The National LotteryEgiaztatu kontua


Welcome to the official page for The National Lottery, providing news & updates on our games Mon-Sat 9am-5.30pm. You must be 16 or over to play or claim a prize

2011(e)ko otsailak(e)tik Twitterren

@TNLUK blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @TNLUK desblokeatuko.

  1. RT if THIS is the next cheque you want to bank!

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  2. Agree? RT if you’re already writing your shopping list!

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  3. RT if you’re looking forward to getting THIS notification in your inbox tonight!

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  4. Scratchcard gifting tip #37: Forget a sixpence in the xmas pud, gift the Happy Christmas Scratchcard Gift Pack for the chance to win £20k!

  5. RT if your bank account could do with a £30million cash injection this evening!

  6. WHO would like a bank balance that looks like this?! RT if you’re hoping to win £30million tonight!

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  7. What's first on the agenda if you win £30million tonight?! RT straight to the pub, or LIKE head to the airport!

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  8. RT if you agree!

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  9. Scratchcard gifting tip #37: Forget a sixpence in the xmas pud, gift the Happy Christmas Scratchcard Gift Pack for the chance to win £20k!

  10. Puzzle time! Which piece fits?! RT for A, LIKE for B or reply for C!

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  11. RT if your bank account could do with a £30million cash injection this evening!

  12. If you WIN £30million tonight, will you.... RT keep it private, or LIKE make it public?

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  13. We’re taking orders! Who’d like to win what this evening?! RT for £30million jackpot LIKE for £1million prize!!

  14. RT if you've got that "I'm going to win £30million tonight" feeling!!

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  15. "My plans for tonight? To WIN £30million!" RT if you agree!

  16. Decision time! Which would you rather have? RT for unlimited chocolate for ever, or LIKE for £1000!

    Txertatutako irudiaren behin betiko esteka
  17. WANTED. A winner for tonight’s £30million jackpot. RT if it’s YOURS!!

  18. RT if you've got space in your bank account for £30million!!

  19. VACANCY. One winner needed! RT if you think you'd be right for the position!!

  20. ”It’s my last day in work EVER!!! I’m going to win the £30million jackpot this evening!"

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitterren kapazitatez gaindi egotea edo momentuko gainkarga bat izatea. Berriro saiatu edo Twitterren Egoera ikusi informazio gehiagorako.

    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
