




Question Answer
Where do I find out about competitions?

A full list of competitions and training events appear on the Calendar page.

Do I have to be a member to compete?

To compete in competitions you will have to become a member of the Pentathlon GB. Full costs can be found on the membership page and you can join online.

Do I need my own horse?

Some Modern Pentathletes do own their own horse, however, it is not a necessity as in Modern Pentathlon competitions athletes use horses supplied by the competition organisers. To ride in Modern Pentathlon competitions you will be required to produce a riding competency certificate, the level is dependant on your age group and the competition that you are competing in. These can be downloaded from the resources page.

Who can award Riding Certificates?

Riding certificates can be awarded by any qualified riding instructor. Full details of the qualifications of the assessor are on the individual certificate forms which can be found in the resources section of the website.

Any Youth athletes on the Pathway Programme athlete wanting to be awarded a Junior riding certificate or above must be assessed by the Pentathlon GB riding coach in front of one of the Performance Team Coaches. There are currently three times in the year (the dates are published on the calendar) when this can happen.

Who can award Fencing Certificates?

There are two levels of fencing certificate a Level 1 Certificate and a Level 2 certificate. These can be awarded by an assessor with a coaching qualification in line with the requirements stated on the certificate which can be found in the resources section of the website.

The Level 1 fencing certificate is valid for only two years from the date of assessment.