Get Equipped

Inclusive Sport Canoeist

We know that many organisations and clubs delivering sport struggle to provide sporting opportunities for disabled people because of a lack of access to specialist equipment.

If equipment does exist it is often old; poor quality; and inhibits the experience of the person using it. Where the right equipment is available,  there is often a high demand resulting in waiting lists and lost opportunity to get people involved in sport.

To address this, the Get Equipped fund will invest £1 million of National Lottery funding in the provision of specialist equipment to deliver sport to disabled people. Building on the success of the London 2012 Paralympic Games, this funding will help make sport a practical choice for many more disabled people inspired by the Games.

Not-for-profit organisations can apply for between £300 and £10,000 of Lottery funding to purchase sports equipment that will help increase the number of disabled young people (aged 14+) and adults regularly playing sport as part of Sport England’s wider commitment to increasing disability participation.

If you are considering applying for a grant we would encourage you to complete our pre-application checklist as a first step. You have until 2 December 2013 to complete your application. To find out more about the fund and how to apply click on the boxes below.