Entwickler » Methoden-Liste » Groups » groups.ban
Adds a user or a group to the community blacklist.
Diese Methode kann über einen Benutzertoken aufgerufen werden, der in der Standalone-Anwendung über Implicit Flow zu erhalten ist. Zugriffsrechte sind erforderlich: groups.
group_idCommunity ID.
positive Zahl, notwendiger Parameter
owner_idCommunity or user ID to be added to the blacklist.
Use a negative value to designate a community ID. For example owner_id = -1 corresponds to VKontakte API (club1) community ID.

int (Nummer)
end_dateBan expiration date in Unixtime format. The maximum possible value, which can be specified, is one year from the beginning.

If the parameter is not specified, the user will be added to blacklist forever.
positive Zahl
reasonBan reason:
  • 0 — Other (by default);
  • 1 — Spam;
  • 2 — Harassment;
  • 3 — Profanity;
  • 4 — Irrelevant messages.
positive Zahl
commentText of the comment to the ban.
comment_visible1 — comment is visible to a blacklisted user;
0 — comment is not visible to a blacklisted user (by default).
entweder 1 oder 0
Returns 1 if succeeded.
Allgemeine Fehler

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