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Integration with HIV and AIDS Services

With care and treatment for HIV and AIDS becoming increasingly accessible, people living with HIV are regaining their health, living longer, and planning for their futures—which include the possibility of starting or expanding a family. Accordingly, people living with HIV and AIDS need access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including family planning and information on preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

EngenderHealth was an early advocate of integrating HIV services with other sexual and reproductive health services, such as family planning and maternal health. Integrating health services is a successful strategy that leverages existing and scarce resources, without placing an undue burden on health care systems. For example, when a client visits a doctor for HIV services, it presents an opportunity to address his or her other reproductive health and family planning needs and vice versa, either by providing these services under one roof or by strengthening referrals for care. Conversely, people who receive family planning services should also learn about HIV and how to best protect themselves and their partners.

EngenderHealth is implementing projects that link sexual and reproductive health and HIV services in Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, India, Kenya, TanzaniaUganda, and many others. We help people living with HIV advocate for access to quality treatment, care, and reproductive health services by partnering with national networks of people living with HIV. EngenderHealth also calls on the international community, national governments, health facilities and providers, and local communities to empower people living with HIV and to expand their access to quality sexual and reproductive health services.

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