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MSQ Units
MSQ Qualifications and Units
Level 2 Marina and Boatyard Units
Level 2 Maritime Studies Units, Navigation
Level 2 Maritime Studies Units, Engineering
Level 2 Maritime Studies Units, Fishing
Level 2 & 3: Maritime Studies Units, Boatmaster sector
Level 3/4 Maritime Studies Units, Deck
Level 3 Maritime Studies Units, Engineering
Level 4: Tug Master Units
Personal Learning and Thinking Skills mapping guidance

National Occupational Standards
Series A: Safety and Management
Series B: Navigation and Vessel Operations
Series C: Engineering
Series D: Fishing
Series E: Specialist vessel Operations
Small craft
Exploring requirements for National Occupational Standards and qualifications for particular occupations: specialist maritime shore based occupations, 2007
Identification of national occupational standards for shore based engineering occupations for potential use in the maritime sector, 2007

"Forging Ahead" seminar report, October 2012
"Smoothing the Way" seminar slides, September 2012
"Smoothing the Way: progression routes from various entry points to full STCW certification for deck and engineering officers", September 2012
A Qualifications and Curriculum Strategy for the Maritime Sector, 2010
Maritime Apprenticeship Framework Project, 2008
Consultation on a Foundation Degree for the Maritime Sector, 2006
Identification of Learning Pathways for the Maritime Sector, 2006
Appendix A - C
Appendix D - G
Maritime Sector Footprint Study (a review of options following creation of Sector Skills Councils), 2003

Market Information
Each of these reports was created at a moment in time, so please do not rely on them for accurate, up-to-date, information.
Skills Needs Assessment for the Maritime Sector, 2009
Maritime Education and Training in Scotland, 2008
Labour Market Assessment for the Marine Leisure and Search and Rescue sectors, 2007
Maritime Sector Labour Market Assessment
(covering fishing, ports and shipping), 2005

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