Learn to Sail with Miramar

Miramar fun Sail training

Learn to Sail with Miramar


Sailing is in the blood of Brian & Pippa, the founders and co-owners of Miramar Sailing. Both love to sail, and both love to teach others to sail.

They established their RYA Recognised Training Centre in 2010, offering formal, certified sail training in accordance with the RYA Sail Cruising and Yachtmaster Scheme. By necessity, the structure of RYA training courses is well defined and established as it should be.
Formal qualifications are not for everyone however! Some would be, and existing, sailors simply wish to learn the skills of sailing, safety and seamanship, in a relaxed way, at their own pace, and often in their own environment.

At Miramar Sailing we recognise this and offer both options with our own brand of fun sail training as an alternative to our RYA Training. The most significant difference being the removal of the requirement to live on board the training yacht for the duration of a course.

Do we have the right credentials to offer this? We most certainly do!

  • Both Brian and Pippa are commercially endorsed RYA/MCA Ocean Yachtmasters.
  • Brian is a RYA Cruising Instructor and Principal of the Miramar Sailing School.
  • Pippa is a RYA Yachtmaster Instructor and Chief Instructor of the Miramar Sailing School.
  • Our team of qualified Instructors is extensive, and all will deliver the same high standards of training.

The skills and knowledge required to achieve these levels of qualification have been learned over many years of global sailing experience.

Brian, Pippa and their team are dedicated to passing these skills on to anyone who wishes to learn. Is this you?