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Peter Burling wins the 2015 McConaghy + McDougall Moth Worlds

Scott Babbage

Welcome to the International Moth Class Association of Australia website.

The Official Australian Moth Website.

You'll find everything you need to know about Moth sailing and what is happening on the Australian scene. The Moth Class is currently the wow class of sailing with unprecidented numbers sailing at a national level. There are fleets in Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland with a wide range of sailors enjoying their Mothing. Check this site out for news and happenings about Moths in Australia.

2013 Moth_logo

Registration as now open for membership to the Australian Moth Class Assoication for the 2015/16 season. Make sure you are a member of the International Moth Class Association of Australia for your right to be able to sail your Moth in Club, State, National and International Races and Championships. Membership also helps provide support, training, information, voting rights and importantly the class status with Yachting Australia (YA) and the International Sailing Association Federation (ISAF). 

If you own a Moth then you should be a member of the IMCA Australia and have your boat registered with YA. This website and events count on it. Membership forms here:

Saturday, June 20, 2015


To help out members of IMCA Australia get to the Perth Nationals scheduled for January 2016, a travel subsidy will be available to all those members from Interstate entered and in attendance at registration.

$250 will be paid to a nominated bank account before the end of the regatta.

Contact your local Moth State President to find out how to best get your boat to Perth.  Announcements for NSW will be posted in the coming few months.

The Perth Fleet is putting in alot of effort to make this a memorable regatta and I certainly expect it to be one of the best.  Be there or miss out!

Updates are available on the Facebook page:

Also the Notice of Race will be posted on this site soon.

Warren Sare

IMCA Australia President

2016 International Moth Australian Title Championships - 

See the Facebook page for more details here:


NSW State Championships - entries now open. 3rd to 5th April 2015 (Easter) at Gosford Sailing Club. Below is a link to the NOR complete with entry details

2015 NSW States NOR

Moth State Championship Results and Photos


Josh McKnight leads the 30 boat moth fleet at Gosford

Friday 3rd April

Josh McKnight from from the Royal Prince Alfred YC handled the 9 to 12 knot SSW wind best on day one of the NSW Moth State Championship at Gosford on Good Friday.

Josh, who was third in the World Moth Championship in January at Sorrento Vic, posted two firsts and a second place to the consistent Warren Sare’s  (Woollahra SC) three third places to lead going into the four race day Saturday.

Scott Babbage also from Woollahra is on third with two seconds and then a “went the wrong way” 6th in race 3.

Saturday 4th April


Leading lady Emma Spiers WSC cruising on Saturday

Josh McKnight continued his winning way on day 2 of the Moth State Championship with four straight bullets in a 16 knot SE breeze and lots of rain.

The leading moths were literally flying around the course covering the 1.5 Nautical Mile course in 6.5 minutes.

Scott Babbage moved into second place overall with three 2nd and one 3rd place today. There was some classic fast close racing between Josh and Scott. With little difference in straight line speed Josh just managed to make the breaks in each race with superior and consistent boat handling. A picture of perfection.

Warren Sare continued his good form despite one DNF and holds a comfortable third.

The series will conclude on Sunday with three races in hopefully dryer conditions.

Sunday 5th April


Scott Babbage looking for wind or inspiration in light wind heat 8

The Moth’s States ended with a lot of low flying and only one race completed on Sunday. As often happens at Easter the forecast was far better than the actual wind conditions. A test of everyone’s patience the race was delayed waiting for some sailable breeze.

When a 6 knot SE breeze eventuated the fleet was set off on a shortish two lap course. The race became a drifting competition however the top boats still came through with Scott Babbage winning in just under the maximum race time.

Josh McKnight’s 3rd behind Les Thorpe was easily enough to see him take the State title. Scott Babbage was runner up with Warren Sare third and first Master. Women’s winner was Emma Spiers who was a creditable 12th overall. Charlie Wyatt from RQYS was the first Junior and 7th overall.

Congratulations to all the sailors for a well sailed series in a challenging (both light and strong ) series.

The results for series are here.

You can see photos from Friday here from Saturday here and from Sunday including the prize presentation here.


More Articles...

  1. 2015 Ka Sail 82nd Victorian Moth State Titles
  2. 2015 AGM Minutes
  3. 2015 Moth Worlds - Beau Outteridge
  4. 2015 Moth Worlds - Layline Media
  5. 2015 Moth Worlds - Penalty Box Productions
  6. Race Qs

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