Back in the game 

Written by Lucy Macgregor   | 04 August 2011

Much better day 2 of the Olympic Test Event today for us with four wins out of four!

Racing the Portuguese, Swedish, Australians and Danish we again had really strong starts today and we pleased to convert them in the reasonably easy wins. The Russians and Finnish are having really good regattas so far with 8 and 7 wins respectively then it is all quite close in the middle of the group so tomorrow’s final races of the round robin will be critical for the seeding into the quarter finals. We just have three races left starting at 12 tomorrow against the French, Germans and Americans so we’re looking forward to some close racing as we have no major preferences as to who we’d like to race in the quarter finals.

In the boat park its starting to feel a bit more like a regatta now…finally! The RSX men and women start tomorrow which will be good as it feels slightly odd being the only ones racing at the moment. It was the final day of measurement today and the British team look to be in good shape so its a nice chilled atmosphere in the camp!

Unfortunately looks like we might get some rain tomorrow….desperately hoping this isn’t the end of summer!

