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Weather Information

Hong Kong Observatory 
National Data Buoy Center - The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), Department of Commerce agency, deploys buoys throughout the world's oceans and lakes
Weather Underground HK - Weather forecast site

Racing Rules of Sailing

SailGroove - rules videos can be found under "You Make The Call" in the right hand list near the top
Look To Windward blogpost
Sailing World "From the Experts" - new articles appear every month or so
ISAF's Racing Rules Page - which includes regularly updated Q&A
UK Halsey Rules Blog

Sailing Related Newsgroup

The Official Dragon Site
The Official Etchells Site
The Official Flying 15 Local Site
The Official Flying 15 International Site
Hong Kong Sailing Federation
Cruiser Owners' Association (HK)
Impala Home Port UK
Hong Kong Optimist Dinghy Association
International Sailing Federation
The Official Optimist International Site
Royal Ocean Racing Club