NHS Supporters


Campaigners for a comprehensive, equitable, accountable NHS; free at the point of use, and for the public, not profit.

Joined March 2010

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  1. PIP is a disaster for disabled people. At last the full horror is emerging | Frances Ryan

  2. Decades on from Ian Curtis’s suicide, Manchester is still failing troubled people | Dave Haslam

  3. Portsmouth ambulances late to two life-threatening incidents, says report

  4. BBC News - Bed-blocking delays may continue 'up to five years'

  5. Child deaths in Priory hospitals provoke calls to cancel NHS contract

  6. My NHS dementia unit is about to close and I fear for my patients

  7. NHS Supporters followed and
    • @SaveCRH

      Save Calderdale Royal Hospital & support the NHS Reinstatement Bill - please visit and contact your MP. Campaign blog:

    • @carl1545

      Campaigning for a public NHS, academic, community psychologist, writer, stand-up, cyclist, chubby.

  8. Suicidal and detained for my own safety, I saw the mental health system failing | Karl Knights

  9. Doing upcoming comedy gigs/research talks. All welcome!

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