Getting started

Looks like you have a story to tell. YouTube's here to help you create, broadcast and share it

Create and share great videos

You've got an idea; we've got tools to help you bring it to life. We offer a range of simple creation tools for free, including editing and uploading tools for mobile and desktop. You upload as often as you want for free.

Ready to level up? We support videos up to 4k resolution and 60 frames per second, and even provide hundreds of free songs and sound effects in our Audio Library for you to use.

Connect with fans around the world

With more than a billion viewers, YouTube is the best place to reach a growing, global audience. YouTube is available almost anywhere, on almost any device, and we offer powerful tools to help you connect with your community, including video recommendations, comments and messaging, and in-the-moment live streaming. We're also the world's second-biggest search engine, so your videos are just a search away from becoming part of pop culture.

Build a business on YouTube

Our Partner Program connects you to thousands of advertisers, so you can earn money from your videos. Our sales team does the selling so you can focus on what you do best: creating. We're constantly improving our ad systems so they work better for viewers and pay out to more creators.

As a YouTube Partner, you can also sell or rent your videos to viewers and earn money from YouTube's paid features. And if your fans want to support you directly, we're rolling out tools like Fan Funding, because your success is our success.

Get help to grow

We invest in our creators. We offer free resources to help you get started and learn best practices: The Creator Academy is available in 20 languages to help you use YouTube like a pro, and the Creator Community gives creators a place to meet each other, find collaborations, and consult YouTube experts. And our support isn't just virtual — our team of partner managers provides one-on-one advice and coaching to emerging creators, while YouTube Spaces around the world offer in-person learning, events, production facilities, and more.

YouTube for Artists

Learn how to be discovered by more than a billion people around the world, use Music Insights to find your fans, and turn your passion into a career with YouTube for Artists.


YouTube for nonprofits

Does your organization have a compelling story to tell? If you're a nonprofit partner, tell your organization's story through videos on YouTube.


YouTube Spaces

Our spaces in Berlin, Los Angeles, London, New York, São Paulo and Tokyo bring together the most creative people in the world to learn, connect, and create.

Interested in joining a network?

Multi-channel networks (MCNs) affiliate with multiple YouTube channels to offer services such as programming, cross-promotion, partner management, monetization, and audience development. Learn how to do your homework and make the decision that works for you.


Creator Rewards

This program recognizes the work you do and the audience you've built. Expect to receive rewards from us when your channel passes major growth milestones.