’s running for reelection. There’s no other possible explanation.

37 replies 91 retweets 467 likes

The fundamental problem for Ben Sasse is that this is discordant. It’s off brand. It goes against everything he allegedly stands for. If Sasse isn’t the guy who (eloquently) takes a principled stand on this, why does he even exist as a political entity? What’s his raison d'être?

381 replies 591 retweets 3,042 likes

Sasse’s vote today makes it more likely he will be re-elected, but less likely he will be admired or respected. Trump creates these ironic, mutually exclusive choices.

167 replies 273 retweets 1,234 likes

If Ben Sasse is allegedly one of the few remaining "moderate Republicans" but he keeps voting with Trump and supporting his agenda, then what exactly is a "moderate Republican?" Sincere question.

55 replies 146 retweets 737 likes

The damage the Ben Sasses of the world do with votes like this isn't a mirage. When you make "principles above all" your brand, you lose your right to go along to get along. Otherwise you just convince people "principles above all" is a bit for suckers.

68 replies 414 retweets 1,280 likes

According to news reports, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul will become the fourth Republican in Senate to vote against President Trump’s national emergency declaration.

39 replies 50 retweets 160 likes

Trump dismissed Ann Coulter in a press conference announcing his national emergency over the southern border. The conservative pundit pushed back, arguing the president was deceiving his base.

74 replies 48 retweets 125 likes

Here's a deeper look at the history of national emergency declarations after President Trump said they've been signed "many times before" for "far less important things."

13 replies 94 retweets 131 likes