Amanda Prowse


Writer, Speaker, Voice Overs. Rep'd by Caroline Michel at PFD. All PR enquiries Ambassador

Se unió en octubre de 2010

@MrsAmandaProwse está bloqueado

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  1. ABSOLUTELY! xxxxxxx

  2. OUT in 5 DAYS!!!!! A lovely tale set in Sydney & Edinburgh! x

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  3. You bet! xxxx

  4. ha retwitteado

    I was thinking how does the title fit in. Was even more blown away when I discovered how it does. Brill bk

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  5. Thank you Miss Emma. That means a lot xxxx

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  6. ...squashed into a rainy caravan, playing dominos, eating fish and chips, drinking tea & laughing so much it hurts. THE best holiday ever! x

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  7. My 3yo nephew just pointed skyward. 'Yes, Noah, that's the sunshine!' we haven't seen it in a while! long may it last! xxxx

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  8. ha retwitteado

    For just £1.89 you can help save lives & enjoy a great - pre-order by today

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  9. ha retwitteado

    , almost finished "The Perfect Daughter"

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  10. Thank you Ipek xxx

  11. Thank you xxxx

  12. ha retwitteado

    Read 's blog to learn what inspired her to write & join the fight against

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  13. ha retwitteado

    All proceeds from 's go to & help us raise of :

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  14. ha retwitteado

    I don't have tissues to hand. Too lazy to get off couch trying to wipe away tears and read. has done 1/2

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  15. ha retwitteado

    some job with this book. The facts re sepsis at the beginning of each chapter are very very scary 2/2

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  16. Cant wait AMY! xxx

  17. ha retwitteado

    Ever dream of becoming a famous novelist? Read the incredible story of

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  18. Thank you Fiona x

  19. ...and the sun is out! Grabs child and inflatable shark! Quick! X

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  20. ha retwitteado

    Wow! That is all!

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