
In the management and maintenance of wind farms weather plays a critical role. The provision of the highest quality weather and ocean forecast data delivered through the precision weather planner interface provides a level of synergy between the user and the weather forecast that has previously been unattainable.

This data provides the user with the highest level of confidence in their choice of variables such as;

  1. Weather windows for maintenance.
  2. Critical weather timing for forecasts in
    • Wind speed (10/50/80 meters)
    • Wind direction (10 meters and hub height)
    • Height of freezing level
    • Temperature (2 meters)
    • Cloud density
    • Lightning
    • Air density
    • Precipitations (including freezing rain, hail or snow).
  3. Accurate hind casting.

Using the very latest in numerical weather modeling techniques via WRF-NMM to produce exceptionally accurate and reliable forecast data.

Display and Weather forecast data

We produce our WRF-NMM weather forecast data twice per day.

Information is displayed via the interface in two distinct formats: maps and meteograms

The data is produced at two levels of resolution.

Both resolutions are produced on an hourly interval basis for meteograms

Fig. 1 & 2 contain the following information.

  1. Height of freezing level (red) in meters
  2. Wind speed at 10 meters in m/sec (green)
  3. Wind speed at 50 meters in m/sec (blue)
  4. Wind speed at 80 meters m/sec (purple)
  5. Cloud cover density
  6. Rain (green) mm p/hr
  7. Convection rain (red) mm p/hr
  8. Freezing rain (yellow) mm p/hr
  9. Snow (blue)
  10. Hail/Ice pellets (turquoise)