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The professionals at BoldChat stand ready to assist your firm with any stage of your implementation. We take a holistic approach to website customer communications because we understand that they play a part in the larger operational structure of most organizations. We offer packages for basic deployments & training and work closely with clients to structure customized engagements for more complex installations.

Deployment & Customization
Website traffic analytics and conversion metrics coupled with our best practices form the basis for initial deployments and benchmarking. We rely on years of experience and aggregated data from over ten thousand customers to assist companies with pilot or full-blown rollouts. We can provide consultative or hands-on services to help you rapidly deploy a fully customized solution.

Either in person, or through remote sessions, our experts will quickly orient all types of personnel - from technical administrators to first line chat operators. Training sessions are tailored for domain specific implementations (retail sales, vs. financial services support, for example), and include tips, tricks, and shortcuts for all levels of users. Train the trainer programs which institutionalize these techniques are also available.

Optimization & Right-Sizing
We believe that website communications management has a scientific side. The data collected from customer visits and engagements can be analyzed and acted upon in order to improve performance. Through one-time or ongoing consultation, our professional services team will identify your website's most valuable levers and then help you pull them in order to ensure that you are properly staffed, achieving high conversion rates, upselling/cross-selling and maximizing staff utilization.
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Our consulting approach is very different from other market players for two reasons:
  1. We offer professional services to empower our customers to succeed on their own.
  2. We view customer communication management within the context of all online marketing.
We call it the click lifecycle.

The Click Lifecycle
During professional services engagements with us, we will seek data and inputs from all stages of the click lifecycle in order to identify the most impactful opportunities for BoldChat capabilities. We will then plan them, execute them, measure them, and recommend changes based on what we learn. Most of our recommendations will revolve around our own products. But not always.

BoldChat products include all the tools necessary for firms to achieve maximum value and ROI; our consulting services are fundamentally aimed at teaching our customers how to use these tools independently and on an ongoing basis. We do this because we want to build software products that are best-in-class. We believe that to do that, we need to have experienced customers using the products and providing feedback about what new features and functions they’d like to use next.

Similarly, we also think that treating website communication solutions as a standalone discipline does the product and those that use it a disservice. Live chat, inbound email management, and other connection technologies are only relevant when viewed as the part of a larger whole. Whether you are an internet-only business or a brick-and-mortar company with a website arm, those websites are about clicks. It’s about getting them and then making the most of them.
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chat or multi-channel initiative.
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