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ThatGuyKryt (Sodaa)
"Hello, I've lost my will to live, table for 1 please" -Jong Lohn
"Hello, I've lost my will to live, table for 1 please" -Jong Lohn


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This is a pinned post (no shit)

The Basics:
• Fake-ass Edgelord from California
• Referred as the Fresh Chef of ROTC by classmates
• Has an Instagram Meme Account

Other Shit:
• Fake-ass Otaku
• I just really like Sayori man, don't question it
• There are only 2 genders, Fortnite Gamer and Punching Bag
• I don't like the Fortnite Community, the game is eh

Now let's be real here, I honestly don't know what to do with my G+ account. I just use it to check on communities but beyond that I've given up on other stuff. If your looking for any stuff like Discord, Insta, Steam, or really just anything, ask in DM's or Comments.
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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Now some of you (like me) are super fucking lonely rn and just want to cry yourself to sleep. Now understandably, we would all love to have that special someone, but whether you couldnt shoot your shot, missed your shot, or made your shot already but couldnt spend time with said someone because of [insert reason], that's ok. Making mistakes is part of being human, nothing and no one can change that, so just know it's ok. If you know someone in that position, go up to them, give them a hug or high five, and say happy Valentine's Day, maybe give them a chocolate or two. Make sure they know that someone is looking out for them, even if it isn't that special feeling, let them know that as a friend, your there for them. This is Kryt and the DDLC mod team once again wishing you a happy Valentine's Day!

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Sometimes we all need that love
Ngl this is wholesome
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What kind of world do we live in now?
This server is bad
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The end is near for the queen
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I speak for the entire mod team when I say this, but thank you everyone. Our little community has grown so much since it was originally started, and now we are close to the end. I'd like to personally thank all of you, it was a great pleasure in the small amount of time I was part of this moderating team and I look forward to seeing you all in the discord and MEWE community. We are much active in our Discord but we are going to jumpstart our MEWE server again as soon as possible.

For the last time, this is Kryt, signing off.
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Just a reminder to everyone, mods are still alive. Or well, I'm alive. I've seen multiple post either not related or put in the wrong place, so please double check what and where your posting, yes G+ is dying, but we are still enforcing the rules.

(Oh also join the discord, active daily and stirring with memes)

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Homeboy over here fueling my drive since 2002
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>there's a US president that drove the Amphicar, and pranked people with it

You know what they say, you never go to bed without learning something new
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