Entwickler » Methoden-Liste » Groups » groups.addLink
Allows to add a link to the community.
Links list can be obtained by groups.getById method with fields = links parameter.

In order to use this method, you must be the group administrator.
Diese Methode kann über einen Benutzertoken aufgerufen werden, der in der Standalone-Anwendung über Implicit Flow zu erhalten ist. Zugriffsrechte sind erforderlich: groups.
group_idCommunity ID.
positive Zahl, notwendiger Parameter
linkLink URL.
String, notwendiger Parameter
textLink description.
Returns an object with the following fields:
  • id (integer) — link ID;
  • url (string) — link URL;
  • name (string) — link title;
  • edit_title (integer, [0,1])1 if link title can be edited (for external links only);
  • desc (string) — link description;
  • image_processing (integer, [1])1 if preview image is processing.
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