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Guidance for Competitors and Race Officials.

Under the umbrella of the Racing Charter, the RYA publishes a range of guidance booklets and notes on the Racing Rules of Sailing and the organisation of racing.

The documents are available free of charge and are described below; to obtain a document, click on the associated (underlined) link.


Published by the Racing Rules Committee:

Racing Rules Guidance

This booklet contains guidance notes on numerous topics of interest to competitors and race officials under the following categories: ·

For details of the documents in each category, click on the associated link.

This booklet is available as an eBook from the RYA eBooks app.  It is also available for download as a pdf file, however the eBook version is strongly recommended because it provides automatic updates, ensuring that your version is always up to date.


The RYA Case Book

 Including the abstracts of the ISAF cases.  




Misconduct: A Reference for Race Officials

Being asked to deal with unacceptable behaviour is one of the most difficult but important jobs in our sport. This guide is a comprehensive reference for all race officials, but in particular, judges and protest committees.


Published by the Race Management and Judging & Umpiring Committees:

Race Management Guide

 Best practice and aide memoire for race officers.



Championship Results

Guidance on delivering a high-quality results service at championship events.

Gate Marks

Guidance on the use of gate marks.

 Gate Starts

Guidance on how to operate a gate start.

Information for Observers at Hearings

Guidance for the protest committee about, and information for, observers at protest hearings.

Information to Competitors from the Protest Committee

Suggested texts that the protest committee may want to post for competitors at an event.

Judging and Umpiring

Best practice for judges and umpires at events of varying levels and importance.

Photography at Events

Guidelines for RYA race officials on taking and publishing images of competitors at events.

Race Officials Code of Conduct

Guidance on expected levels of behaviour and practice for RYA race officials during events


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