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A federal judge in Milwaukee has struck down Wisconsin's voter Identification law, saying it unfairly burdens poor and minority voters.
MILWAUKEE (AP) — A federal judge in Milwaukee has struck down Wisconsin's voter Identification law, saying it unfairly burdens poor and minority voters.
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Greg S.
+Bradley Sanders Read the comment directly above your last one - clearly you missed it.
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Federal prosecutors in New York are preparing to bring criminal charges against Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY), his attorney confirmed to TPM on Friday. According to CNN, the charges could come as soon as next week.
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Once again, +Dave T., you're being obtuse. California is now in the hands of a moonbat who subscribes to the leftist chant of "tax, spend, regulate."  And this failed style of governance has driven businesses out of California, whereas Texas has done everything correctly, resulting in businesses going to that state in droves.  At the moment, the Governor of CA is trying desperately to stop the  hemorrhaging, but he isn't as successful as he'd like to be, as is evidenced by the entertainment industry relocating from CA to more business-friendly states.
Your arguments thus far have been nothing more than your typical flailing - amusing, but not effective. 
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At it again!
Republican strategist Karl Rove added his name to the list of critics seeking to unskew a bunch of New York Times/Kaiser Family Foundation polls which showed a number of Democrats in key Senate races running either neck-and-neck or ahead of their Republican competitors. Rove claimed the poll was "badly done." The polls' findings provoked criticism from The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol, among others, who said that the surveys were wrong because...
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Guess it doesn't matter now that the Demwits have lost the Senate. LOL!
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The conservative outside group Americans For Prosperity photoshopped a picture of President Barack Obama and Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) during a visit to a Colorado hospital after the shooting massacre in Aurora for a campaign ad attacking Udall on Obamacare. The cut-and-paste job was first reported by Buzzfeed's Evan McMorris-Santoro on Wednesday.
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The ad was pulled. The use of this photo to make Obama look like he is ashamed and a loser who is hammered and battered over Obamacare is tasteless. The context is the lie they tried to perpetuate with their photoshopped image. They posted the picture from a somber event into a political ad used fur their purposes. Out of context. Seems pretty straightforward to me. Slimy is as slimy does. 
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) got into a tense exchange with President Barack Obama when the president asked her to help set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau alongside then-Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, a longtime rival who did not support Warren's nomination to run the organization. "You're jamming me, Elizabeth," Obama said, as recounted in Warren's new memoir, "A Fighting Chance." Excerpts of the book were reported by The Bo...
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Zul Far
+Timothy Collins You're living in a fantasy land if in mid 2014 you still think Warren will be contending 2016.
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The New Jersey legislative committee investigating the George Washington Bridge lane closures lost a key court battle when a judge ruled on Wednesday that two key figures in the scandal do not have to turn over documents.
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+Timothy Collins we sure would and how is it when Obama can hide his passport so no one can see that he was in pacistan so many times. What is the reason all laws are broken for one man from ILL. ?
He needed a security clearance to get in congress and to see all nsa and intel reports so what happened.
Next why can the oval office be held by someone without a clearance or background report from fbi ? Too many cover he Sadam Husains lost son ? 
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Basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar suggested on Monday that Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling's racist rant is at least partially his girlfriend's fault. "And now the poor guy’s girlfriend (undoubtedly ex-girlfriend now) is on tape cajoling him into revealing his racism," Abdul-Jabbar wrote in a blog post for Time. "Man, what a winding road she led him down to get all of that out. She was like a sexy nanny playing 'pin the fried chic...
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+Robert Nugent I don't think any of the people kicking him out of the NBA need his money. Cool story though. That's the best attempt at finding someone else to blame it on though.
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Dinesh D'Souza is "exploiting" his history of criticizing President Obama in a "baseless attempt to avoid criminal prosecution," federal prosecutors said in a court filing on Thursday.
Dinesh D'Souza is "exploiting" his history of criticizing President Obama in a "baseless attempt to avoid criminal prosecution," federal prosecutors said in a court filing on Thursday.
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Which show that you are brain-dead.
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An Associated Press reporter on Tuesday challenged a State Department spokesperson to name an achievement from an initiative launched under former Secretary Hillary Clinton. Spokeswoman Jen Psaki was discussing the start of the second Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR), a general assessment of the department's progress and opportunities.
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Dave T.
+Peggy Green Yes. Really. Because it was a catalyst for it. I get it. You guys dig the video, but don't fret, I'm sure you can find it on the Internet Machine.

And it wasn't "AQ" that attacked, it was a local militia group, Ansar al Sharia.
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Bill Kristol is at it once again and his latest forecast is a doozy:
Bill Kristol is at it once again and his latest forecast is a doozy: a Hillary Clinton- David Petraeus 2016 presidential ticket. The former secretary of state is perhaps the most popular name mentioned as a 2016 presidential candidate. Petraeus had been mentioned as a presidential candidate before but those prospects sank after an extramarital affair triggered his resignation from the CIA.
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Nah, misspellings don't count.  ::running away::
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Women prefer Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (R) to Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis (D), according to a new Public Policy Polling survey released Tuesday.
Women prefer Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (R) to Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis (D), according to a new Public Policy Polling survey released Tuesday. Abbott and Davis are the respective Democratic and Republican gubernatorial candidates. The poll found that 49 percent of women said they preferred Abbott over Davis while 41 percent said they preferred Davis to Abbott. Meanwhile 53 percent of men said they prefer Abbott while 32 percent said...
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Oh, god! What toilet did old Jimmy climb in from? Lucky for me, I've blocked all his aliases (that I was aware of), so I missed his classic drive-by.
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Things got heated between Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Secretary of State John Kerry today. Watch:
Things got heated between Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Secretary of State John Kerry at a Senate hearing on Tuesday that featured dueling Teddy Roosevelt quotes.
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But ihl
The part he played in the batman,,, great stuff.
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