Planning comes before action

Adizes Breakthrough to Prime™ Workshop (BTP)

Learn How to Manage Your Company`s Lifecycle

Has your company outgrown its management practices and systems? Is your company too reliant on you to make operational and strategic decisions? Do you feel that your organization is losing the innovative spirit it used to have?

If any of these issues are what you are experiencing in your company, you need to attend the Adizes Breakthrough to Prime Workshop. The interactive event is the first step towards the introduction of organizational changes to improve the overall management effectiveness of your company.

You will get answers to the following questions by participating in the workshop:

  • What stage of the Corporate Lifecycle is your company in? What problems are normal or abnormal for your company?
  • What is your style of management and how do you assemble a complementary team?
  • What do you need to change in your strategy, structure, accountability and culture to make a transition to the next stage of the Corporate Lifecycle?
  • What are the top priorities and changes you should start working on immediately?

Attendees will leave the workshop with a defined action plan that can be implemented right away.

Who Should Attend

BTP is need-to-know information for CEOs, Presidents, Board Members, C-level Executives and their direct reports in any private or public organization. It is also highly relevant for the next generation of leaders who aspire to occupy those jobs in the future. The workshop is highly experiential so enrollment is limited to 20.

While some of the content is delivered through lecture, the majority of the learning happens in exercises that allow the participants to apply Adizes to real world challenges they are facing in their own organizations.  We encourage you to bring other members of your management team to get the maximum value out of the workshop.

The learning in BTP is focused in four areas:

Managing Your Organization.
Participants learn how to lead their organization through every stage of the organization lifecycle. Participants learn to identify where their own organization is in its lifecycle and the normal, abnormal, or life-threatening challenges they face in each stage, and how to successfully navigate those difficulties.

Managing Your People.
No one is a perfect manager, but it is possible to build a “perfect” complementary management team. Participants explore management style and learn how to improve their ability to build and manage management teams that work well together, do a superior job addressing any challenge, and are the ultimate competitive weapon. Participants learn how to create an environment in which conflict is harnessed constructively to create the energy that drives superior performance.

Managing Your Corporate Culture.
A strong and pervasive corporate culture of mutual trust and mutual respect is what makes any business strong and allows it to become a dominant competitor over the long term. This kind of culture is what underlies the ability to consistently WOW customers, attract and retain exceptional talent, and generate superior financial returns. Participants learn how to build a strong and pervasive culture of mutual trust and mutual respect in their own organization.

Managing Change.
In every organization, in every market, in every country of the world, coping with a high rate of change is leadership’s #1 agenda. Participants learn how to build flexible adaptable organizations that are able to change faster, better and more economically than their competition.

Learning Objectives

1. Participants will leave BTP with a solid understanding of key Adizes philosophies, concepts and tools.

2. They will have had a chance to apply Adizes to real situations in their own organization, so they leave the workshop energized by their new knowledge about management and their organization and ready to put it to work.

3. Although most of the learning is focused on the organization, participants will learn new things about themselves.

4. Participants will also walk out of BTP with a preliminary game plan and accelerate their own organization’s journey to PRIME; the only stage of the lifecycle where their company can enjoy market leading growth and profitability.

Click Here to register our next USA event in Santa Barbara.

For more information Call or E-mail us below.

Phone: +1.805.566.0742
Day 1 - Morning
Managing Your Organization
  • The four roles of management
  • The Organization Lifecycle: how organizations grow, age and die.
  • Causes of Aging
  • Leadership, Goals, Structure and Rewards Over the Lifecycle
  • Accelerating Your Organization’s Path to Prime
Day 1 - Afternoon
Managing People
  • Management and Mismanagement Styles
  • Building Perfect Management Teams
  • Harnessing Differences in Style on Your Team
Day 2 - Morning
Managing Corporate Culture
  • Building a Culture of Mutual Trust & Mutual Respect
  • Harnessing Conflict
  • Defining Your Organization's Mission
  • Structuring Your Company Property
  • Accountability
Day 2 - Afternoon
Managing Change
  • The Secret of Success for Every Organization
  • Building implementation into Decision Making (Capi)
  • Effective Problem Solving in Teams
  • Accelerating Change
Teaching Methodology
  • Lecture plus individual and small team exercises.
  • The majority of the learning happens in exercises that allow the participants to apply Adizes to real world challenges they are facing in their own organizations.
Workshop Duration: 2 days
    • October 25 - 26, 2017 in Santa Barbara, CA

Pricing: $1395 per person

Multiple Team Member Discounts:

There is an early bird discount of 5% for those who register by April 12, 2017

Combine the early bird discount with our team discounts and get up to 25% off.

    • 10% discount for 2 participants
    • 15% discount for 3 participants
    • 20% discount for 4 participants

If you have any questions, contact us at

At the Adizes Breakthrough to Prime Workshop, I learned the importance of creating a culture built around sharing responsibility with your peers and subordinates. During the workshop you learn about your own management style and learn to respect those that have a different style of working. I was happy that our CEO accepted my invitation to attend. We both learned a lot about each other even though we have known each other already for 10 years. I have attended many workshops over the years and the Adizes Breakthrough to Prime workshop was by far the best.”

- Mike Rans, President, Kinkelder USA

I'm extremely grateful for the Adizes Breakthrough to Prime (BTP) workshop. Clark and Pavel did a masterful job facilitating it. I also appreciate all the support of the team at Adizes, and most especially the work of Dr. Adizes. I’ve experienced the amazing benefits of this model and methodology in my own company, and BTP has taken it to a whole new level. I look forward to participating in another Adizes event in the near future.”

- Susan Mundy Beck, Chief Operating Officer, Cohen-Esrey, LLC, USA

What Business Leaders are Saying about the Adizes Methodology

The concepts are so powerful that you can take them back and use them in both business and personal life.”

- Scott Welch, President, Bowers, Schumann and Welch, USA

Profound in its simplicity, Adizes has made me a better manager.”

- Charles R. Schwab, Chairman, Charles Schwab Co., Inc., USA

Besides being interesting and intellectually stimulating, the content was practical and of immediate benefit.”

- Fred D. Fuller, President, Productos Pennwalt S.A., Mexico

Practical and sensible. Adizes gives all managers an easy-to-apply way to develop the right leadership and strategy tools for their businesses.”

- Rosabeth Moss Kanter, author of World Class and The Change Masters, USA

The Adizes Methodology will provide you with insights about your corporate organization that will make you immeasurably wiser.”

- William F. Farley, President & CEO, Farley Industries, USA