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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)

Full List of Files and Programs Associated With

The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

When complete this will list all relevant files and programs

It is intended mostly for administrative use.

(January 2006: this page needs to be edited, since many of the files have been moved.)


  • "Fry" = name of local machine
  • "Alice", "Stage" and "Public" = names of
  • internal, staging and external machines that host the web pages

Lines give:

  • filename : directory : (possibly) machine name : comments

Lookup web pages (in /wwwfiles/sequences)

Other top web pages (and related files)

Translation project

  • translate.html : Lines to be translated into a new language
  • translate.cgi in cgi-bin converts that to an email message
  • indexgerman.html : main lookup page in German. There are now translations into many languages. More are needed!
  • TRANSLATE directory (now obsolete) has programs for making the web pages in the new language
  • job_general language makes indexlanguage.html (obsolete)
  • data_german (say) holds the translated sentences for that language

Lookup programs in cgi-bin on alice

  • eismum.cgi : mother lookup program for web site
  • eismum2.cgi : mother program for advanced lookups for web site
  • eishis.cgi : sequence lookup program for web site
  • eishis2.cgi : sequence lookup program, but returns internal format
  • chop6 (from chop6.c): chops up long lines
  • eishisfr.cgi : French version of sequence lookup program for web site
  • eisword.cgi : main word lookup program for web users
  • eiswordfr.cgi : French version of main word lookup program for web users
  • eisA.cgi : main A-number lookup program for web users
  • eisA2.cgi : A-number lookup program, returns internal format
  • eisAfr.cgi : French version of main A-number lookup program for web users
  • eisWebCam.cgi : runs web cam
  • eisWebCam2.cgi : not in use, I think
  • eisWebCam_data : list of recent additions, used by WebCam
  • .okcgi : needed to flag an OK cgi bin
  • PAGE_TOP0 : header lines that can be catted directly into html output
  • PAGE_TOP1 : banner lines that can be catted directly into html output
  • PAGE_BAR : "bar" lines that can be catted directly into html output
  • PAGE_TAIL : TAIL lines that can be catted directly into html output
  • PAGE_BUMF : AT&T; lines that can be catted directly into html output
  • showtabl.c : formats a table (source)
  • showtabl.cgi : formats a table (executable)
  • submit.cgi : processes a new sequence or comment; a front end for submit0.cgi
  • submit0.cgi : processes a new sequence or comment; called by submit.cgi

The main database on the local machine

  • cat25

Formatting programs on the local machine

  • jeeves.sh : bin : main program for processing email
  • addCf.sh : bin : used by jeeves.sh
  • formatF.sh : bin : main program for making a sequence from data in a file
  • formatF : bin : Fortran executable used by formatF.sh
  • formatF.f : bin : Fortran source for above program
  • formatF2 : bin : makes a bunch of similar sequences from data in a file (Fortran executable)
  • formatF2.f : bin : Fortran source for above program
  • toMapleseq.sh : bin : produces Maple-readable version of sequence
  • next : hisdir : njas's own cache of free A-number, used by jeeves.sh and format.sh
  • miss.sh : hisdir : check missing A-numbers in a range of 1000
  • miss_big.sh : hisdir : check missing A-numbers from 1 to current limit

Updating programs on local machine

  • updweb : bin : update files
  • updspider : bin : update files
  • updexspider : bin : update files
  • updsilk : bin : update files
  • updpublic : bin : update files
  • updall : bin : update files to all machines
  • LOG : hisdir : log file for updates to database and web pages
  • stripfry : hisdir : main program to update database
  • stripfry.1 : hisdir : program to update database
  • stripfry.1 -f skips the checks
  • eismkBTfry : wwwdir : makes the 1000-seq chunk txt files
  • eismkbt0fry : wwwdir : header for txt file
  • eismkbt1fry : wwwdir : footer for txt file
  • reverse.sh : bin : produces file recent.txt of most recent additions in reverse order
  • reverse_0 : header for same ; reverse_1: footer
  • recent.txt : web page for same
  • fix_dates.sh : hisdir : puts dates in %A %E lines into canonical form
  • up_counter.sh : bin : updates A-number counter
  • update.sh : bin : adds preformatted lines to database
  • update_awk: awk program used by above
  • update_new.sh : bin : updates list of "new" seqs for WebCam
  • sortlines.sh : bin : puts lines in each seq into canonical order
  • addlinks.sh : bin : adds same link to multiple seq entries
  • setup.sh : hisdir : alice : links file to external directory
  • renum.sh : bin : Renumbers a bunch of sequences that are already formatted. First argument is input file name, second is initial A-number to use
  • renum2.sh : bin : Renumbers a bunch of sequences that are already formatted. Uses file "next" in hisdir as source for new numbers. The single argument is input file name
  • renumQ.sh : changes QQQQQQQ lines to match current sequence number
  • go : bin : load cat25 into vim at 6-digit A-number mentioned
  • go4 : bin : load cat25 into vim at 4-digit A-number mentioned
  • nice.sh : hisdir : updates list of "nice" seqs on alice
  • more.sh : hisdir : updates list of "more" seqs on alice
  • more_chunk1 more_chunk2 : used by more.sh
  • more2.sh : hisdir : updates list of "more"s in cgi-bin for WebCam
  • eisMore_data : cgi-bin : alice : list of "more"'s
  • sorthis : bin : sorts sequences into lex order using %O lines
  • dexhis : hisdir : my index file (among other things, explains why sequences were removed)
  • noemaillist : Mail : list of people who don't want email address to appear in OEIS

Checking programs on local machine

  • check94 : bin : main checking program for database
  • check02 : bin : second checking program for database
  • check_offset : bin : checks offsets
  • nomore.sh : hisdir : checks for unnecessary "more" keywords
  • testmore.awk : bin : checks for bad "more"s, etc
  • testsign.awk : bin : looks for bad "sign" keywords, etc
  • testterm.awk : bin : extends %STU lines to match %VWX lines
  • longlines.sh : bin : reports on lines >280 chars

Lookup programs for local use on local machine

  • qk : bin : quick lookup on local machine
  • show : shows sequence from 6-digit A-number
  • sshow : shows sequence (main sequence only) from 6-digit A-number
  • show4 : shows sequence from 4-digit A-number
  • sshow4 : shows sequence (main sequence only) from 4-digit A-number
  • ssshow4 : shows sequence (%S, %N only) from 4-digit A-number
  • showm : shows sequence from 4-digit M-number

Index to database

  • locate_tab : bin : plain text version of index
  • indx.sh : bin : makes the index using locate_tab for the raw entries,
  • Sindx_0 : bin : to create Sindx.html,
  • indx_chunkAA and indx_chunkBB : bin : to create header and footer files indx_chunkA and indx_chunkB
  • locate.sh : bin : lookup word in index on local machine
  • Sindx.html : bin : main index web page: created on the fly each time
  • At present there are over 100 small parts to the index:

The main database

  • /home/njas/wwwfiles/sequences : directory (internal)
  • /home/njas/external/wwwfiles/sequences : directory (external)
  • cat25 : full version
  • stripped.gz : stripped down version
  • The data base in chunks of about 11000 lines each:
    eisBTfry00000.txt : zero-th chunk of full database

The email sequence servers "sequences" and "superseeker"

  • sequences@research.att.com : email address: plain email lookup service (send empty message to get hints)
  • superseeker@research.att.com : email address: superseeker email service (send empty message to get hints)
  • sequences-reply@research.att.com : outgoing email address for replies
  • superseq-reply@research.att.com : outgoing email address for replies
  • (the last two are necessary for avoiding mail loops)
  • Mail that arrives for sequences@research.att.com is forwarded to /home/njas/bin/his
  • Mail for superseeker@research.att.com to /home/njas/bin/superhis
  • Mail for sequences-reply@research.att.com to /home/njas/bin/replier
  • Mail for superseq-reply@research.att.com to /home/njas/bin/replier
  • (the last two are necessary for avoiding mail loops)
  • his : bin : main program to process email lookups
  • hisarrange: puts most important sequences first
  • hisAnum: bin : subprogram of his that looks up sequences by A-numbers
  • header: boilerplate at end
  • footer1: what they get if sequence not found
  • log: log file for email lookups
  • catfry23* : hisdir : main database in small pieces
  • stripped : hisdir : stripped down version
  • helper.txt : Help file for email lookup service
  • superhelp.txt : Help file for superseeker
  • dehtml3 : strips off html junk
  • getfrom.c, getfrom: extracts email address
  • superhis : bin : main program to process superseeker requests
  • superlog: log file for superseeker lookups
  • superasstfry : bin : program that does all hard work for superseeker
  • superfoot0 : bin : boilerplate for end of reply from superseeker
  • superfoot1 : bin : describes types of g.f.'s used by superseeker
  • superfoot2 : bin : describes abbreviations used by superseeker
  • superfootb : bin : describes Beatty sequences in superseeker
  • supergoodguys : bin : people exempt from one/hour limit
  • replier : bin : replies to people who mistakenly reply to the reply
  • guesss : Maple source for guesss from Harm Derksen
  • ol.html : alice : web page about Email lookup service and superseeker

Concordances to sequences in books

  • comtet.src : hisdir : source for concordance to Comtet's Advanced Combinatorics
  • comtet.sh : hisdir : makes web page comtet.html on alice
  • comtet.html : hisdir : alice : web page
  • HPGE.src etc : similar set of files for Harary and Palmer, Graphical Enumeration
  • GKP.src etc : similar set of files for Graham, Knuth and Patashnik, Concrete Mathematics (concordance is unfinished)
  • stanley.src etc : similar set of files for Stanley, Enumerative Combinatorics


  • issue.html : hisdir : alice : dispenser for A-numbers [Memo: only use it on public not alice]
  • issue.cgi : cgi-bin : alice : cgi script to issue numbers
  • issue_next : cgi-bin : alice : next free number
  • fooAAA : Mail : list of email messages listing A-numbers claimed
  • up_counter.sh : bin : updates issue_next on alice

Demonstration files (alice)

Programs for changing boilerplate on web pages (hisdir : alice)

  • fix_tail.sh : hisdir : alice : updates all the html files
  • fix_tail_chunk1 hisdir : alice : head stuff
  • fix_tail_chunk2 hisdir : alice : tail stuff
  • fix_tail_chunk3 hisdir : alice : ATT boilerplate
  • fix_tail_list2 : hisdir : alice : list of files to be updated
  • fix_tail_list3 : hisdir : alice : list of files to be updated
  • fix_up2.sh : cgi-bin : alice : updates programs in cgi-bin
  • file_list2 : cgi-bin : alice : files to be updated
  • fix_tail2.sh : hisdir : alice : fixes bug caused by system administrator

Files under construction

  • Submit2.html : hisdir : alice
  • submit2.cgi : cgi-bin : alice

Obsolete files

  • eisonline.html : replaced by index.html
  • eisonline2.html : replaced by index.html
  • SA.html : replaced by index.html
  • SA2.html : replaced by index.html
  • Sref.html : dead
  • Super.html : replaced by ol.html
  • Sword.html : replaced by index.html
  • unsigned.awk : replaced by testterm.awk (see above)

The editor-in-chief

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Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement .

Last modified September 10 18:27 EDT 2015. Contains 261502 sequences.