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BoldChat is a hosted solutions and is priced according to a per concurrent (or simultaneous) login model. Concurrent login pricing allows you to share licenses easily and optimize your deployment across multiple shifts, time zones, or locations. For a customized quote please fill out the request quote form.

Concurrent Pricing
Enterprises can setup as many agents as they’d like on as many PCs as necessary. Limitations are placed only on the number of concurrently logged in users. For example, an organization might purchase 15 concurrent licenses but set up 20 total agent stations. In this case, any of the 15 agents can be logged in simultaneously.
Administrator vs. Agent Licenses
BoldChat licenses are not distinguished in this way. The advantage of treating them the same is that administrators and supervisors count as a regular license and therefore contribute to potential quantity discounts.

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BoldChat Pro
BoldChat Premier
BoldChat Enterprise
iPhone APP
Twitter Management
Live Chat
Email Management
Active Co-Browsing
Remote Control
Proactive Chat

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US/Canada 866.753.9933, UK +44.20.7087.7680, Australia: +61.2.8199.8970   BoldChat on Facebook BoldChat on Twitter BoldBlog  

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