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  1. Pinned Tweet

    Your skin colour origin religion sex economic slavery status political/sexual persuasion matter nothing to me... is NOT my enemy.

  2. Latest () : 3 "pro- women" arrested, parked car w/ 6 gas canisters yet no detonation devices reported 🙄

  3. Latest () : 3 "pro- women" arrested, parked car w/ 6 gas canisters yet no detonation devices reported 🙄

  4. The destruction of Amatrice once again exposes the tragic link between construction and Mafia in Italy

  5. Why did Israeli soldiers raid a house in the middle of the night to arrest an 8-year-old?

  6. Julian Assange on Taking On Crooked Hillary - September 7, 2016

  7. Here showing she's got potential to reach the very top of politics.

  8. parasites seed of evil spreading throughout the world.

  9. Meanwhile on planet earth... The 1% are spraying RRRRRAAAAAIIIIDDDD on humans and plants and animals.

  10. ― Cryptomining malware on NAS servers – is one of them yours? via →

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